Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Amy's Story: Scheduling My Cellphone's Time

Go xi fa chai people =D

Well @kalibatacity feels like we are celebrating korean lunar  new year (is it the same?). Anyway, after three new years in three months, I've finally decided what my resolution is. Yup, just one.

 Actually I have plenty of them, but I prefer to announce just one resolution to the world.

My resolution for 2014 or whatever the latest year is to scheduling my cellphone's time. You may not know, but I used my phone to check my fb accound like hundreds of time in a day.

Am I famous? No.
Do I have lots of clients to be handled? No
Do I make money from it? Most of them, no.

And on the last new year eve, Malika told me and her father, "Ayah, stop smoking or you will be dead. Amy, stop playing around with your cellphone. play with me."

Bulls eye everybody.

It reminded me of one of the text of Melanie Subono that I edited a couple weeks ago. She wrote, Why do we bother to answer someone else outthere when you don't have any energy to give a nod, an answer to someone that sit in front of you?

 Admit it, we do that for many time yet we are not the one who to be called gadget generation. Can you imagine what it would be when our kids grow bigger? Maybe an exactly the same scene as the movie Wall E.

I am not proud of my habit. Many times I asked myself:
"Why do you have to pretend to be busy with nothing, while you are the one who decided to resign from your office and said will use your time to take care your kids?"
"Why do you have to act busy with business when actually you haven't have that much demand either for baking nor editing? Why don't use your spare time with your kids before you are really busy with business?"
"Why do you have to open your social media account when you don't updating them?"
"Why ... ?" oh why ....

But that many times I also smile to my tought and continued tapping. This is a real bad habit.

These weeks I've tried to make my cell's time efficiently valuable. I actually love when I posted a blog and then reading people's comments, getting too excited to keep the trending. maybe I should hold it a little while. A pause moment for three hours, maybe?

And to make it valuable, I have to make sure that I do something that has something to do with the business. Not just becoming a passive internet geeks, not getting quite smarter but surely not being more popular or richer. Hey, you need to make a mark of your own, right?

Sometimes I used my cell as a denial. Especially when I got sleepy by the afternoon while the kids were still on fire. Just to make my eyes open, I kept busy with my cell. But unfortunately, it won't do for the kids because you are not BEING with them. They became even more brutal by this.

You are welcome to be late for any news, but don't be late to recognize what had/is/will happen/ed with your kids. Oh, I understand this sentence so much, but again in the name of denial or excuses I said to myself, "But sometimes I need a break!" Too bad I took a too long break. And still not feeling grateful about it.

Yes, grateful. I need to learn more about that. I should have feel grateful when I haven't had big business yet, so I can focusing myself with me and my kids. There are lots of mental homeworks to be accomplished. This is the time, maybe one day you will busy with business but at that time your kids might become your extra hand. =D

I know what my problem is, but too lazy too change it.  I guess 'lazy' is the keyword for this year. No more laziness, Amy.

Keep the spirit. Burn it up! And run fast ... Beautifully ... And let your cells updating your social media, they can wait. They will follow. But never leave your kids.

Need to mark those sentences on my mind. That was my other brain who wrote it =P
Fighting, moms!

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Demi Foto

Sejak membuat situs www.koekieku.com sebagai corong suara perbakulan kue, saya memiliki komitmen tambahan selain menyelesaikan orderan cupcake, cake, atau cake pops. Komitmen lain itu adalah, foto.

Tentu, atas nama meng-update situs saya harus senantiasa mem-posting foto orderan terbaru. Dengan kualitas bagus. Rupanya memang butuh sebuah komitmen untuk mewujudkannya.

Kamera Saku atau Kamera HP
Pada awal tahun, awal keseriusan saya menjajakan diri sebagai penerima order cupcake, cake, dan cake pop,
saya menggunakan kamera saku.

 Alasannya sederhana, kamera saku memiliki lebih banyak fitur mode. Namun karena kemudian tekanan untuk segera mempublikasikan ke sosial media sangat besar, sedangkan jika menggunakan kamera saku berarti saya masih harus menyalakan laptop dan mencolokkan modem di jadwal berbeda, saya kemudian beralih menggunakan kamera handphone.

Handphone suami saya lebih tepatnya. HP miliknya lebih tajam cahaya ketimbang milik saya. Tapi, di HP-nya tidak ada fitur edit foto dan tidak ada cukup memori untuk menambah aplikasi edit foto. Walhasil usai memotret dengan HP milik suami, foto terpilih saya kirim via whatsapp ke HP saya. Lalu saya edit dan berbagi ke beberapa sosial media seperti twitter, facebook, dan flickr. Syukur alhamdulillah si windows phone ini akhirnya punya cara untuk temenan sama instagram. Jadi ga terlalu kalah langkah lah gue.

Dan belum berakhir di situ, saya masih harua mengirimkan lagi foto edit ke HP suami karena situs www.koekieku.com tidak bisa melakukan unggah foto dari HP saya. (I'm starting to hate this cellphone). Barulah kemudian dibagi ke google+ dan sekali lagi via twitter dengan tautan langsung ke situs www.koekieku.com. Lumayan bisa menambah jumlah klik hingga seratus untuk satu kali unggah foto.

Namun kemudian ada masalah lain. Aplikasi edit fotonya mengalami update sehingga meningkatkan kualitas foto. Which is good tapi berdampak dengan jumlah kilobyte yang dihasilkannya. Situs www.koekieku.com hanya mampu menampung foto dengan ukuran maksimal 200 kb. Yang akhirnya membuat saya harus kembali ke laptop guna melakukan resize.

Lalu beberapa bulan lalu suami membeli kamera semi pro. Sejak memiliki kamera tersebut dia bersemangat bangun subuh untuk memotret hasil cupcake saya sebelum anak-anak bangun. Dan mau tidak mau harus menggunakan laptop untuk membuka file-nya. Oleh karena tidak bisa unggah di laptop saya transfer via email.

Pilihan Modem
Salