It has been my goal to take the kids for a short educative trips in Jakarta one a month. But at the end we were just go to less than seven places.
We've been to Ragunan before, two years ago. But Malika asked to go there again as her birthday gift. And we finally went there with a complete team: ayah, amy, malika, safir, and om hanif.
But a light rain came soon we get into the zoo. Yup, rain has become the other member of our trip wherever we go. It was quite unconvenience actually to have an outdoor activities but there were black cloud above your head.
Before leaving Kalibata, I've prepared myself with lots of carrots, apples, bananas, to feed the animals. I know we were not suppose to do that, but we are not giving them snack, though. But unfortunately I didn't bring it enough because when we have a chance to have a closer contact with zebras, I've ran out supplies.
For me zebra was a magic horse with its stripes so I feel like disapointing them for not giving them the best.
There was one moment that Malika kept telling me everytime we talk about zoo. It was the moment when Safir got bitten by a rooster. Yup, we went to a zoo to see a rooster. Seeing her brother cried, Malika got angry and she kept kicking the cage, yelling "eat this, my shoe!"
We quickly tried to ease her before she really broke the cage.
The kids seemed to enjoy the trip but not the men. Because they were forced to become a 'kuli panggul' for Malika and Safir. I guess, next time bringing stroller is a must.
Other than feeding the pregnant elephant, playing with zebras and I was happy we could go there to see giraffe. Because a couple months after our visit, it died and Ragunan haven't had any new giraffe.
I am hoping that the children zoo would finished soon. Ragunan could be very awesome if it has the right management.
When one weekend Hery said that he need to meet a client in Ancol (because the client is the Ancol management), I asked him to come along. I promised him that we won't bother him. Because we will have fun in seaworld.
But the fact was ... It was hard to take two kids to seaworld.
Because the views were still to high for the kids, I need to hold one of them, while my eyes guarded the other. It was hard for me to take a picture, instead I was just record it. The dark room was also a burden to me because I really needed to sharpen my eyes watching Malika among lots of people in there.
She was so excited because we were just reading book about sea animal and at that time she was busy naming them and a non stop wow-ing.
I finally could ease my nerve when we went in to the mini movie. Usually Malika would scare of dark room and loud noise big picture, but because it wasn't that loud, those sister n brother played happily.
And after a while we cathched their father near the ecopark, and quickly went home right before the heavy rain fell.
The best object when talking about educative place is museum. And the closest museum in the neighbourhood is Satria Mandala Museum. I remembered this when I read that there will be a meet n greet with Shaun the Sheep at Central Park.
Well, because I don't always have opportunity to go out, usually I take more than one destination. That's why I added Museum Satria Mandala on my list. This time I asked om hanif to come because it was workday.
Just when we step out of the taxi, the black cloud had greeted us. I quickly asked the kids to enjoy the planes that parked at the front area. Too bad we didn't enjoy it all because, yes you are right, the rain came down.
due to the rain, we decided to enjoy the inside
of the museum. The adoramas, the weapons gallery. It was quite a dillema when trying to explain to the kids about the killings, the use of guns, the wars ... It was like saying that it was ok to hurt people to protect yourself. Which is good, but I wonder would they use it as a reason to hurt each other to protect their toys.
The museum itself was in a very good condition. At the beginning. But when we walked deeper, there were spot that looked abandoned. Maybe the management are trying to do it one by one. For me, the adoramas was quite boring. Perhaps it reminded me of my study trips many years ago. It was boring, especially when u don't have boyfriend. But the kids seemed excited seeing all the small figures. I just hope there were facilities for strollers. Because it has a couple floor and there were only stairs.
Finished enjoying the adoramas, we arrive at the back side of the museum. There was a wide open space and the planes were parked chronologically. The rain still falled down. And because the parking area was covered by a roof, we decided to hang out there.
Malika was just watching Pororo the movies and there was plane on the movie. So she felt happy finding out the plane that looked almost the same.
It was just planes that parked but we spent more than half hour outthere.
The rain is getting harder and zuhur had come. So we decided to pray first and then hopefully the rain got lighter so we can move to another destination. But it went harder and harder. Because there was no place to get a fine dining for the kids, I said we must get out of here quickly. Om Hanif, with the umbrella, went out the museum, because the building lied far enough from the main street, looked for the cab. Thank God, he could find it in a short time. And off we go.
Everytime we talked about this, Malika always says that she amazed by the mal. For months I tought she was talking about the Central Park. But a couple weeks ago I finally found that what she mean was the building of the museum. U know, galleries with air conditioner inside, that is what she called mal.
And she is waiting for the next opportunity to go there once again.
I was obsessed of going to Monas once again. As a Jakartans I don't have a clear memory of getting there. It was a long time ago.
So during the idl fitr holiday while Hery had back to work, with only rp70000,- in my pocket, and a double fried instant noodle, I brought the kids to Monas.
We went there by cab, the bird one and I spent rp50000,- to pay it.
There were lack of people when we got there. I even didn't know where we supposed to go. My feet got hurt because the day before Safir let my guitar fell and it landed its buttons right on my foot. That condition made me couldn't able to think well. So instead of getting inside the Monas, we were just sitting under the Diponegoro's statue. And the rain fell, what the .... Malika just started eating the noodles but she didn't complain when I asked her to open the umbrella and quickly walk to the Transjakarta station. With twenty thousand rupiahs in my pocket, what can u expect?
Days after that I finally found out that actually there are more economic yet easier to get if its about transportation to Monas. Because at that time, I made a wrong decision taking the bus station near Gambir. It made us went to another sode before we finally get into the Jakarta-Blok M route.
But the positive side was Malika and Safir got a chance to ride three different colour of transjakarta. The first and the second bus were very empty, Malika was able to enjoy the outside view while Safir was busied breastfeed. After we step out at Semanggi, we need to walk very far to reach the other bus stop, I forgot the name. First, I was quite worry that Malika would ask to get carried because she was tired. But what a sweet of her, she was enjoying walking with the long umbrella pretending to ride a horse along the bridge.
It was a long waiting at that moment at the transjakarta station. We were in the middle of the big streets and the glass door stayed open. I need to repeatedly remind the kids to stay away from the door. Especially when it was a rain hard and very windy.
After eating all the noodle, the bus arrived. It was very full. Of course as a woman with two kids, the officer forced a passenger to give the priority seat. He seemed to be forced when he got up. I had refuse it but the officer insist. I know it will harder for me to explain what will happen if I sit.
Yes, Safir would ask for another breastfeeding time. I mean, hey boy, it was very full in here and your sister was barely standing straight. But ... At the end I let the kids sat on my laps, the one enjoyed the breastfeed while the other tried to hold on.
When we were finally stopped the mikrolet at Pancoran, i felt relieve. We will back home soon. And it was very soon because Malika had just close her eyes right before the mikrolet ended the journey. She even closed her eyes again when I woke her up and drag her to come out. Someone need to be awake because we have still a few hundred meters to walk before we get to our bed.
It was like a silly trip. But though we finally went there once again in a normal condition, it was the first trip that Malika kept telling me. It was a moment when she felt very proud of herself not whining during the trip though it was a hard one. Good girl.
After Hery had a new camera, weekend has become a moment to find a good spot to take a picture. So, he became less excited to go to someone else's. That's why I asked him to go to Kota Tua. I think I need more museums to see. And Kota Tua is very easy and cheap to reach.
After getting off the train in Kota, we just needed to take a walk. But I was very disapointed knpwing that the museums were closed due to renovation. So we were just hanging around at the front yard. There were crowds of people. And I amazed on how people use their creativity to get money. The colourful ontels, the human statues, and the kuda lumping show. Ok, the last one was less innovative because though it was traditional but it contain lots of violence. The sounds of the wipe made Malika and Safir stopped. At first, I really didn't want to let them see it but my mind confused of trying to inform the kids about the traditional value or about the antiviolence. But finally at the last moment I let them see it and I regreted it. Never let your kids saw that kind of attraction. Malika got scared while Safir got excited.
Because the museum Jakarta and museum Wayang were unopened, I almost felt undermood. But while we take a walk to find a place to have lunch, actually we were trying to find KFC, we found this place. Waroeng Batavia. It was a place to eat using the old building. We use the second floor and the kids got excited with the big windows and their father got happy because he could have good spots. While me enjoying the food which was very good. Beyond my expectation. I tought it will a so so taste.
That day, the sun was shining bright. But we got very tired because there were too many people around. And finally we took a cab to come back home and we all fell asleep in it.
On one weekend we were bored. Didn't know whereelse we go without spending too much money. And my memory told me one place that we always failed to come. To feed the deers in taman makam pahlawan. It has been a while since the deers never showed up again in the park. But Hery said that those deers has been out of the cage now. So off we go there. I first bought some carrots but I knew then that there was someone who sold it there. And cheaper too.
By using m16, we quickly arrived at the spot. Near the red light. There were plenty of deers and our carrots got quickly eaten. Deers are surely beautiful. Especially when they have horns. Touching the horn felt like magic to me. You know, it felt like touching a tree but it moved.
Safir seemed to enjoy giving them carrots untill they were full and refuse to eat. Malika was busied telling the deer with the horn not to take the carrots that she gave to the smaller deer.
Finished with the carrots, I found out that next to the lake in Taman Makam Pahlawan there was an event been going on. It was heroes day. So we went there because the lake area didn't open regularly. We oftenly felt disapoonted seeing the locked fences after a long walk from the apartment. But at the moment, seemed everything that has been canceled, accomplished. I hope the management of the Taman Makam Pahlawan could make it better. It was a potential spot.
One day, Hery needed to go to Bali and the day he went back to Jakarta I decided to greeted him earlier. Malika tought that she will be go to the museum again and refuse to go to the airport. But I finally 'forced' her to come.
But when we got there I was the one who amazed. The airport has changed. I was very left behind. That's why it took me more than a half hour to find the safe spot for the kids.
The airport surely has wide space but people with baggage were a dangerous traffic for the bouncing kids like mine.
But we got it, thanks for delaying arrival. It was the smoking area where we can see the planes are parking, landing, taking off ... And it was very windy.
After we got home, after a long and expensive ride, Malika finally is able to play the planes toys in an approriate ways. But still she chose the Satria Mandala because she can touch the plane though they are not as big as the airport.
Someday baby, we will get on the plane. Someday.
Fiuuuh ... I guess that was it. These short trips reminds me of what Donna Agnesia said, 'Parents oftenly think too hard about where they want to spent with the kids. While the kids actually just need us to play with them no matter where they are.'
2014? It will be more exciting.
Selasa, 31 Desember 2013
Minggu, 29 Desember 2013
Matikan Lampu, Pleaase
Tulisan ini dibuat ketika saya dan anak-anak menginap di rumah orang lain dan saya lupa membawa lampu tidur. Dan sukses membuat saya tidak bisa tidur. Lampu tidur menjadi salah satu barang wajib bawa jika harus menginap di tempat selain rumah mama. Saya menyadari fakta bahwa kebanyakan orang Indonesia tidur dengan lampu menyala. Fakta yang bikin orang bule bingung. Tapi di tanah air tercinta ini, orang seperti saya yang kemudian tidak bisa tidur semalaman, sayalah orang anehnya.
Tidak membawa lampu tidur jadi masalah karena itu artinya anak-anak tidak punya pilihan selain tidur dengan lampu super terang untuk mode tidur. Terlebih posisinya yang biasanya di tengah atap membuat cahayanya tidak bisa dihindari sama sekali. Anak-anak tentu tidak mau tidur dalam keadaan gelap gulita karena terkait kecemasan tidak bisa melihat atau menemukan Amynya di sisi. Demi anak yang masih suka terbangun tengah malam, maka bolehlah pakai lampu tidur. Tapi ketika tidak ada lampu tidur, itu jadi pe er tambahan buat saya. Walaupun anak-anak cepat tertidur karena biasanya di acara menginap tidak ada jadwal tidur siang dan pol-polan main, tapi kemudian di tengah malam, tunggu saja keriuhannya. Butuh waktu nyaris dua jam untuk membuat dua bocah ini kembali tidur pulas.
Oleh karena itu, di tengah rasa kesal di dada, saya ingin menjelaskan tentang penggunaan cahaya saat tidur. Tentu saja setelah membaca beberapa artikel tentang hal itu.
1. Tidur di Malam Hari itu Panggilan Alam
Yup, saudara-saudara. Tidur di malam hari itu panggilan alam yang salah satunya ditandai dengan gelapnya langit. Ketika langit mulai gelap, tubuh kita pun turut merespons, sehingga memunculkan hormon-hormon penyebab kantuk.
Jadi ketika malam tiba tetapi kemudian kita tidur dengan lampu menyala itu artinya kita tengah mengacaukan hormon-hormon di tubuh kita.
Jika kini banyak penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pola makan dan gaya hidup buruk, oleh sebab itu kita seharusnya mencanangkan tidur dengan cahaya segelap mungkin sebagai gaya hidup keren.
2. Gelap Tapi Terang
Apakah yang masih terang di kala kita telah mematikan lampu? Jawabannya, teknologi. Berapa banyak dari kita yang membiarkan televisi menonton kita tidur? Berapa banyak dari kita yang membuka tablet, pc, atau laptop di samping orang yang tengah tidur? Berapa banyak dari kita yang tidak mengatur lights off di gadgetnya secara otomatis?
Sebagai pencinta gelap saat tidur tetapi suka terbangun dini hari lalu menyalakan gadget, pantulan cahaya menjadi isu bagi saya terlebih jika saya terpaksa menyalakannya dalam satu kamar yang sama dengan anak-anak yang masih tidur.
Biasanya saya akan cari pantulan yang tidak sedang ditengok anak-anak. Atau kalaupun tengah menanti Malika yang suka lama meremnya, saya tutup muka dengan guling dan menyalakan hp di baliknya supaya Malika tidak tergugah dengan cahayanya dan urung tertidur.
Atau ketika loadingnya lama, saya balikkan hp agar cahayanya tidak terus-terusan menyala. Dan betapa terkejutnya saya ketika melihat suami tidur dengan hp yang terus melek padahal tidak sedang membuka apa pun.
Ternyata menurut beberapa artikel, blue lights yang biasa muncul dari benda elektronik memiliki efek membuat orang tidak bisa tidur. Mengorbankan tidurnya. Jadi sekecil apa pun cahaya itu, apalagi jika berkedip-kedip seperti hp beri dan terletak pada jarak 'pandang' orang yang tidur maka itu artinya kualitas tidur akan senantiasa berkurang.
3. Pelor Itu Tidak Keren
Jika ada yang merasa keren bisa jadi orang pelor. Nempel langsung molor. Mau terang kek, gelap kek, berisik kek. Justru yang begini ini yang menjadi pengidap 'silent killer depretion'.
Hormon yang kacau serta kualitas tidur yang tidak sempurna menjadi kontributor besar untuk penyakit depresi. Ingat, depresi itu penyakit. Bukan status.
Maka dari itu tidurlah sesuai adabnya. Bukankah agama menyarankan beberapa surah dan doa untuk dibaca sebelum tidur? Maka tidurlah dalam kepasrahan. Tidurlah dengan bersiap. Bersiap untuk tidak membuka mata kembali.
Lha kok jadi horor?
Anyway, lessons of the day, don't forget to bring your night lamp. =D
Tidak membawa lampu tidur jadi masalah karena itu artinya anak-anak tidak punya pilihan selain tidur dengan lampu super terang untuk mode tidur. Terlebih posisinya yang biasanya di tengah atap membuat cahayanya tidak bisa dihindari sama sekali. Anak-anak tentu tidak mau tidur dalam keadaan gelap gulita karena terkait kecemasan tidak bisa melihat atau menemukan Amynya di sisi. Demi anak yang masih suka terbangun tengah malam, maka bolehlah pakai lampu tidur. Tapi ketika tidak ada lampu tidur, itu jadi pe er tambahan buat saya. Walaupun anak-anak cepat tertidur karena biasanya di acara menginap tidak ada jadwal tidur siang dan pol-polan main, tapi kemudian di tengah malam, tunggu saja keriuhannya. Butuh waktu nyaris dua jam untuk membuat dua bocah ini kembali tidur pulas.
Oleh karena itu, di tengah rasa kesal di dada, saya ingin menjelaskan tentang penggunaan cahaya saat tidur. Tentu saja setelah membaca beberapa artikel tentang hal itu.
1. Tidur di Malam Hari itu Panggilan Alam
Yup, saudara-saudara. Tidur di malam hari itu panggilan alam yang salah satunya ditandai dengan gelapnya langit. Ketika langit mulai gelap, tubuh kita pun turut merespons, sehingga memunculkan hormon-hormon penyebab kantuk.
Jadi ketika malam tiba tetapi kemudian kita tidur dengan lampu menyala itu artinya kita tengah mengacaukan hormon-hormon di tubuh kita.
Jika kini banyak penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pola makan dan gaya hidup buruk, oleh sebab itu kita seharusnya mencanangkan tidur dengan cahaya segelap mungkin sebagai gaya hidup keren.
2. Gelap Tapi Terang
Apakah yang masih terang di kala kita telah mematikan lampu? Jawabannya, teknologi. Berapa banyak dari kita yang membiarkan televisi menonton kita tidur? Berapa banyak dari kita yang membuka tablet, pc, atau laptop di samping orang yang tengah tidur? Berapa banyak dari kita yang tidak mengatur lights off di gadgetnya secara otomatis?
Sebagai pencinta gelap saat tidur tetapi suka terbangun dini hari lalu menyalakan gadget, pantulan cahaya menjadi isu bagi saya terlebih jika saya terpaksa menyalakannya dalam satu kamar yang sama dengan anak-anak yang masih tidur.
Biasanya saya akan cari pantulan yang tidak sedang ditengok anak-anak. Atau kalaupun tengah menanti Malika yang suka lama meremnya, saya tutup muka dengan guling dan menyalakan hp di baliknya supaya Malika tidak tergugah dengan cahayanya dan urung tertidur.
Atau ketika loadingnya lama, saya balikkan hp agar cahayanya tidak terus-terusan menyala. Dan betapa terkejutnya saya ketika melihat suami tidur dengan hp yang terus melek padahal tidak sedang membuka apa pun.
Ternyata menurut beberapa artikel, blue lights yang biasa muncul dari benda elektronik memiliki efek membuat orang tidak bisa tidur. Mengorbankan tidurnya. Jadi sekecil apa pun cahaya itu, apalagi jika berkedip-kedip seperti hp beri dan terletak pada jarak 'pandang' orang yang tidur maka itu artinya kualitas tidur akan senantiasa berkurang.
3. Pelor Itu Tidak Keren
Jika ada yang merasa keren bisa jadi orang pelor. Nempel langsung molor. Mau terang kek, gelap kek, berisik kek. Justru yang begini ini yang menjadi pengidap 'silent killer depretion'.
Hormon yang kacau serta kualitas tidur yang tidak sempurna menjadi kontributor besar untuk penyakit depresi. Ingat, depresi itu penyakit. Bukan status.
Maka dari itu tidurlah sesuai adabnya. Bukankah agama menyarankan beberapa surah dan doa untuk dibaca sebelum tidur? Maka tidurlah dalam kepasrahan. Tidurlah dengan bersiap. Bersiap untuk tidak membuka mata kembali.
Lha kok jadi horor?
Anyway, lessons of the day, don't forget to bring your night lamp. =D
Senin, 23 Desember 2013
the unopened letter
Geachte Mama,
... Talking about you is the hardest thing for me to do. Because I don't have mountains of praise for you without writing all the anger that I feel for you. Because I can't see you like the other kids saw theirs. Because I hate you.
I didn't see you as my mother everytime you looked down on me. I couldn't feel you as a mother everytime you use your hand to hurt my body and your tongue to hurt my feelings.
Time goes by. I am getting bigger, you are getting old. And one day you asked me to shower you because you are too sick to do that. As I showered her head, I saw the collapse of a tirany. And reveal the very beginning layer of your life.
You have the same hurt as mine. Much worse than mine. And it made you build another you. To survive. To give what you couldn't have to the people you love. Your parents, your siblings, and your kids. I feel for you.
And I forgive you.
I am sorry for not giving you happiness to heal the wound. I never give you enough food, enough money, and the top of all not enough hugs. May prayers could keep you save and warm in His arm. in this life, in the other life.
I love you.
... Talking about you is the hardest thing for me to do. Because I don't have mountains of praise for you without writing all the anger that I feel for you. Because I can't see you like the other kids saw theirs. Because I hate you.
I didn't see you as my mother everytime you looked down on me. I couldn't feel you as a mother everytime you use your hand to hurt my body and your tongue to hurt my feelings.
Time goes by. I am getting bigger, you are getting old. And one day you asked me to shower you because you are too sick to do that. As I showered her head, I saw the collapse of a tirany. And reveal the very beginning layer of your life.
You have the same hurt as mine. Much worse than mine. And it made you build another you. To survive. To give what you couldn't have to the people you love. Your parents, your siblings, and your kids. I feel for you.
And I forgive you.
I am sorry for not giving you happiness to heal the wound. I never give you enough food, enough money, and the top of all not enough hugs. May prayers could keep you save and warm in His arm. in this life, in the other life.
I love you.
Selasa, 17 Desember 2013
(my story) Rusunami Challenge: After Two Years
After reposting my writings called 'rusunami challenge', now after two years (yes, it has been two years living in Kalibata City), I feel like to write another rusunami challenge.
Well, there are still people asking to Hery whether he feels comfortable or not living in a small square. Hearing that, I just said, that person was supposed to ask me instead of him. Hery's home is in his office =D
I must say that living alone is like understanding a masterpiece. You need more time to adjust your point of view. And that is what I do everyday.
The Interior Design
Being used for two years, sometimes I hope I could change few things on my interior design, such as the kitchen wall. Because I chose small kubiks-- because the magz said it could avoid flies, but there are no flies on the 10th floor-- it made me difficult to put things on it without making a hole. You know, this handy manny things are not Hery's things. And do I want to do it? No =)
We are still not using chairs =) in this small unit less is more. Especially when you have kids. Every month I struggle to throw things (my things) away just to add a little bit space for kids' toys.
Oh, another one, I wish I chose using an exhaust between my bedroom n kids bedroom. Maybe the kids will want to sleep in their own room and I can have my own bed. Well, Malika want to move to the kids room only if there is another air conditioning in her room. Yeah, maybe that exhaust could be her AC. I don't know. Haven't done it, yet.
The Social
After Malika entered playgroup in Kalibata City, I finally make friends. Yeah, poor me. Before that, I don't really have friends in the neighbourhood. I don't really like spending too much time in the play area. I don't really like to hang out with some nannies. And that things made me have no new phonebook entries for over a year. Lame =).
After having new friends, I also have new customers for my After a while being active in Kalibata City mailing list, I finally serve kalciters. Yeay. Gotta get more neighbours next year.
The Environment
Well, I wish we could use the pool facility but unfortunately it goes only for the Green Palace residents. Couldn't go there without bringing Hery, though. There is another swimming pool nearby Kalibata City, so I must not suppose too disappointed anyway.
After series of criminal things, I try to increase my self alert system. Guess, whenever we are, we should have this, especially when your husband come home late.
Now on, I never let the balcony door open even for a quick leave. I become very sensitive for a fighting noise in someone else's unit. I even saved the security number on my phone just incase I passed a unit and heard someone was in a fight.
Just for your info, reporting a fight eventhough a domestic fight, is our obligation as neighbours. people tends to do criminals during this fight. If you scare, call security. You might save lives.
So in this so called private living, we should urge ourselves to make friends among neighbours. This is serious.
Overseas Wannabe
Living in Kalibata City is like living somewhere else in Australia. Well, because we don't have snow. Sexy girls with bitchy attitudes, gays, illegal immigrants, drugs, drunken people, name it, we have it. Thank God, there are no nightclub here, well, not yet.
In this situation, I just said to myself, this is what really happen outside my home in Tebet. My kids need to be ready for any unimportant kind of temptation. I need them to built their own boundaries for this kind of thing. Or like Gobind Vashdev said, to live like a lotus. It lives on the water but the flower is still dry. And facing this, I keep trying to form the best way to show and to explain it to my kids.
For example, the religious theme that will spread all over Kalibata City such as christmas. Malika keeps asking why there are so many trees in the lobby, in the mal, in every entrance, on tv ... Because I don't have any imaginative answer, I just said to her, 'well because it's christmas.'
And then she asked, 'why we don't have one?'
'because we are moslems not christian.' I don't know whether she understood or not. At least she stopped asking.
well, I'm using the same line my mother used when we were still in holland. Though I Haven't being able to stay overseas,unlike my bro n sis, this things makes me feel on training for that =D.
So, am I happy? I'm happy. I'm happy I still could go to the bookstore as my library everytime I want. I'm happy could push my twins stroller to anywhere in Kalibata City just for sight seeing without dealing with some crazy bikers. I'm happy my kids could still see moon and the admiring the sky. And I'm happy everytime I heard Malika told people how she likes a small house like hers. Home sweet home.
Well, there are still people asking to Hery whether he feels comfortable or not living in a small square. Hearing that, I just said, that person was supposed to ask me instead of him. Hery's home is in his office =D
I must say that living alone is like understanding a masterpiece. You need more time to adjust your point of view. And that is what I do everyday.
The Interior Design
Being used for two years, sometimes I hope I could change few things on my interior design, such as the kitchen wall. Because I chose small kubiks-- because the magz said it could avoid flies, but there are no flies on the 10th floor-- it made me difficult to put things on it without making a hole. You know, this handy manny things are not Hery's things. And do I want to do it? No =)
We are still not using chairs =) in this small unit less is more. Especially when you have kids. Every month I struggle to throw things (my things) away just to add a little bit space for kids' toys.
Oh, another one, I wish I chose using an exhaust between my bedroom n kids bedroom. Maybe the kids will want to sleep in their own room and I can have my own bed. Well, Malika want to move to the kids room only if there is another air conditioning in her room. Yeah, maybe that exhaust could be her AC. I don't know. Haven't done it, yet.
The Social
After Malika entered playgroup in Kalibata City, I finally make friends. Yeah, poor me. Before that, I don't really have friends in the neighbourhood. I don't really like spending too much time in the play area. I don't really like to hang out with some nannies. And that things made me have no new phonebook entries for over a year. Lame =).
After having new friends, I also have new customers for my After a while being active in Kalibata City mailing list, I finally serve kalciters. Yeay. Gotta get more neighbours next year.
The Environment
Well, I wish we could use the pool facility but unfortunately it goes only for the Green Palace residents. Couldn't go there without bringing Hery, though. There is another swimming pool nearby Kalibata City, so I must not suppose too disappointed anyway.
After series of criminal things, I try to increase my self alert system. Guess, whenever we are, we should have this, especially when your husband come home late.
Now on, I never let the balcony door open even for a quick leave. I become very sensitive for a fighting noise in someone else's unit. I even saved the security number on my phone just incase I passed a unit and heard someone was in a fight.
Just for your info, reporting a fight eventhough a domestic fight, is our obligation as neighbours. people tends to do criminals during this fight. If you scare, call security. You might save lives.
So in this so called private living, we should urge ourselves to make friends among neighbours. This is serious.
Overseas Wannabe
Living in Kalibata City is like living somewhere else in Australia. Well, because we don't have snow. Sexy girls with bitchy attitudes, gays, illegal immigrants, drugs, drunken people, name it, we have it. Thank God, there are no nightclub here, well, not yet.
In this situation, I just said to myself, this is what really happen outside my home in Tebet. My kids need to be ready for any unimportant kind of temptation. I need them to built their own boundaries for this kind of thing. Or like Gobind Vashdev said, to live like a lotus. It lives on the water but the flower is still dry. And facing this, I keep trying to form the best way to show and to explain it to my kids.
For example, the religious theme that will spread all over Kalibata City such as christmas. Malika keeps asking why there are so many trees in the lobby, in the mal, in every entrance, on tv ... Because I don't have any imaginative answer, I just said to her, 'well because it's christmas.'
And then she asked, 'why we don't have one?'
'because we are moslems not christian.' I don't know whether she understood or not. At least she stopped asking.
well, I'm using the same line my mother used when we were still in holland. Though I Haven't being able to stay overseas,unlike my bro n sis, this things makes me feel on training for that =D.
So, am I happy? I'm happy. I'm happy I still could go to the bookstore as my library everytime I want. I'm happy could push my twins stroller to anywhere in Kalibata City just for sight seeing without dealing with some crazy bikers. I'm happy my kids could still see moon and the admiring the sky. And I'm happy everytime I heard Malika told people how she likes a small house like hers. Home sweet home.
Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013
(Repost) Rusunami Challenge #4: revisi dan reward
Yah namanya juga mengerjakan proyek apalagi melibatkan orang lain pasti ada aja yang namanya revisi. Kalau ga mau bilang komplain hehehe....
Untuk urusan interior yang tidak diawasi langsung dan kita pun juga belum menempati unit di Kalibata, otomatis review produk baru bisa kita nilai begitu barangnya terpasang. Namanya juga built in. Syukur juga karena aku dan Hery sama-sama berkecimpung di bidang produksi (media), sehingga kalaupun memang ada yang salah kita ga berlarut-larut pengen komplain ke desainer interiornya. Yang penting solusi. Yang cepat juga efisien.
Kitchen Set
Masalah yang paling terlihat di kitchen set adalah, topi bar. Wong kita ga pake topi bar atas usulan mereka, kenapa jadi ada topi bar? Akhirnya tuh topi juga menghalangi area lampu ruang utama. Begitu kita minta dilepas, syukurnya tidak perlu bongkar dan potong yang harus dilakukan di workshop mereka. Cukup dicopot.
Rak piring. Rak piring di showroom mereka memang ditempatkan di bawah, tapi aku minta dipindah ke atas. Eh begitu lihat pas dipasang, masih ada aja tuw rak piring di bawah. Sedangkan tempat rak piring di atas sudah disiapkan tetapi raknya belum ada.
Lemari Pakaian
Yang fatal ya desain lemari pakaian. Aku tadinya kan mau ada model tiang gantungan tingkat (Atas bawah) eh malah dibuat satu, trus penempatan lacinya kebalik pula. Usut punya usut rupanya tertukar dengan unit lain yang berada di tower Borneo juga. Bah. Akhirnya daripada harus rombak banyak-banyak, gantungan baju satu lagi ditempatkan di sampingnya. Jadi untuk baju lipat ditempatkan di rak paling atas dan rak paling bawah.
Kalau soal waktu siy ga bisa dibilang komplain juga, tetapi memang molor dari waktu yang disepakati. Awalnya dua bulan, tetapi sampai sekarang alias tiga bulan lebih belum kelar-kelar. Padahal tinggal finishing ecek-ecek. Tetapi kemoloran ini sedikit banyak bikin kita lega dikit hehehe pas di bulan kedua aku dan Hery deg-degan mau ngumpulin uangnya. Kayanya mepeeeet banget. Eh begitu molor sampai bulan ketiga, aku dan Hery malah nambahin kerjaan ke mereka. Panel ruang utama dan kabinet di kamar mandi. Ini namanya penyakit, penyakit renovasi hehehe.... Dan lagi, melihat tetangga kami yang pakai jasa P*a****m hanya kitchen set saja, belum kelar-kelar padahal sudah 3 bulan.
Yah walau ada yang direvisi, tapi lumayan terhiburlah karena ada bonus-bonus dari mereka yang tidak disebutkan sebelumnya, seperti: kaca film untuk pintu ke teras-tadinya mau aku pasang gorden pita, tiang gantungan jemuran di teras, dan semprotan cebok di toilet-warnanya pink pulak. Lumayanlah....
Yah sepertinya masih akan berlanjut, mudah-mudahan sebelum lebaran dah kelar. Kalau ga, keburu melahirkan di Tebet lagi niy ;p


Untuk urusan interior yang tidak diawasi langsung dan kita pun juga belum menempati unit di Kalibata, otomatis review produk baru bisa kita nilai begitu barangnya terpasang. Namanya juga built in. Syukur juga karena aku dan Hery sama-sama berkecimpung di bidang produksi (media), sehingga kalaupun memang ada yang salah kita ga berlarut-larut pengen komplain ke desainer interiornya. Yang penting solusi. Yang cepat juga efisien.
Kitchen Set
Masalah yang paling terlihat di kitchen set adalah, topi bar. Wong kita ga pake topi bar atas usulan mereka, kenapa jadi ada topi bar? Akhirnya tuh topi juga menghalangi area lampu ruang utama. Begitu kita minta dilepas, syukurnya tidak perlu bongkar dan potong yang harus dilakukan di workshop mereka. Cukup dicopot.
Rak piring. Rak piring di showroom mereka memang ditempatkan di bawah, tapi aku minta dipindah ke atas. Eh begitu lihat pas dipasang, masih ada aja tuw rak piring di bawah. Sedangkan tempat rak piring di atas sudah disiapkan tetapi raknya belum ada.
Lemari Pakaian
Yang fatal ya desain lemari pakaian. Aku tadinya kan mau ada model tiang gantungan tingkat (Atas bawah) eh malah dibuat satu, trus penempatan lacinya kebalik pula. Usut punya usut rupanya tertukar dengan unit lain yang berada di tower Borneo juga. Bah. Akhirnya daripada harus rombak banyak-banyak, gantungan baju satu lagi ditempatkan di sampingnya. Jadi untuk baju lipat ditempatkan di rak paling atas dan rak paling bawah.
Kalau soal waktu siy ga bisa dibilang komplain juga, tetapi memang molor dari waktu yang disepakati. Awalnya dua bulan, tetapi sampai sekarang alias tiga bulan lebih belum kelar-kelar. Padahal tinggal finishing ecek-ecek. Tetapi kemoloran ini sedikit banyak bikin kita lega dikit hehehe pas di bulan kedua aku dan Hery deg-degan mau ngumpulin uangnya. Kayanya mepeeeet banget. Eh begitu molor sampai bulan ketiga, aku dan Hery malah nambahin kerjaan ke mereka. Panel ruang utama dan kabinet di kamar mandi. Ini namanya penyakit, penyakit renovasi hehehe.... Dan lagi, melihat tetangga kami yang pakai jasa P*a****m hanya kitchen set saja, belum kelar-kelar padahal sudah 3 bulan.
Yah walau ada yang direvisi, tapi lumayan terhiburlah karena ada bonus-bonus dari mereka yang tidak disebutkan sebelumnya, seperti: kaca film untuk pintu ke teras-tadinya mau aku pasang gorden pita, tiang gantungan jemuran di teras, dan semprotan cebok di toilet-warnanya pink pulak. Lumayanlah....
Yah sepertinya masih akan berlanjut, mudah-mudahan sebelum lebaran dah kelar. Kalau ga, keburu melahirkan di Tebet lagi niy ;p


Aug 5, 2011
(Repost) Rusunami challenge #3: Finalisasi Spesifikasi
Beberapa minggu yang lalu sempat nengok unik kita di rusunami. Rupanya, sudah ada kabinet-kabinet kitchen set teronggok di sana. Belum dipasang ke dinding, pegangan pintunya belum ada, dan batu granit juga belum. Furnitur kamar dan TV juga belum ada. Mungkin ini kloter pertama pengiriman barang setelah 6 minggu lalu kita deal dengan desainer interiornya.
Melihat ini semua, jadi ingat flash back-nya sebelum akhirnya kita deal dengan desainer interiornya. Pertama kita lihat di display pameran, lalu browsing internet dan majalah yang sudah dibeli sejak tahun 2008. Kemudian lihat contoh unit yang merupakan tempat tinggal marketingnya, lihat internet dan majalah lagi. Baru deh habis itu ketemuan lagi sama agen interiornya yang kebetulan juga ada tukangnya hadir di situ. Dan deal.
Ngomong-ngomong soal finalisasi spek emang ga semudah hasilnya. Kalau lihat hasilnya mungkin akan terucap, yah begini doang aja diskusinya bolak balik...
Kitchen Set dan Meja Makan
Hampir semua display di pameran interior menggabungkan kitchen set dengan meja makan. Ya iyalah, ruang semungil itu ga mungkin pasang meja bundar kan... Dari semua pilihan kitchen set dan meja makan, kami sepakat memilih yang mejanya dapat dilipat. Tentu saja alasannya agar kita punya pilihan untuk ruangan yang lebih luar. Walau mungkin nanti praktiknya tuw meja lipat bakal secara permanen terbuka. So, meja makan permanen langsung tereliminasi.
Hanya ada dua stan yang mendisplay meja makan lipat, jadi lebih mudah bagi kita memilihnya. Kenapa kemudian kita lebih memilih yang sekarang ini? Karena letak kompornya horizontal. Loh? He eh, hampir semua display meletakkan kompornya vertikal. Untuk gambaran, ini kompornya modena dua tungku yang mepet-mepet itu loh. Memang, dengan posisi vertikal, ruang untuk kerja dapur lebih luas. Tetapi ketika kita sedang di show unitnya dijelaskan bahwa, posisi horizontal memang mempersempit ruang kerja masak memasak, tetapi sejatinya akan lebih memudahkan saat kompornya digunakan. Lebih enak masak dengan panci berdampingan ketimbang model paralel depan belakang begitu, kan? Buat aku, itu nilai plus buat agen interiornya
Kompornya pun diberi pilihan. Dia bisa menghemat Rp. 500.000,- jika aku mau menggunakan kompor modena yang bukan model terbaru. Sebagai pengguna kompor Rinnai mah aku ga masalah. Model kompor toh gitu-gitu aja. Yang penting nyala, bukan bekas, apinya bagus. Beres.
Rak kitchen set sendiri ternyata juga harus dibantu display. Karena kita kan awam. Paling ga kita tahu mau menempatkan apa saja di kitchen set itu. Dalam perhitunganku, kitchen set atas untuk tempat pecah belah kering dan pecah belah habis dicuci persis di atas sink, jangan lupa makanan kering. Sedangkan kitchen set bawah untuk tempat panci segambreng, bumbu masak, dan perlengkapan dapur dan makan (pisau, sendok, etc). Terus perlengkapan bikin kueku di mana? Syukurnya si meja makan lipat ini ada lemarinya juga, jadi bisa deh ditaro segala macam cetakan. Yah, oven nangkring sepertinya kalau pun jadi beli bakal bercokol di teras bareng mesin cuci.
Dalam display dan show unit, meja makannya pakai topi bar. Emang sih kelihatan keren, pakai lampu gantung atau bisa buat gantungan gelas. Tapi saran si agennya ga usah dipake karena bikin sempit. Ok, baguslah.
Panel TV
Panel TV termasuk salah satu yang ribet urusannya. Karena secara penempatan itu berada di wilayah main Malika dan calon adiknya nanti. Dengan 2 batita di rumah, tentu ga bisa sembarangan pasang TV. Kalau mau yang minimalis pasti akan pasang TV dengan rak rendah dan rak-rak gantung. Kalau kita pakai konsep itu, bisa cepat bocor tuw TV LCD, atau bisa jadi dibanting sama bocah-bocah. Rak gantungnya bisa jadi pijakan enak buat manjat-manjat. Huehehe.. wassalam deh.
So, kita buat rak TV yang lebih tinggi dari biasanya, 80 cm. Rak-rak di bawahnya menggunakan tutup karena buat segala audio dan dvd player ecek-ecek buat nyetel dvd bajakan. Belum lagi sekat khusus untuk naro tempat koleksi CD lagu, kaset, DVD. Tadinya Hery bersikeras ga perlu pakai tutup, padahal audionya juga touch screen. Alasannya biar Malika ga ngerecokin TV jadi mending audionya aja yang rusak. Bah, orang kaya, bos? Akhirnya pakai tutup dan dikunci juga.
Di samping panel TV itu sejatinya tempat kulkas. Ada juga konsep pasang lemari di atas kulkas. Tetapi sebenarnya memasang lemari di atas kulkas itu tidak disarankan. Pada buku manual selalu disebutkan untuk memberi jarak samping dan atas di sekitar kulkas, kalau dipasang lemari maka akan membuat kulkas panas dan menyedot banyak listrik. Mending berhemat deh. Lagian biar ga penuh dinding sama panel-panel.
Kulkasnya sendiri aku pilih yang satu pintu dengan freezer lebih besar. Aku pencinta freezer memang hihihiy. Dengan dua kamar, emang mau berapa penghuninya siy? Ga perlu segede yang di rumah juga toh. Di rumah Hery yang jumlah orangnya lebih banyak daripada di Tebet pake yang satu pintu. Yeah mereka ga koleksi daging-dagingan dan ayam juga siy hihihiy...
Kamar Tidur Utama
Selanjutnya yang menjadi garapan sang interior adalah kamar tidur kami. Di show unitnya lemari pakaiannya bisa 2 meter, memenuhi satu sisi dinding. Kayanya terlalu besar deh. Lagian aku perlu meja kerja (catet ya, meja kerja, bukan meja rias) Akhirnya dipangkas jadi 1,5 meter panjangnya. Rak gantungnya dibuat dua tingkat. Tingkat atas untuk kemeja, tingkat bawah untuk blus-blus. Raknya ada empat yang terbuka dan satu tertutup yang kemudian menjadi dua laci. Lagi-lagi soal lemari harus ingat-ingat mau buat dimasukin apa aja tuw lemari, jangan sampai ada barang yang ga punya sarang sehingga jadi sumpel-sumpelan aneh. Ini kan rumah kecil...
Tempat tidurnya sendiri mepet ke dinding dengan panel kepala. Ga mau pasang lemari juga di panel kepala karena tidak cocok menurut feng shui. Di bawah tempat tidur ada dua laci. Yah mungkin bisa buat tempat sprei atau koleksi bukuku yang sampai sekarang belum ketauan mau ditaruh di mana.
Di belakang panel kepala itu pintu dan ada sedikit ceruk, akhirnya kita putuskan buat rak seperempat lingkaran dan di atasnya bisa buat lampu tidur.
Rak Buku atau Ipad?
Yup, satu hal ini jadi big deal buat aku karena Hery naro prioritas kelas teri untuk koleksi bukuku. Mauku siy, rak buku itu dibuat ambalan sepanjang dinding yang sejajar pintu. Eh dia maunya bikin rak lima tingkat sepanjang 1 meter dan bagian bawahnya lemari yang bisa ditarik jadi coffee table. Mana cukup buat bukuku? Belum lagi buku Malika. Akhirnya aku minta keputusan, buatin rak buku lagi atau Ipad. Ga dikasiy-kasiy tuw keputusan. Sepertinya bakal ngendap lebih lama tuw buku di kardus dan lemari di Tebet. Yaaaah...
Diskusi Warna Sama yang Buta Warna
Bahan dah sepakat pakai HPL, posisi dan ukuran juga dah sepakat (ada yang katrolan juga siy), nah sekarang yang paling ribet adalah warna. Aku siy ga terlalu peduli sama warna, malah tadinya mau semua rak dan lemari itu warnanya putih biar tetap terkesan luas. Sedangkan Hery maunya beda-beda warnanya. Dan ribetnya dia, mesti pake nanya dulu ke gue... dooooh... What do you expect from a color blind person? Akhirnya jadi lama deh liat katalog warna, apalagi di stan agennya pake lampu kuning, walah tambah halusinasi gue liat warnanya.
So, hasil akhir, kabinet kitchen set putih dengan batu granit hitam, mozaiknya degradasi putih ke hitam. Untuk area meja makan, hijau. Panel TV kalau ga salah ingat putih dengan list hitam. Sedangkan tempat tidur dan lemari pakaian coklat kemerahan.
Begitu dah disepakati urusan warna, aku jadi kena pe er tambahan ketika nanti belanja furnishing interior-musti cocok sama warna lemarinya. Ribet dah urusannya. Kayanya ga usah bawa Hery, nanti jadi lama belanjanya karena musti persis banget matchingnya. Warna warni itu kan bagus! Jadi bisa sekalian ajarin Malika soal warna.
Safety Safety and Safety
Ga mau kalah sama prinsip JK pilih pesawat, untuk urusan furnitur juga perlu tuw 3S. Soalnya punya batita yang doyan manjat dan kilik-kilik ke sana kemari. Kesian kan, dah tempat kecil terus sering dilarang-larang. So, untuk urusan furnitur aku minta semuanya dipasang kunci. Termasuk kitchen set. Apalagi kitchen set, karena tidak pakai pembatas antara kitchen set sama ruang umum, ntar tau-tau dia buka-buka laci pisau bisa horor nanti.
Yang Tertunda
Yah, segitu dulu dipasangnya. Kita masih menunda pasang panel dinding untuk menutupi segala macam pipa karena pipa gasnya belum masuk. Masih menunda buat rak buku, tentu saja. Dan menunda dandanin kamar Malika karena rencananya mau buat tempat tidur tingkat-hanya saja untuk bisa tidur di tempat tidur tingkat harus mencapai usia tertentu bukan. So, bisalah ditunda lebih lama. Satu lagi, kamar mandi. Ini jadi area tanggungjawabku, tetapi menunggu segala urusan kloter pertama selesai dulu deh baru mulai hunting rak-rak besi buat di kamar mandi.
Fiuh... rumah kecil ternyata tidak membuat urusan jadi kecil hehehehe...
To be continued
Jun 25, 2011
(Repost) Rusunami challenge #2: memilih desain interior
Bedanya flat dengan rumah biasa adalah kita ga bisa sembarang beli atau bikin furniture. Segalanya harus dipikirkan efisiensinya, karena kalau tidak di ruang yang terbatas itu akan jadi tempat yang tidak karu-karuan penuhnya. Makanya customisasi jadi pilihan dan karena malas cari tukang, aku dan Hery mengandalkan para jasa interior design yang memang sudah pasang tempat di Kalibata City.
Awal April ini dikumpulkanlah para jasa interior design itu dalam satu pameran. Sebelumnya mereka tersebar di beberapa tower sehingga agak tooks time kalau mau lihat-lihat. Pamerannya di mal Kalibata City, yeah ada mal di sana. Jadi gampang nanti kalau nyari Malika lagi nongkrong di mana hehehe.
Memilih interior designer juga akhirnya aku menggunakan konsep takdir. Satu hari kami keliling pameran tersebut, mengumpulkan berbagai brosur. Tentu ketika mau ke pameran kita sendiri sudah punya konsep kasar tentang mau seperti apa interiornya. Kalau dalam kasus aku, pengen banget mesin cuci jadi satu sama kitchen set, karena pengen balkonnya masih cukup lega. Jadi cari interior design yang ketika ditanya soal itu bisa menjawab dengan lugas hehehe...
Lalu kemudian setelah puas berkeliling, kami memilih nominasi supaya mudah membandingkannya, baik dari segi spek paket yang ditawarkan hingga harga. Lama juga Hery pilih-pilih. Setelah mantap dengan nominasinya, baru buat janji lagi dengan para nominator untuk melihat show unitnya.
Melihat show unit juga jadi bagian penting karena untuk melihat finishing pekerjaan. Jangan hanya terpaku dengan finishing di display. Lebih baik lihat show unitnya langsung karena bisa langsung kita bayangkan tempat kita sendiri.
Kala itu ada dua nominator. Yang satu versi murah dan yang lain versi agak mahal tetapi bukan yang menawarkan harga paling mahal. Keduanya kita pilih selain karena dari displaynya kelihatan bagus desainnya juga karena ada spek rak sepatu. Yup, rak sepatu. Aku tidak suka dengan konsep rak sepatu yang kelihatan sepatunya. Mungkin karena aku bukan shoe freak jadi ga merasa terhibur kalau lihat sepatu nangkring.
Pada hari melihat-lihat show unit itulah takdir bermain. Salah satu jasa interior design malah susah dihubungi. Padahal dia yang menawarkan spek murah, jadi kita tadinya lebih condong ke sana dalam soal harga. Ya sudslah kita ke show unit interior designer yang lebih mahal. Entah karena memang sudah mepet waktu atau karena emang merasa cocok, aku merasa nyaman berkonsultasi dengan mereka.
Mungkin memang kebiasaan para penyedia jasa untuk membicarakan saingannya, tetapi yang satu ini lebih meyakinkan hehehe.
Pertama soal perbedaan harga, karena ternyata ada perbedaan bahan. Bahan yang mereka pakai setingkat di atas yang lebih murah-secara kontur juga mirip tetap lebih tebal, tetapi bukan bahan yang terbagus. Jadi kalau untuk bahan lebih murah alias decosit bisa dipastikan kitchen set-nya kisaran 10-11 juta-tp bahan ini tidak tahan panas. Untuk setingkat di atasnya menggunakan hpl, kitchen set-nya kisaran 14-15 juta. Sedangkan untuk yang paling bagus pakai duco kitchen set-nya bisa 17 juta lebih. Pengalaman sedikit banyak berkutat dengan memilih spek kertas untuk cetak buku, membuat alurnya terasa masuk akal. Kalau dia menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda, mungkin aku akan mengatakan itu hanya menggosipkan saingannya.
Kedua, soal desain. Aku suka dengan penyedia jasa yang bisa bilang mana yang perlu mana yang tidak perlu. Interior Designer yang satu ini tidak menawarkan drop ceiling karena alasan: malah tambah panas karena atap jadi sangat rendah dan ada risiko alergi. Alergi? Iya. Drop ceiling yang menggunakan gypsum pasti akan menghasilkan bubuk. Dan menggunakan drop ceiling berarti menampung debu di antara atap dan drop ceiling. Senang deh dapat penjelasan seperti ini. Begitu pula soal AC. Satu cukup, dalam satu jam juga bisa memenuhi ruangan. Plus, bonus ganti kunci utama. Ternyata ada kasus tukangnya lupa nomor unit sehingga main dicocokin aja ke semua pintu. Dan ada 4 pintu yang cocok dibuka dengan satu kunci. Alamaaak...
Dan hingga akhir pertemuan si interior designer yang lebih murah masih tidak bisa dihubungi . So, i convinced Hery bahwa itu bukan rezekinya, ga perlu dilihat lagi show unitnya.
Kita pun pulang untuk kemudian melakukan rencana selanjutnya, finalisasi spek yang disesuaikan dengan anggaran.
To be continued...
May 2, 2011
Jumat, 13 Desember 2013
(Repost) Rusunami Challenge #1: the goods and the bads
Sebenarnya aku lebih suka mengatakannya flat ketimbang rusunami, karena memancing pertanyaan tambahan-apaan tuw? Dan konotasi rusun kumuh. Well, I must say, walau kecil, tapi beranilah aku sombongan dikit dari rusun-rusun pemerintah di daerah Klender atau Tebet atau di manalah J.
Waktu beli, memang banyak menuai protes, apalagi begitu dengan di lantai berapa kami tinggal. Yup lantai 10 dari 19 lantai yang ada. Bahkan mertuaku pun setelah tiga tahun sudah kita bayar itu flat, baru sekarang minta itu ditukar-emangnya kursi pesawat ya ;p.
Aku memang tidak asing dengan konsep flat, Cuma yang bikin aku kadang ga sesuai harapan adalah-ya ampyuuun kecil amat sih niy tempat. Semakin dekatnya waktu kita untuk menempati flat yang masih kosong melompong, perlahan-lahan aku mulai berdamai dengan area yang mungil itu. Dan mulai mendata, the goods of living in a small flat. Dan memberikan sedikit the bads sebagai penyeimbang.
The Goods
The Bads
Udah ga usah banyak-banyak the Bads, karena intinya, syukuri saja apa yang ada. Happiness itu datangnya dari dalam alias dari hati kalau kata Gobind Vashdev. Jadi kitalah yang menentukan sebuah kecerian bukan materi. J Let’s make a home sweet home.
Waktu beli, memang banyak menuai protes, apalagi begitu dengan di lantai berapa kami tinggal. Yup lantai 10 dari 19 lantai yang ada. Bahkan mertuaku pun setelah tiga tahun sudah kita bayar itu flat, baru sekarang minta itu ditukar-emangnya kursi pesawat ya ;p.
Aku memang tidak asing dengan konsep flat, Cuma yang bikin aku kadang ga sesuai harapan adalah-ya ampyuuun kecil amat sih niy tempat. Semakin dekatnya waktu kita untuk menempati flat yang masih kosong melompong, perlahan-lahan aku mulai berdamai dengan area yang mungil itu. Dan mulai mendata, the goods of living in a small flat. Dan memberikan sedikit the bads sebagai penyeimbang.
The Goods
- Cocok untuk membesarkan batita. Ini berasa banget ketika Malika sudah mulai berjalan. Benar-benar tidak bisa ditinggal. Akhirnya pasang barikade dan pagar yang mengelilingi area main dia. Walhasil kalau kita mau minum berarti harus ke ruang makan dan agak tahan dikit mendengar Malika meratap di balik jeruji pagar pengaman. Mau nyuci popok harus ke atas. Kebayang kalau harus sendirian tinggal di rumah kaya di Tebet. Ruang yang kecil jadi terasa efisien. Biar sendirian tapi masih bisa sambil mengerjakan yang lain. Apalagi insya Allah mau ada penghuni kecil lagi.
- Ga perlu ketemu pengemis. Kelihatannya seperti pernyataan yang sombong, tetapi aku memang tidak suka ketika sedang duduk di teras rumah Tebet tau-tau ada yang ngintip dari balik pagar mau minta-minta. Nyebelin banget. Seperti telah dilanggar hak privasinya. Makanya ga terlalu betah juga main di tempat mertua yang di perumnas hahahaa...
- Ga ada godaan tukang jualan. Aku sih sudah dididik tidak jajan sama orangtua, tapi suami lain lagi ceritanya. Kalau banyak tukang jualan dan Malika nanti sudah agak besar, bisa-bisa ada yang akan nangis-nangis kalau tidak dibeliin dan ayahnya juga sebenarnya pengen jajan.
- Ga ada suara bising bajaj atau motor. Dahulu Tebet jadi area perumahan yang tenang dan enak, tetapi begitu banyak tempat distro gang rumahku yang menghubungkan dua jalan raya jadi jalur alternatif sama banyak mobil. Dan pada g punya manner. Masa klakson-klakson di gang yang hanya pas dua mobil? So, living in a flat definitely bebas suara kendaraan bermotor apalagi kita menghadap ke dalam bukan ke jalan.
- Ada lapangan/taman bersama. Rumah Tebet juga dekat dengan lapangan basket, tempat Malika main dan bersosialisasi setiap harinya. Nah di flat kalibata ini juga ada. Banyak pula karena tiap tower pasti punya taman. Setidaknya ada area yang cukup besar untuk Malika jalan-jalan.
The Bads
- Lagi bayangin kalau gempa. Kalau si janin insya Allah lahir, kebayang turun tangga darurat sambil bawa dua anak. Bukannya berharap yang tidak-tidak, tetapi Jakarta kan memang rawan gempa, jadi memang harus bersiap untuk itu. Gimana caranya supaya tidak panik saat ada gempa.
- Karena hanya terpisah oleh satu tembok, kayanya kalau satu lantai ini sudah diisi penuh bisa kedengeran tuw pertengkaran rumah tangga. Hahahaha...
- Beware of windows. Memang, tidak ada orang lalu lalang di depan mata kita, tetapi jendela-jendela di seberang kita bisa jadi pemandangan menarik. Hahahaha... kalau salah-salah tutup gorden, bisa kelihatan tuw lagi pakai handuk atau tidak. Dan jendela kita termasuk di dalamnya. Apalagi kalau ingat film-film bokep yang ada edisi ngintip pake teropong- halah!
Udah ga usah banyak-banyak the Bads, karena intinya, syukuri saja apa yang ada. Happiness itu datangnya dari dalam alias dari hati kalau kata Gobind Vashdev. Jadi kitalah yang menentukan sebuah kecerian bukan materi. J Let’s make a home sweet home.
May 1, 2011
(Repost) Amy's Story: Aku Ada karena Aku Iri
(tulisan ini dibuat pada Agustus 2010. Masih kerja. Anak baru satu. Dan masih tinggal sama ortu. Lucu juga sbg pengingat ketika tanduk mulai kebanyakan tumbuh ketemu bocah-bocah tengil)
Postingan ini dibuat untuk menjawab postingan Roosie. Well, sebenarnya ga tepat juga disebut menjawab, melainkan hendak menunjukkan sisi lain untuk tema yang sama.
Aku adalah bungsu dari empat bersaudara. Walau lahir di negeri kompeni sana, tetapi fakta menunjukkan bahwa masa pertumbuhanku (dan hingga sekarang) adalah di Indonesia. Iya, Indonesia, tempat orang-orang bekerja untuk sesuap nasi, bukan untuk tujuan wisata liburan tahunan selanjutnya bersama keluarga. Kondisi ini menempatkanku pada status anak dari dua orangtua yang bekerja. Kala itu, tidak banyak orangtua yang bekerja dua-duanya. Setidaknya untuk angkatanku.
Sehingga aku selalu iri ketika main ke rumah teman selalu ada mamanya di rumah dan siap menyiapkan lauk tambahan untuk teman anaknya. Sedangkan aku, lauk sudah ada jatahnya masing-masing karena mama sudah masak jauh-jauh hari dan kalau ada teman mau makan di rumah cukup dikasih telor mata sapi (kebayang donk, aku makan ayam sedangkan temanku hanya makan telor).
Mama selalu menekankan untuk telepon ke rumah kalau mau pergi ke mana saja. Bahkan ketika handphone sudah bertebaran di mana-mana mama hanya ingin si anak yang menginfokan ke orangtua, bukan orangtua yang tanya-tanya. Kalau papaku sebaliknya. Dia masih mau mencari aku kalau aku pulang terlambat--waktu SD. Ketika sudah dewasa, papa biasanya tetap terjaga hingga aku tiba di rumah (walau dia tidak bilang, aku tahu dia sedang menungguku).
Sebagai anak dari kedua orangtua bekerja, aku tidak hanya menemukan bahwa aku jadi lebih mandiri, tetapi juga fakta aku sering diledek 'anak mba' sama guru-guru karena si mba yang akan datang kalau aku sakit di sekolah, juga fakta lain... tidak ada orang dewasa yang dapat melindungi aku di rumah. Harus sendirian berhadapan dengan om-om mesum di sekolah atau di rumah dengan kepolosan anak kecil dan buntutnya masih berjuang mengatasi trauma yang sering muncul terlebih setelah menikah (dan Hery jadi sering korban KDRT karenanya). Aku pun jadi parnoan.
Aku merindukan sosok ibu rumah tangga yang tetap bisa cari uang di rumah tetapi juga membuat kue paling lezat bagi anak-anaknya. Orang dewasa pelindungku.
Setelah menjadi orangtua di kota Jakarta yang kejam ini, praktis aku tetap harus bekerja dan meninggalkan Malika 12 jam setiap harinya. Keadaan ini senantiasa dibanding-bandingkan sama mama dulu. Ya iyalah, beliau bisa kerja dari jam 6 malam dan pulang jam 12 malam dengan gaji lebih tinggi. Itu di Belanda. Lha kalau di sini yang bisa begitu cuma pegawai klub malam.
Selama 12 jam itu, Malika akan bersama ayahnya hingga pukul 2 siang--karena Hery jadi asisten redaktur jadi ga perlu keluar pagi2. Pasca jam 2 akan diserahterimakan ke mama hingga aku tiba di rumah sekitar pukul 7 malam. Dan Malika tidur jam 9 malam.
Jadi kalau dihitung-hitung, waktuku bersama Malika tidak sebanyak ayahnya. Dan itu membuatku iri. Walau aku setiap hari telepon untuk menanyakan kondisi Malika (dan dikeluhkan sama mama), tetapi itu tidak sebanding dengan menyaksikan setiap hal baru yang dilakukan Malika. Padahal sekaranglah masa-masanya. Masa-masa menakjubkan melihat seorang bayi berjuang untuk bisa tengkurap lalu merangkak. Bayi yang begitu antusias untuk menikmati kehidupan.
Aku merasa berbuat begitu banyak karena dasar cinta. Tetap bekerja karena ingin Malika mendapat kehidupan yang lebih baik. Bangun tengah malam untuk perah susu hingga aku jadi kurang tidur. Tidak bisa ke mana-mana ketika weekend karena Malika belum bisa dibawa nonton bioskop dan tidak mau juga meninggalkan Malika di rumah saat weekend karena aku tidak bisa membelikan Malika waktu. Sedangkan Hery, tidak kekurangan jam tidur, jam kerja lebih sedikit, tetapi punya banyak waktu dengan Malika. Bahkan besok dia masih bisa nonton konser Ian Brown dan Kula Shaker.
Aku memang berusaha tetap ada karena aku iri. Walau itu berarti tidak pergi ke mana-mana tanpa Malika.
Betapa aku ingin mengamalkan sharing dari Gobind Vashdev, penuhi tangki cinta Anda. Karena aku tidak ingin mencintai Malika tetapi ingin Malika merasa dicintai.
Postingan ini dibuat untuk menjawab postingan Roosie. Well, sebenarnya ga tepat juga disebut menjawab, melainkan hendak menunjukkan sisi lain untuk tema yang sama.
Aku adalah bungsu dari empat bersaudara. Walau lahir di negeri kompeni sana, tetapi fakta menunjukkan bahwa masa pertumbuhanku (dan hingga sekarang) adalah di Indonesia. Iya, Indonesia, tempat orang-orang bekerja untuk sesuap nasi, bukan untuk tujuan wisata liburan tahunan selanjutnya bersama keluarga. Kondisi ini menempatkanku pada status anak dari dua orangtua yang bekerja. Kala itu, tidak banyak orangtua yang bekerja dua-duanya. Setidaknya untuk angkatanku.
Sehingga aku selalu iri ketika main ke rumah teman selalu ada mamanya di rumah dan siap menyiapkan lauk tambahan untuk teman anaknya. Sedangkan aku, lauk sudah ada jatahnya masing-masing karena mama sudah masak jauh-jauh hari dan kalau ada teman mau makan di rumah cukup dikasih telor mata sapi (kebayang donk, aku makan ayam sedangkan temanku hanya makan telor).
Mama selalu menekankan untuk telepon ke rumah kalau mau pergi ke mana saja. Bahkan ketika handphone sudah bertebaran di mana-mana mama hanya ingin si anak yang menginfokan ke orangtua, bukan orangtua yang tanya-tanya. Kalau papaku sebaliknya. Dia masih mau mencari aku kalau aku pulang terlambat--waktu SD. Ketika sudah dewasa, papa biasanya tetap terjaga hingga aku tiba di rumah (walau dia tidak bilang, aku tahu dia sedang menungguku).
Sebagai anak dari kedua orangtua bekerja, aku tidak hanya menemukan bahwa aku jadi lebih mandiri, tetapi juga fakta aku sering diledek 'anak mba' sama guru-guru karena si mba yang akan datang kalau aku sakit di sekolah, juga fakta lain... tidak ada orang dewasa yang dapat melindungi aku di rumah. Harus sendirian berhadapan dengan om-om mesum di sekolah atau di rumah dengan kepolosan anak kecil dan buntutnya masih berjuang mengatasi trauma yang sering muncul terlebih setelah menikah (dan Hery jadi sering korban KDRT karenanya). Aku pun jadi parnoan.
Aku merindukan sosok ibu rumah tangga yang tetap bisa cari uang di rumah tetapi juga membuat kue paling lezat bagi anak-anaknya. Orang dewasa pelindungku.
Setelah menjadi orangtua di kota Jakarta yang kejam ini, praktis aku tetap harus bekerja dan meninggalkan Malika 12 jam setiap harinya. Keadaan ini senantiasa dibanding-bandingkan sama mama dulu. Ya iyalah, beliau bisa kerja dari jam 6 malam dan pulang jam 12 malam dengan gaji lebih tinggi. Itu di Belanda. Lha kalau di sini yang bisa begitu cuma pegawai klub malam.
Selama 12 jam itu, Malika akan bersama ayahnya hingga pukul 2 siang--karena Hery jadi asisten redaktur jadi ga perlu keluar pagi2. Pasca jam 2 akan diserahterimakan ke mama hingga aku tiba di rumah sekitar pukul 7 malam. Dan Malika tidur jam 9 malam.
Jadi kalau dihitung-hitung, waktuku bersama Malika tidak sebanyak ayahnya. Dan itu membuatku iri. Walau aku setiap hari telepon untuk menanyakan kondisi Malika (dan dikeluhkan sama mama), tetapi itu tidak sebanding dengan menyaksikan setiap hal baru yang dilakukan Malika. Padahal sekaranglah masa-masanya. Masa-masa menakjubkan melihat seorang bayi berjuang untuk bisa tengkurap lalu merangkak. Bayi yang begitu antusias untuk menikmati kehidupan.
Aku merasa berbuat begitu banyak karena dasar cinta. Tetap bekerja karena ingin Malika mendapat kehidupan yang lebih baik. Bangun tengah malam untuk perah susu hingga aku jadi kurang tidur. Tidak bisa ke mana-mana ketika weekend karena Malika belum bisa dibawa nonton bioskop dan tidak mau juga meninggalkan Malika di rumah saat weekend karena aku tidak bisa membelikan Malika waktu. Sedangkan Hery, tidak kekurangan jam tidur, jam kerja lebih sedikit, tetapi punya banyak waktu dengan Malika. Bahkan besok dia masih bisa nonton konser Ian Brown dan Kula Shaker.
Aku memang berusaha tetap ada karena aku iri. Walau itu berarti tidak pergi ke mana-mana tanpa Malika.
Betapa aku ingin mengamalkan sharing dari Gobind Vashdev, penuhi tangki cinta Anda. Karena aku tidak ingin mencintai Malika tetapi ingin Malika merasa dicintai.
Kamis, 12 Desember 2013
Amy's story: Kids & first long trip
End of year holiday are coming out soon. I believe many of you have packed bags to go somewhere far, alone or with your little family. It reminds me of my last trip last mid year when I finally had chance to visit my parents in laws village in Purworejo.
After Hery comfirmed that we would leave this town for a couple days during the long weekend in June, I was quite nervous. Not only because we would bring our kids but also the fact that we would stay in my mother in laws childhome. Well, I have a big feeling that it would not seem like I want it to be. But then my older brother told me, "just pretend u will be going for a field study." I never had a field study before. I studied literature, and places like libraries n book store were my only destination. Then I tried to remember my friend's story when she took KKN back when we were college. From her description, I slowly try to ease my nervous.
But you know, things are going a little bit harder in the reality. That's life. It started when Hery changed his plan to use rent car to go to Purworejo instead of train like we discussed before. Then, he add one nephew to company my old mother in laws during the trip.
On the big day, me and the kids had to wait till midnight to go because Hery refused to come home earlier and that made him very late and the rent car came even more late because he needed to change the car while the traffic was like hell during the last day before long weekend. I tried so hard to entertain the kids because they know we will have a trip and have seen their Amy busied with packaging and other stuff by myself. I even brought them to the mal (thank u God, it was very near) to buy fun stuff that they can use on the road.
But when their father arrived, Safir started to throw up. Again n again. Everytime we put something in, he would throw them out. Hery was very worry and he asked me to postpone the trip untill tomorrow morning. I said, hell no. I'd rather bring Safir to the car now and throw up on the road rather than stay at home and dealing a throw up kid and not going anywhere.
I was sure that he thought I was so selfish. Then he said, 'Let's try until we pick up mom. If he still throw up then we cancelled the trip untill he was doing fine."
I just nodded at that time, because I was very sure that Safir was also in his climax of waiting for the big thing.
When finally the rentcar arrived, Safir still threw up. Even when we were in the elevator. Amazingly when he touch the seat, he fell asleep in a sudden. And never threw up until we came back to Jakarta.
The Pantura route was hell. Due to broken road and their attempt to fix it, our car were hard to move. It was not only boring but also caused problem when Malika was hard to fall asleep in the unmove car. While her brother slept on my lap, I asked Malika to sit on the other lap and tell her stories while I hold her. Just like we used to do on bed. I need her to go to sleep because she was very noisy asking too many question when I too needed a rest. And fifteen minutes later, she fell asleep. Thank you God.
This kind condition, holding two sleeping kids on my laps, was kind of favorite for the kids at the moment. It's killing me but I'd rather take that as a compliment.
This torture, I mean this traffic made us hit Puworejo after 15 hours on the road while normally we could make it for 8 hours. The same hours that we spend when we came back to Jakarta though we drove from Semarang. Oh dear God ...
It has been my big concern to bring various food and snack for the trip. Though Hery said that there were many alfamart in Purworejo but I also remember scenes in movies when people got trapped during their trip and one thing that made them survive was food supply. And this traffic was one of that kind of thing.
Spending too much time in the car, sleeping, were making my kids didn't really want to eat. Especially Safir, because weeks before we go he had ill and his appetite hadn't recover. And I was quite happy when the kids spent their time in the car eating koko crunch or happy tos.
I wish I could bring more foods because apparently things were ... Well .. Not enough. But, we survived =D
This is big, i must say. Though my father used to take us to along road to get into some delicious padang restaurat, we also have bad habbit for that. U know when things didn't run like we expected, we tended to piss off. And it will ruin the mood for the whole day.
That's why I was pretty intense reminding to calm myself. I repeatedly say Strawberry Shortcake's lyrics. 'a little bump in the road, just keep going on, and you will be just fine.' I also remember that if I got piss off, so will the children. Keep positive.
But unfortunately these positivity meet its challenge. My mother in law. Can't blame her, though. She was an old woman. What can you expect? And it got worse when we were lost, well actually not lost but taking the wrong road, the very harder and longer route. And since we realised that we were taking the wrong way untill we finally arrived two hours late, my mother in law kept complaining. And during the road, I don't know how many time should I remind myself. That what she did had nothing different with my father, that's why I need to keep clam. But because I was also tired with two kids sleeping on my lap, I finally said something sharp just to make her stop complaining. Just once. I wish I had my music with me =/
FUN under the RAIN
yup, don't let bad things took away the fun. Though it was not perfect but at least the kids still feel happy. Though it was raining all day since we arrived in Purworejo and we would not able to play on sawah. And we almost ran out of dried clothes. Or even when we were trap in rain while we were trying to climb up Borobudur and finally got on top totally wet. Or when the rain fell down too in Semarang and I was failed to visit the largest mosque and the tionghoa mosque. We were still having fun. What else can we do, right?
And what make it special, this was my first and last trip with my mother in law because a month later she passed away. And she closed her eyes with the memory of Malika singing 'naik delman' over and over again when we were on delman in Borobudur. Thank you for the opportunity, God.
(Repost) My story: Writing, here n there
(as written on my fb's note)
These last two months I've been busy with a fun stuff called blog competition or writing contest. I just found out that there were plenty of writing competition information, online! Where have I been before, duh?
But the thing is, being a part in a writing competition means showing other people how cheesy u are. In my own opinion, really. I don't know why I felt embarassed thinking what would my friends say after reading some of my commercials writings. That is why I was kind of holding my self whenever the publisher I used to work with (as a permanent employee) held a writing competition. I was scared to win. Ok, that one is stupid. I know.
Ever since I found a site full of the information, and I was kind of need money (who doesn't), I felt that this is a very fun distraction. I mean, there is nothing wrong with writing something. Well if I want to write something bad, I've bought an old school diary for that. (someone tought I talk too much to the socmed). So here I am, being a bounty hunter, at least I did it by myself. Unlike many moms who put their kids into too many competitions.
But the problem is a blog competition needs a blog platform. Since multiply passed away, I don't really want to have another blog to write things other than a note in fb. It's not fun when u put the same writings in different sources. But for this thing, I really need a blog. Then I remember that I do have one. The blogspot. At first, I want to use it to migrate the whole writings in my multiply. But now, it has its own purpose, a contest blog.
Eventhough I will share my blog update in fb or twitter, but I don't feel that embarassed anymore. I don't know why (lol).
Then I remembered my article spot in my site After joining @Emak2Blogger I felt the urge to share an update at least every week. So, I started to write for about my cooking n business experience, in bahasa Indonesia. While my fb note is going to give u stories about me as a person and a mother. In english, because I need to write in english. And my is going show u about me talking things other than me and wishing it would make me win prizes =D
and i never stop looking places where I can write even more.
Enjoy the stories, guys and don't forget, eat cupcakes =)
These last two months I've been busy with a fun stuff called blog competition or writing contest. I just found out that there were plenty of writing competition information, online! Where have I been before, duh?
But the thing is, being a part in a writing competition means showing other people how cheesy u are. In my own opinion, really. I don't know why I felt embarassed thinking what would my friends say after reading some of my commercials writings. That is why I was kind of holding my self whenever the publisher I used to work with (as a permanent employee) held a writing competition. I was scared to win. Ok, that one is stupid. I know.
Ever since I found a site full of the information, and I was kind of need money (who doesn't), I felt that this is a very fun distraction. I mean, there is nothing wrong with writing something. Well if I want to write something bad, I've bought an old school diary for that. (someone tought I talk too much to the socmed). So here I am, being a bounty hunter, at least I did it by myself. Unlike many moms who put their kids into too many competitions.
But the problem is a blog competition needs a blog platform. Since multiply passed away, I don't really want to have another blog to write things other than a note in fb. It's not fun when u put the same writings in different sources. But for this thing, I really need a blog. Then I remember that I do have one. The blogspot. At first, I want to use it to migrate the whole writings in my multiply. But now, it has its own purpose, a contest blog.
Eventhough I will share my blog update in fb or twitter, but I don't feel that embarassed anymore. I don't know why (lol).
Then I remembered my article spot in my site After joining @Emak2Blogger I felt the urge to share an update at least every week. So, I started to write for about my cooking n business experience, in bahasa Indonesia. While my fb note is going to give u stories about me as a person and a mother. In english, because I need to write in english. And my is going show u about me talking things other than me and wishing it would make me win prizes =D
and i never stop looking places where I can write even more.
Enjoy the stories, guys and don't forget, eat cupcakes =)
Nov 27
(Repost) amy's story: back to istigfar
(As written in my fb's note)
Wow, lots of months has passed with nothing I've written in this note. Busy, is the only reason. And thank God I still have things to get busy with.
Well another amy's story but almost the same topics. As u might read, I have problems in controlling my emotions when facing my kids especially when they are trying to get emotionally smarter.
A couple weeks ago was nightmares for the three of us, I suppose. It has been quite a long time since I got that mad the last time. I was kind of mark it on the calendar so I can make my own grow chart. At the end, I prefer locking myself in my room and trying so hard to think what I have done wrongs. Is it the gadget, is it the lack of sleep, is it about lack of me time ... Lots of things had happened and these objects circuling my head like an evil carrousel, but then suddenly I stop thinking and let my lips whispering 'astagfirullah hal 'adziim'.
I remember reading a book for Malika n Safir that said that everytime u've done bad things, say 'astagfirullah hal 'adziim'.
Kind of lame? Yeah, maybe. Because I actually not that kind of person. I might say 'pardon me', 'excuse me', 'thank you' to all people from the cleaning service till the CEO, but I don't do that to God. I'm not a person who continuosly say 'subhanallah' everytime I got amaze, I don't say 'alhamdulillah' out loud whenever I got a seat in a bus or train, I just don't do that. Not because I don't respect God (Ieven don't say Allah out loud), but I feel a tense of riya whenever I try to do this. So, when I got so tense with the kids, it was that moment that making me want to say istigfar many times.
When I was in highschool, I used to zikr on my way to school or before I got to bed. That was a long long time ago, and I think the magic has slowly fade away. That's why I felt powerless.
I remember smiling when my late mother in law continuosly said basmalah when we want to cross the street. It was like hearing someone starting his car engine but never really hit it so it will sound like a bad 'ngik ngik'. But then I remember one of my friend story about an old and a maulana, this old man said his pray in a absolutely wrong pronounciation but end up walking on water, while the maulana couldn't do it even he say it fluently. God knows best.
At the bottom line, I just want to say we might not be a perfect parents, but let our religion makes it perfect. So keep close to God, everybody. And your family will be protected.
Have a nice day and eat cupcakes =)
Wow, lots of months has passed with nothing I've written in this note. Busy, is the only reason. And thank God I still have things to get busy with.
Well another amy's story but almost the same topics. As u might read, I have problems in controlling my emotions when facing my kids especially when they are trying to get emotionally smarter.
A couple weeks ago was nightmares for the three of us, I suppose. It has been quite a long time since I got that mad the last time. I was kind of mark it on the calendar so I can make my own grow chart. At the end, I prefer locking myself in my room and trying so hard to think what I have done wrongs. Is it the gadget, is it the lack of sleep, is it about lack of me time ... Lots of things had happened and these objects circuling my head like an evil carrousel, but then suddenly I stop thinking and let my lips whispering 'astagfirullah hal 'adziim'.
I remember reading a book for Malika n Safir that said that everytime u've done bad things, say 'astagfirullah hal 'adziim'.
Kind of lame? Yeah, maybe. Because I actually not that kind of person. I might say 'pardon me', 'excuse me', 'thank you' to all people from the cleaning service till the CEO, but I don't do that to God. I'm not a person who continuosly say 'subhanallah' everytime I got amaze, I don't say 'alhamdulillah' out loud whenever I got a seat in a bus or train, I just don't do that. Not because I don't respect God (Ieven don't say Allah out loud), but I feel a tense of riya whenever I try to do this. So, when I got so tense with the kids, it was that moment that making me want to say istigfar many times.
When I was in highschool, I used to zikr on my way to school or before I got to bed. That was a long long time ago, and I think the magic has slowly fade away. That's why I felt powerless.
I remember smiling when my late mother in law continuosly said basmalah when we want to cross the street. It was like hearing someone starting his car engine but never really hit it so it will sound like a bad 'ngik ngik'. But then I remember one of my friend story about an old and a maulana, this old man said his pray in a absolutely wrong pronounciation but end up walking on water, while the maulana couldn't do it even he say it fluently. God knows best.
At the bottom line, I just want to say we might not be a perfect parents, but let our religion makes it perfect. So keep close to God, everybody. And your family will be protected.
Have a nice day and eat cupcakes =)
Sep 20
(Repost) my story: World Book Day, when books mean the world
Hei, it's world book day now, and I haven't prepare any kind of cupcake version due to this day. But, after reading my friend's note, Shinta, I realized that this is not about cupcake, it's the power of stories.
As the baby in the family with three older siblings, I barely have original idea about books. But the four of us grew up with stories from Enid Blyton. She is a truly legend for me. Even now, I gave my kids stories about Noddy.
My mom said that the love of books comes from my father. Though my mom always becomes the smartest in class but surprisingly she doesn't like books. She only read academic books. That's what I call a boring nerd. While my father likes to spend much money on books. We have a giant closet full of my father's books. While each of his kids have their own books closet. There were times when my brothers and sister competing on collecting books. Me, of course, become the one who enjoy it. When I came to my sister room, I would find some feminist books, any kind of detective stories. When I went to my brothers room, there will be lots of strips, from europe, us, japan, china. So, I didn't contribute much on that thing.
Looking at shelves full of books for me it's like looking at a treasure. I remember one moment when I was a very little kid, my mom took me to a place where books were surrounding me. Where the giant shelves made a path for me. It was like in a heaven labyrinth. Many years after that, when I was in college, I coincidently back to that place. It was Erasmus Huis library. My favorite place when I was studying dutch linguistic at UI.
I love library. When I was at SMP, I usually go to the library to borrow some books and then quickly went out to hang out with my other friends. Well, you know, you need to keep your existence at school. I kept the books to read back home. And that time, since there were lack of appropriate books for teenage like me, oftenly I read books written by Mira W, S Mara GD which were actually writers for adults. I kind of dissapointed but I read it anyway.
When I was in high school, I didn't interested on the school library so I went to National Library, just to read more about Kahlil Gibran. But when I entered campus, studied literature, I feel like in a playground. A place where only books that you talked about. A class where you brought novels and comics as your academic books. A test where you should read lots of novels to answer the questions. A travel of education when you skip the class to go to book fairs and buy lots of unpopular books.
I once said since I love books very much, I don't mind working as a person who put plastic cover on books. But God gave me more, seven years working as an editor in a publisher, and most of my money came from words that I made via computer.
I have a feeling that book is my omen. There was once I try to look something interesting in my father's book shelves, my heart beated so fast, and finally I found one book called, Bhagavad Gita. When I open the first page, it was written: gefeliciteerd voor de geboorte van Hasanah Putri Melati. Congratulation for the birth of Hasanah Putri Melati. Who was on earth giving Bhagavad Gita to a baby? But it reminds me to give my kids an everlasting book, as a legacy, other than AlQuran of course. A book that speaks of my love, my dreams, courage and hope for them.
I still hang a dream to become a famous writer (among other famous things that I want to be). Maybe someday. And may those day come closer and faster =)
Have fun reading books, everybody.
As the baby in the family with three older siblings, I barely have original idea about books. But the four of us grew up with stories from Enid Blyton. She is a truly legend for me. Even now, I gave my kids stories about Noddy.
My mom said that the love of books comes from my father. Though my mom always becomes the smartest in class but surprisingly she doesn't like books. She only read academic books. That's what I call a boring nerd. While my father likes to spend much money on books. We have a giant closet full of my father's books. While each of his kids have their own books closet. There were times when my brothers and sister competing on collecting books. Me, of course, become the one who enjoy it. When I came to my sister room, I would find some feminist books, any kind of detective stories. When I went to my brothers room, there will be lots of strips, from europe, us, japan, china. So, I didn't contribute much on that thing.
Looking at shelves full of books for me it's like looking at a treasure. I remember one moment when I was a very little kid, my mom took me to a place where books were surrounding me. Where the giant shelves made a path for me. It was like in a heaven labyrinth. Many years after that, when I was in college, I coincidently back to that place. It was Erasmus Huis library. My favorite place when I was studying dutch linguistic at UI.
I love library. When I was at SMP, I usually go to the library to borrow some books and then quickly went out to hang out with my other friends. Well, you know, you need to keep your existence at school. I kept the books to read back home. And that time, since there were lack of appropriate books for teenage like me, oftenly I read books written by Mira W, S Mara GD which were actually writers for adults. I kind of dissapointed but I read it anyway.
When I was in high school, I didn't interested on the school library so I went to National Library, just to read more about Kahlil Gibran. But when I entered campus, studied literature, I feel like in a playground. A place where only books that you talked about. A class where you brought novels and comics as your academic books. A test where you should read lots of novels to answer the questions. A travel of education when you skip the class to go to book fairs and buy lots of unpopular books.
I once said since I love books very much, I don't mind working as a person who put plastic cover on books. But God gave me more, seven years working as an editor in a publisher, and most of my money came from words that I made via computer.
I have a feeling that book is my omen. There was once I try to look something interesting in my father's book shelves, my heart beated so fast, and finally I found one book called, Bhagavad Gita. When I open the first page, it was written: gefeliciteerd voor de geboorte van Hasanah Putri Melati. Congratulation for the birth of Hasanah Putri Melati. Who was on earth giving Bhagavad Gita to a baby? But it reminds me to give my kids an everlasting book, as a legacy, other than AlQuran of course. A book that speaks of my love, my dreams, courage and hope for them.
I still hang a dream to become a famous writer (among other famous things that I want to be). Maybe someday. And may those day come closer and faster =)
Have fun reading books, everybody.
Apr 23
(Repost) Amy's story: Adaptation
I really want to write about this after I had a little bit rough discussion with a friend who is also a mom but avoid to meet her almost 1 year old kid with mine because of the pollution. Actually I want to make the argument longer by saying things like the pollutant in Kalibata is not as thick as Tj. Priok, I believe. I mean I'm not living in an industrial area. But, I prefer saying it here rather than in her status =D
No, actually this kind of thing makes me think twice. When I try to move a little backward then I will see that my friend consideration was fit to her. I mean she is not really a Jakartans and thinks that her campus is the center of civilitation, so I guess I should understand her uncovenience of things. When she said she doesn't want to make her baby uncomfortable, I believe it was her who feel uncomfortable. hey, my brother took his 9 months baby from indonesia all the way to england in a 16 hours flight.
To be able to adapt is every parents homework for their kids. If the parents feel fine, so does the kids. Well not every adaptation runs smooth, but you can through this, together.
Me my self is a kind of person who have a kind of level of insecure. I have problems with small area n crowded people inside it. So, I prefer getting on a cab rather than getting on somebody's livina with more than 10 peeps on it. That's why I don't really like a crowded neighbourhood. So when we attended arisan at north jakarta, I prepared myself a number of drinks. Because I know, the kids won't eat a thing due to the heat, the noisy, and all the 'sumpek' things. If it is important then u should attend it, I mean you can't say: i don't want to come to ur house because it's tiny and has no airconditioner. And you will never know what to prepared untill u really doing it.
For example when the first time Malika went to Bandung, she was still 4 months old. We were using office car and then a travel car to come back home. A day later, Malika cried all the time. At that day, we realized that a baby should have a massage after having a long travel especially when she was only on my arms during the road. Did I refuse to come to Bandung? No. I still did. And finally we have a better option to go there. By train. Because Malika oftenly throw up when using a travel car. U see? Small area, lots of people. That was my problem =D.
When Malika had a baby brother it took a long time for her to adapt. Especially we were moving in to the apartment just a month later. She didn't say she doesn't like her brother nor the house, when she could hardly sleep tight untill morning. Whining all the time. But did we move back to Tebet? No. at this situation, hugs and comforted words are really helpful. Though, it took me quite a while before realizing it.
I remember one of Oprah show's about a dwarf family. Even they have their own house, they didn't design it in their standard. They were using normal standard. The father said that the reality out there is everything is normal standard, so they need to learn it first at home. That was bold for me.
It's like when u say to your kids, don't run or you will fall. I'd rather say, run and then u will learn not to fall, hard. But that's me. Because every kids are unique, then it makes every parents are unique. Enjoy the life lessons, parents =)
(as written on my fb's note March 16th)
No, actually this kind of thing makes me think twice. When I try to move a little backward then I will see that my friend consideration was fit to her. I mean she is not really a Jakartans and thinks that her campus is the center of civilitation, so I guess I should understand her uncovenience of things. When she said she doesn't want to make her baby uncomfortable, I believe it was her who feel uncomfortable. hey, my brother took his 9 months baby from indonesia all the way to england in a 16 hours flight.
To be able to adapt is every parents homework for their kids. If the parents feel fine, so does the kids. Well not every adaptation runs smooth, but you can through this, together.
Me my self is a kind of person who have a kind of level of insecure. I have problems with small area n crowded people inside it. So, I prefer getting on a cab rather than getting on somebody's livina with more than 10 peeps on it. That's why I don't really like a crowded neighbourhood. So when we attended arisan at north jakarta, I prepared myself a number of drinks. Because I know, the kids won't eat a thing due to the heat, the noisy, and all the 'sumpek' things. If it is important then u should attend it, I mean you can't say: i don't want to come to ur house because it's tiny and has no airconditioner. And you will never know what to prepared untill u really doing it.
For example when the first time Malika went to Bandung, she was still 4 months old. We were using office car and then a travel car to come back home. A day later, Malika cried all the time. At that day, we realized that a baby should have a massage after having a long travel especially when she was only on my arms during the road. Did I refuse to come to Bandung? No. I still did. And finally we have a better option to go there. By train. Because Malika oftenly throw up when using a travel car. U see? Small area, lots of people. That was my problem =D.
When Malika had a baby brother it took a long time for her to adapt. Especially we were moving in to the apartment just a month later. She didn't say she doesn't like her brother nor the house, when she could hardly sleep tight untill morning. Whining all the time. But did we move back to Tebet? No. at this situation, hugs and comforted words are really helpful. Though, it took me quite a while before realizing it.
I remember one of Oprah show's about a dwarf family. Even they have their own house, they didn't design it in their standard. They were using normal standard. The father said that the reality out there is everything is normal standard, so they need to learn it first at home. That was bold for me.
It's like when u say to your kids, don't run or you will fall. I'd rather say, run and then u will learn not to fall, hard. But that's me. Because every kids are unique, then it makes every parents are unique. Enjoy the life lessons, parents =)
(as written on my fb's note March 16th)
Rabu, 11 Desember 2013
(Repost) Amy's story: Mainan sebagai Alat Negosiasi
Hari Minggu kemarin akhirnya aku bisa mewujudkan keinginanku utk mengikuti setidaknya satu seminar Parenthink bersama Mona Ratuliu dan Om Toge. Walau kemudian terjadi kerusuhan yg.menyebabkan Amy keluar ruangan sebelum acara usai, setidaknya materinya telah rampung dibicarakan dan tengah beralih ke sesi tanya jawab.
Eits, whait a minute, why am I writing in Bahasa Indonesia. OK, let's continue.
Well anyway there was one interested thing. The statement that a kid own his toy completely. It's his right wether he want to lend it or not to his friend. It was the borrower who needed to do something to get the owner permission.
It makes me wonder, how could it be. But at the same time, Om Toge is right. Then I remember when Malika want to play a toy that was in Safir's hand. She was not allowed to grab it just like that. I ask her to find another toy as a substitute toy for Safir. Usually this trick will work just fine.
Maybe I can use this trick whenever we went to other kids home. Well, I was one who don't want to bring Malika's toys because she won't play it anyway-she will be more interested on other kids toys. Just like any other kids, you know grass next door is greener? So I guess, from now on I should bring her toys. Not to show off, but so she can use it herself or as a negotiation tools whenever she wants to borrow other kids toys.
Alrite then, need to hurry up to get Malika from her school. Smile everyone ...
(as written on my fb's note March 11th)
Eits, whait a minute, why am I writing in Bahasa Indonesia. OK, let's continue.
Well anyway there was one interested thing. The statement that a kid own his toy completely. It's his right wether he want to lend it or not to his friend. It was the borrower who needed to do something to get the owner permission.
It makes me wonder, how could it be. But at the same time, Om Toge is right. Then I remember when Malika want to play a toy that was in Safir's hand. She was not allowed to grab it just like that. I ask her to find another toy as a substitute toy for Safir. Usually this trick will work just fine.
Maybe I can use this trick whenever we went to other kids home. Well, I was one who don't want to bring Malika's toys because she won't play it anyway-she will be more interested on other kids toys. Just like any other kids, you know grass next door is greener? So I guess, from now on I should bring her toys. Not to show off, but so she can use it herself or as a negotiation tools whenever she wants to borrow other kids toys.
Alrite then, need to hurry up to get Malika from her school. Smile everyone ...
(as written on my fb's note March 11th)
(Repost) Amy's stOry: Raising Right Handed Child(ren)
I’m a left handed, I know many friends have known that. But will I have a left handed child/ren? I’m not quite sure, yet. Well, it’s because when you’re a left handed, it seems people will blaming you if your kid is a left handed too. Maybe that’s just my prejudice.
When I feed my kids with my left hand because I’m a clumsy mom and feeding two kids who are running around definitely will cause a chaos of food, some people will tease me, “What? You’re feeding your kids with your left hand?” Usually I would answer, “Well, both of my parents are right handed, but I’m a left handed anyway.”
It seems that if your parents are right handed, it means it has something to do with genetics and how your brain work first. But if you have a left handed parent and you are a left handed, it means your parent had teached you bad. Or maybe I was just making it too serious... hahaha I don’t know. Maybe I just got annoyed when my father asked me to use right hand when feeding the kids. It’s only a matter of esthetics, please.
When Malika was in her first year, she would use her left hand to draw only when I’m the one who draw first. If it was her father, then she would use her right hand. One day, I told her, while she holding her pencil with her left hand. “You don’t have to use your left hand, if you feel hard to do it. You may use your right hand.” I said that because I know she could hold her pencil better when using her right hand. After I said that, instantly she removed the pencil to her right hand. Until now.
For moral matters, I oftenly forgot hohoho... Maybe because my brain defines a left hand is a normal hand, so I don’t give Malika or Safir a reminder to take or give something to or from someone else with their right hands. And usually, people would say to them, “Where is your nice hand?” and I would correct them right away, “Where is your RIGHT hand?”
Using the symptoms of nice hand, is for me a little bit annoying. I’m offenced. If your left hand is a bad hand then why God create it? Why don’t we all cut our left hands?
My dad said that your lefthand contains antiseptic that’s why it’s job is to wipe your poo poo from your vitals. While your right hand contains .. mm .. I forgot, well it’s something that help the food to rot faster. That’s why you use your right hand to eat.
But I’m sorry papa, I wipes my poo poo with my right hand, so ... hmmm ... hehehe.... I can’t do it with my left hand. I would fell. Seriously.
Anyway, enough with the poo poo. All I’m trying to say is, there’s nothing wrong with being a left handed from a left handed parent. I guess, i have to say it to my self. Overreact hehehe ...
(as written on my fb's note, Jan 26th)
(Repost): Theme of the year, action!
After years of being pregnant, deliver babies, and nurturing them in their first years, now it's about time for me to get back to the market.
No, I'm not going to sell myself. I'm trying to market my capability as an editor, as a writer, as a translator, and a cake maker. And I need to market it seriously.
if you read Ollie Salsabila's Yes, You Can you will find that in order to act you need to make plan. Last years I do have plans. Big plans but never made it to details and in the end those plans were still plans.
A couple weeks ago I was starting detailing my plans. They are only a couple lines of sentences, but to make it happen took days. I guess I need to speed up. Stay focus, girl.
My mom asked me one time, 'do ur husband not giving u enough money? Why do u have to put lots of efforts to make money?'
That question was kind of surprise me hearing it from my mom. Well, she was herself a carrer woman, an independent woman.
I told her that it's not because he didn't give me lots of money, but I'm the one who want lots of things. After expencing all of my saving last years made me feel awfull not having my own money to have fun. I'm not really a spender, really! But I like to buy things for friends or relatives and you can't hang on to your husband's money to support your hobby. It's not fun. At least that is what I feel.
Seeing Hery who hate everything about K-pop, it's impossible for me to ask a family holiday to Korea with his money. Therefore, I need to make money at least 50 millions in my savings (though now I'm reading a book how to travel to Korea with only 3 millions rupiahs). If I can't make it, at least we can go to universal studio singapore. =D
making money is also a way for me to exist in outside world. I need to connect with people other than my kids to keep me positive.
Not just making money, I also have plans to make artworks. Well, actually they are only writing a short story, songs, and some of handycraft. The intension is to let my creativity fly. Is it going to make money or not well it's depend on how serious I am on doing it.
The last but not the least, I want to back to school. Not a formal school, maybe a cooking class, social media marketing workshop, and learning other language. I've started the last one earlier. Learning korea language by myself by downloading the application in my mobile phone. To also understand the writings, I buy Mudah Belajar Bahasa Korea by Kompas publisher. Try to be serious.
Do I hope these plans will work out smoothly? Sure. But above it all, I hope these plans could make me a better person for myself, my kids, my family, and for the world.
2013, action!
(as written on fb's note January 1st)
No, I'm not going to sell myself. I'm trying to market my capability as an editor, as a writer, as a translator, and a cake maker. And I need to market it seriously.
if you read Ollie Salsabila's Yes, You Can you will find that in order to act you need to make plan. Last years I do have plans. Big plans but never made it to details and in the end those plans were still plans.
A couple weeks ago I was starting detailing my plans. They are only a couple lines of sentences, but to make it happen took days. I guess I need to speed up. Stay focus, girl.
My mom asked me one time, 'do ur husband not giving u enough money? Why do u have to put lots of efforts to make money?'
That question was kind of surprise me hearing it from my mom. Well, she was herself a carrer woman, an independent woman.
I told her that it's not because he didn't give me lots of money, but I'm the one who want lots of things. After expencing all of my saving last years made me feel awfull not having my own money to have fun. I'm not really a spender, really! But I like to buy things for friends or relatives and you can't hang on to your husband's money to support your hobby. It's not fun. At least that is what I feel.
Seeing Hery who hate everything about K-pop, it's impossible for me to ask a family holiday to Korea with his money. Therefore, I need to make money at least 50 millions in my savings (though now I'm reading a book how to travel to Korea with only 3 millions rupiahs). If I can't make it, at least we can go to universal studio singapore. =D
making money is also a way for me to exist in outside world. I need to connect with people other than my kids to keep me positive.
Not just making money, I also have plans to make artworks. Well, actually they are only writing a short story, songs, and some of handycraft. The intension is to let my creativity fly. Is it going to make money or not well it's depend on how serious I am on doing it.
The last but not the least, I want to back to school. Not a formal school, maybe a cooking class, social media marketing workshop, and learning other language. I've started the last one earlier. Learning korea language by myself by downloading the application in my mobile phone. To also understand the writings, I buy Mudah Belajar Bahasa Korea by Kompas publisher. Try to be serious.
Do I hope these plans will work out smoothly? Sure. But above it all, I hope these plans could make me a better person for myself, my kids, my family, and for the world.
2013, action!
(as written on fb's note January 1st)
Selasa, 26 November 2013
RESENSI 12 MENIT: Jika Musik Bicara Lantang tentang Hidup dan Keluarga
belas menit ini yang akan menentukan apakah kita akan juara. Dua belas menit
ini yang akan menetukan apa yang akan kita kenang seumur hidup.
12 Menit
mengambil latar Bontang, sebuah kota kecil yang hanya bisa dicapai lebih cepat
menggunakan pesawat kecil dari Balikpapan, Kalimantan Barat. Dari seratus tiga
puluh anggota marching band Vincero ini kisah ini berputar pada empat tokoh.
Rene, sang pelatih asal Jakarta, yang memiliki berbagai prestasi gemilang baik
sebagai pemain dan pelatih, merasa di atas angin ketika diminta melatih ke
Kalimantan. Rupanya di Bontang, dia justru diragukan kehebatannya, baik oleh
pihak investor maupun oleh anggotanya, bahkan kemudian oleh dirinya sendiri.
Lalu ada Tara, juga asal Jakarta, penabuh drum berbakat tetapi kini harus
berjuang dari nol pascakecelakaan yang menewaskan ayahnya dan menurunkan
kemampuan mendengarnya hingga sepuluh persen. Elaine, lagi-lagi murid pindahan Jakarta,
sang pemain biola yang bermimpi menjadi seorang field commander. Walau memiliki
kepintaran luar biasa di bidang musik dan akademis, Elaine justru dihambat oleh
keinginan ayahnya untuk memiliki anak seorang ilmuwan. Dan akhirnya, rasa
pribumi dihadirkan oleh Lahang, laki-laki asal Dayak yang menjadi penari.
Namun, dia senantiasa ragu karena harus meninggalkan ayahnya yang sakit demi
Dengan tiga tokoh utama
asal Jakarta, rupanya Oka Aurora tidak membuat cerita ini didominasi masalah
tipikal anak Jakarta. Karakter orang-orang Kalimantan yang cenderung tertutup
rupanya dilakoni juga oleh Tara yang terus menyalahkan dirinya sendiri atas
kematian ayahnya dan Elaine yang terpaksa latihan diam-diam demi menghindari
murka ayahnya yang seorang Direktur di salah satu perusahaan gas di Bontang. Maka
jadilah kisah yang bhineka tunggal ika seperti halnya Bontang sebagai tempat
kecil dengan ragam ras dan agama berkumpul di sana.
Marching Band merupakan
orkestra musik kolosal yang tidak hanya menampilkan harmonisasi musik tetapi
juga kostum, konfigurasi bentuk, dan tentu saja adu tenaga. Bagaimana tidak,
mereka tidak bermain musik sambil duduk tenang, melainkan berjalan mengitari
lapangan dan tidak boleh hilang napas sedetik pun karena akan membuat nada
miring di sana-sini. Semua itu dilakukan dalam 12 menit pertunjukan dan ratusan
jam latihan.
Saya sendiri baru
memahami marching band dari dekat ketika menjadi mahasiswi di Universitas
Indonesia, Depok. Dan saya terkejut begitu melihat teman saya mendaftar.
Bagaimana tidak, profilnya tidak seperti pencinta musik seperti saya yang sudah
menjadi anak sanggar dan berposisi sebagai gitaris sewaktu SMA. Gadis pemalu
itu kemudian kebagian menjadi peniup terompet kecil, alat musik yang mungkin
tidak pernah dia impikan selama 18 tahun hidupnya. Lalu ada teman saya yang
bertubuh pendek dan chubby dan ingin
menjadi penari. Hanya marching band itulah yang mampu mewujudkannya tanpa
dihina melainkan hanya dukungan besar antaranggotanya. Dan ketika saya dan teman-teman menyaksikan
pertunjukkan mereka di stadiun Soemantri Kuningan, yang saya rasakan adalah
betapa manisnya buah dari sebuah kerja keras. Bahwa mereka juga mencintai musik
seperti saya.
Itu pula yang hendak diceritakan
Oka Aurora dalam 12 Menit. Membuat sesuatu dari tidak ada menjadi ada, mereka
yang buta alat musik menjadi terpatri dengan alat musik itu. Tentu saja,
seperti kata salah seorang pelatih tari di sebuah ajang idola penyanyi
Korea, “Tidak semua orang berbakat
menari, tapi semua orang bisa menari. Kuncinya, latihan. Yang keras.”
Walau menggunakan formula umum dalam
naskah-naskah berlatar kelompok musik, saya terkesan bagaimana satu karakter dapat
saling melengkapi dialog karakter lain dalam adegan yang berbeda. Seperti
ketika Yoshuke, ayahanda Elaine habis kesabaran ketika mengetahui putri
satu-satunya lebih memilih mengikuti kompetisi marching band ketimbang
Olimpiade Fisika, dia berseru pada Rene, “Apa yang tidak penting bagi saya,
tidak penting bagi Elaine!”
Sedangkan di dipan
dalam sebuah rumah panggung sederhana, Lahang justru enggan mengikuti kompetisi
karena ingin mendampingi ayahnya yang sakit kanker otak. Dalam sakitnya, si
bapak berkata, “Nak, selama ini saya menyiapkanmu untuk menjalani hidupmu.
Dan dua dialog itu
ditengahi apik di kepala saya dengan ucapan Rene pada Yoshuke, “Saya jadi
menyadari betapa bersyukurnya saya memiliki ayah yang menginginkan saya jadi
diri sendiri.”
Kemudian saya teringat Tara
yang walau mendapat dukungan penuh dia senantiasa merasa sendiri. Pasca ayahnya
meninggal dia justru dipindahkan ke kota kecil bersama oma opanya sedangnya
ibundanya melakoni studi S2 di Inggris. Dan pada malam sebelum keberangkatan ke
Jakarta si ibu hanya mampu memberi dukungan lewat text message. Mama datang atau tidak, Tara tetap harus
memberikan yang terbaik. Si anak menjawab tak kalah mengabdi, Mama datang atau tidak, Tara tetap akan
bermain untuk mama.
Harus saya akui, sosok
Titi Rajo Bintang yang saya ketahui sebelumnya berperan sebagai Rene dalam
filmnya, woro wiri dalam imajinasi saya. Memang itu seharusnya hal terlarang
bagi seorang pembaca sejati, tetapi saya tidak bisa mengelak bahwa Titi RB
justru adalah sosok paling tepat yang bisa ditemukan. Dia menunjukkan
kekerenannya dalam bermusik saat menggarap musik untuk film Garuda di Dadaku. Menunjukkan sisi lain
keseniannya kala beradu peran di film. Dan kini, di film 12 Menit, dia seolah
tengah melakoni otobiografinya sendiri.
Buku ini sukses membuat
saya banjir air mata hampir di setiap babnya. Mungkin karena saya sudah
menjalani ketiga fase yang terhampar di cerita ini. Remaja labil, wanita
mandiri, dan menjadi orang tua. Dan bahkan walau sudah begitu, tetap ada
kalimat yang bergaung-gaung di kepala saya. Kalimat lama yang diucapkan Rene
pada Elaine juga Lahang, Selesaikan apa
yang sudah kamu mulai. Dan selesaikan sampai berhasil. Ya, hidup memang
belum berakhir. Maka hiduplah seperti
orang hidup, jangan seperti orang mati.[]
Senin, 18 November 2013
Korupsi PNS: Ideal tapi Ilegal
"Waktu uda
meninggal, kantornya baik. saya ga masuk kantor enam bulan, teman-teman yang
isi absen jadi tetap dapat gaji. Kalau sudah pensiun seperti sekarang ..."
Ucapan salah satu kerabat ini menggantung. Dia bertandang usai menemui dokter terkait kanker payudara yang diidapnya. Hatinya sedih karena mendapat penyakit ganas kala suami sudah wafat dan sudah pensiun dari jabatan sebagai pegawai negeri sipil.
Di ujung sofa, aku lihat papa menggaruk kepalanya dan mencabut tusuk gigi dari genggaman bibirnya. Aku menarik napas dalam, sebelumnya aku sudah lihat dia menggeleng-geleng mendengar cerita kerabat mama itu. Aduh, pasti sebentar bakal ada petir nih. Hatiku membatin.
Ucapan salah satu kerabat ini menggantung. Dia bertandang usai menemui dokter terkait kanker payudara yang diidapnya. Hatinya sedih karena mendapat penyakit ganas kala suami sudah wafat dan sudah pensiun dari jabatan sebagai pegawai negeri sipil.
Di ujung sofa, aku lihat papa menggaruk kepalanya dan mencabut tusuk gigi dari genggaman bibirnya. Aku menarik napas dalam, sebelumnya aku sudah lihat dia menggeleng-geleng mendengar cerita kerabat mama itu. Aduh, pasti sebentar bakal ada petir nih. Hatiku membatin.
"Mungkin itu
sebabnya ..." ujarnya dengan nada lebih rendah dari perkiraanku.
"Kenapa Pak Tuo?" tanya tanteku ini.
"Mungkin itulah kenapa kamu dapat penyakit ini. Makan gaji buta itu kan sama dengan nyolong. Korupsi."
"Kenapa Pak Tuo?" tanya tanteku ini.
"Mungkin itulah kenapa kamu dapat penyakit ini. Makan gaji buta itu kan sama dengan nyolong. Korupsi."
Aku bisa merasakan papa menekan nada suaranya. Usia membuatnya lebih paham
bahwa orang yang di hadapannya ini tidak akan sanggup menerima segala tudingan
dari dirinya.
"Oh begitu ya, Pak Tuo. Saya pikir itulah enaknya jika perempuan jadi PNS. Absen jam 8 lalu bisa kembali pulang untuk mencuci dan masak. Jam makan siang sudah bisa di rumah menunggu anak-anak pulang sekolah."
"Oh begitu ya, Pak Tuo. Saya pikir itulah enaknya jika perempuan jadi PNS. Absen jam 8 lalu bisa kembali pulang untuk mencuci dan masak. Jam makan siang sudah bisa di rumah menunggu anak-anak pulang sekolah."
Gambaran suasana wanita bekerja yang
ideal memang, tapi ilegal. Aku berbisik sendiri. Dari lirikanku, terlihat
papa menyeringai sambil lagi-lagi bergeleng.
Sementara papa melanjutkan pembahasan dengan nada bercanda, pikiranku melayang
pada suatu masa. Papa kala itu baru pulang dari Aceh mengunjungi kakak
satu-satunya yang masih hidup. Nyak uwa saya itu sudah sakit selama
bertahun-tahun dan dirawat oleh anak perempuannya yang sepertinya lebih memilih
fokus mengurusi kesehatan beberapa anggota keluarganya ketimbang menikah.
Dengan suaranya yang selalu lantang, aku bahkan cukup berdiam di kamar sembari mendengarkan papa bercerita
ke mama perihal kunjungannya itu.
"Rupanya selama ini, si I itu bayar obat ibunya pakai jatah berobatnya dia
sendiri." Oh, nama sepupu saya disebut. Saya belum paham benar alur
ceritanya, maklum, mendadak nguping.
"Begitu saya tanya, 'bagaimana kamu bayar obat mama dan abang-abangmu selama ini. Gaji kamu kan kecil' Dia bilang 'Oh, pakai jatah berobat saya di kantor, Cek (Om)'. Waduh, langsung saja saya bilang, 'Wah, ga boleh itu! Itu kan bukan hak ibu kamu!' 'Tapi teman-teman yang malah saranin begitu, mereka semua juga begitu. Jadi kita ga susah.' 'Iya memang enak, tapi bukan begitu aturannya. Itu sama saja kamu mencuri. Haram itu uang. Pantas saja kakak saya ga sembuh-sembuh!'"
"Begitu saya tanya, 'bagaimana kamu bayar obat mama dan abang-abangmu selama ini. Gaji kamu kan kecil' Dia bilang 'Oh, pakai jatah berobat saya di kantor, Cek (Om)'. Waduh, langsung saja saya bilang, 'Wah, ga boleh itu! Itu kan bukan hak ibu kamu!' 'Tapi teman-teman yang malah saranin begitu, mereka semua juga begitu. Jadi kita ga susah.' 'Iya memang enak, tapi bukan begitu aturannya. Itu sama saja kamu mencuri. Haram itu uang. Pantas saja kakak saya ga sembuh-sembuh!'"
Kali ini saya yakin nada dan raut wajah papa saat itu pasti lebih mengerikan
ketimbang saat berbicara dengan saudara mama tadi. Dua peristiwa ini menjadi
contoh nyata bagi saya bahwa di luar rumah kami ada begitu banyak orang yang
tidak sadar dirinya tengah masuk lingkaran korupsi. Mereka menganggapnya
kebaikan kantor, padahal mereka pegawai negeri, bukan perusahaan keluarga. Di mana kebijakan bisa diambil atas dasar
pengecualian. Saya yakin di perusahaan keluarga sekalipun tidak ada yang mau
menggaji karyawan yang tidak masuk selama enam bulan karena berduka. Tidak
absen berarti produksi berkurang. Produksi kurang, laba juga turut turun. Hukum
ekonomi sederhana.
Mungkin bagi para PNS itu, posisi semacam itu tidak akan memberikan efek bagi
dirinya. Maklum, gaji mereka berasal dari pajak rakyat. Siapa yang tahu jika
ada pegawai yang tidak bekerja, toh dari dulu pelayanan kementrian itu selalu
lelet tetapi tidak membuat rakyat berhenti datang ke kelurahan, ke kantor
imigrasi, mendaftarkan anaknya di sekolah negeri, dan masih banyak
ketergantungan lain dari rakyat terhadap perusahaan pemerintah ini. Dan ketika
mereka didera cobaan berat, mereka merasa bingung salah apa yang telah mereka
Celakanya, persepsi keliru diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi sehingga mereka
tak lagi melihat itu sebuah tindakan kriminal. Kenyataan yang lebih pahit
ditelan ketimbang brotoali.
Saya termasuk beruntung tidak termasuk di dalamnya. Sejak kecil, keluarga kami
memang tidak berbau PNS sama sekali. Orang tua saya PNS, tetapi bukan untuk
NKRI melainkan untuk Kerajaan Belanda saat mereka menetap dan bekerja di sana
sebagai pegawai kantor pos dan perawat. Negara yang memangkas beberapa generasi tua demi membasmi budaya korupsi pada tahun
60-an kala terjadi baby boomer. Dan kemudian menjadi negara paling sistematis dan akurat data individunya. Negara
yang berkomitmen memberikan uang pensiun di usia 65 tahun walau hanya bekerja
selama 10 tahun dan sudah tinggal di negara lain, seperti kedua orangtua saya
Mereka memang tidak bisa pulang dua jam lebih awal dari seharusnya. Mereka
memang tidak bisa membiayai pengobatan orangtua mereka dengan tunjangan
pribadi. Mereka juga bukan pemilik gaji tertinggi di Belanda, tetapi mereka
tetap bisa menempati rumah dinas (dalam bentuk flat alias rusun dengankeluarga
tiga kamar) dan menyekolahkan keempat anak mereka, juga masih ada sisa untuk dikirim ke orangtua di kampung
halaman. Yang penting cukup, begitu tekad mereka.
Jadi, takdir manakah yang hendak kau jemput, wahai PNS? Bersenang-senang
sekarang, bersakit-sakit kemudian? Atau bekerja jujur selamanya, demi hidup
berkah selamanya jua?
Jumat, 08 November 2013
Berhijab dari Korupsi
“Maaf, Bu. Saya
mungkin tidak sholeha, tapi saya tidak korupsi.”
Itulah kalimat terakhir dari sebuah status teman saya.
Cerita awalnya menjelaskan bahwa dia pernah mengikuti sebuah mata kuliah yang
dosennya menyatakan bahwa wanita tidak berhijab adalah wanita tidak sholeha.
Sebuah pernyataan yang tidak diamini teman saya yang juga seorang muslim. Dan ketika berbondong-bondong
wanita berhijab ditangkap Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), adalah peristiwa di bangku kuliah ini yang
mendorong pernyataannya.
Hijab walau sudah diberi embel-embel modis ternyata masih
menggantungkan harapan masyarakat bahwa mereka yang mengenakannya adalah simbol
manusia yang telah memuliakan islam di atas segalanya. Saya sendiri termasuk
yang tidak suka dengan harapan itu. Saya
kan juga manusia, begitu saya biasa membatin. Jika saya harus memutihkan
segala yang gelap dalam hati saya, niscaya hijab itu tidak akan pernah
terbalut. Well, itu pendapat saya 20 tahun yang
Mungkin usia pulalah yang membuat saya terkadang larut gemas
dengan mereka yang melakukan khilaf dan terumbar di mana-mana dengan hijab di
kepalanya. Ikut malu, saat melihat pemberitaan polisi atau KPK menggelandang
wanita berhijab atau suami dari wanita berhijab. Rasanya ingin berkata, what the hell are they thinking of? Yes, do
they even think about hell after all?
Hijab dan Islam seolah menjadi kata kunci akan sebuah
kemuliaan. Setidaknya di Indonesia dengan Islam sebagai agama mayoritas tetapi
sempat mengalami masa ketika muslimah berhijab akan sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan,
bahkan di kantor pemerintahan. Lalu apa yang terjadi di negara di mana seluruh
wanitanya wajib berhijab?
Pikiran saya lalu melayang, teringat akan sebuah adegan di
novel Kite Runner. Novel yang
berlatar konflik muslim syiah-sunni di Afganistan itu menceritakan soal keluarga syiah
yang bersahabat dengan keluarga pelayan dari kaum sunni. Disebutkan bahwa kaum
sunni adalah kaum yang sangat taat beragama, berbeda dengan syiah yang bahkan
menyediakan bar di rumah-rumahnya.
Tatkala sang anak bertanya tentang kebiasaan ayahnya menenggak alkohol,
si ayah berkata, “Hanya ada satu dosa, yaitu mencuri. Ketika kamu berdusta,
kamu mencuri hak seseorang akan kebenaran. Ketika kamu membunuh seorang pria,
kamu mencuri sebuah kehidupan. Mencuri hak istri akan suami. Merampok ayah dari
anak-anaknya. Ketika kamu berbuat curang, kamu mencuri hak akan keadilan.“
Pernyataan yang menohok dari seorang muslim penikmat alkohol.
Abu Laits meriwayatkan
dari Usman bin Affan r.a: Berhati-hatilah kamu dari khamar (minuman keras)
karena ia adalah induk segala dosa yang keji. Sesungguhnya dahulu ada seorang
saleh yang rajin pergi ke masjid. Suatu hari dia bertemu dengan seorang
pelacur, maka dia dipanggil oleh pelayannya dan dimasukkan ke dalam ruangan
yang kemudian ditutup pintunya. Sedang di sisi wanita itu ada segelas khamar
dan seorang anak kecil. Maka berkatalah wanita itu: ‘Engkau tidak boleh keluar
hingga meminum khamar atau berzina denganku atau membunuh anak kecil ini. Jika
tidak aku akan menjerit bahwa ada laki-laki masuk ke rumahku.’ Orang saleh itu
menjawab, ‘Saya tidak mau berzina, juga tidak mau membunuh.’ Akhirnya dia
memilih khamar. Dan setelah ia minum maka dia berzina dan membunuh anak kecil
Hingga kini orang-orang yang mabuk pun akan mulai membunuh,
memperkosa, dan bahkan masih mencuri. Hanya saja kelompok pemabuk miras itu menambah
jaringannya dengan mereka yang mabuk kekuasaan. Harta tanpa kuasa hanyalah tong
kosong nyaring bunyinya. Wanita tanpa kuasa adalah serigala tanpa taring. Tahta
tanpa kuasa adalah raja yang ditelanjangi.
Entah ada hubungannya atau tidak, tetapi sejak zaman reformasi,
orang kini berebut kekuasaan. Setelah berpuluh tahun dipegang oleh satu
kelompok, kini dengan adanya demokrasi, orang melihat peluang untuk mendapat
kekuasaan secara bergiliran dan oleh sebab itu harus dimanfaatkan sebaik
mungkin. Mengerikan.
Dan yang lebih mengerikan adalah ketika para haters menantikan berita ditangkapnya
mereka yang memiliki ‘tanda’ di dahinya, yang mengenakan hijab, dan yang bergabung
di partai politik berbasis Islam atas dugaan korupsi. Sungguh adalah sebuah bencana ketika sesama
muslim saling menghujat. But, who’s to
Jika khamar atau minuman keras dianggap sebagai induk dari
segala kejahatan, bagaimana dengan korupsi? Jika aturan pemerintah mengizinkan
seseorang yang berusia 21 tahun ke atas membeli minuman keras yang dijual bebas
bahkan di mini market, bagaimana dengan korupsi?
Zero tolerance. Sejatinya,
tidak ada kata toleransi untuk korupsi. Namakan saja sesukamu, komisi, hadiah, bonus,
gratifikasi ... tidak ada yang gratis di dunia kapitalis ini. Many times, what you get is not what you
Be afraid and be
ashame. Takut dan malulah kita jika berdekatan dengan korupsi. Seperti ketika
malu itu mendorong kita berhijab. Seperti ketika takut itu kian melekatkan
kening kita di atas sajadah terlalu lama. Dan semoga Tuhan selalu melindungi
kita semua.
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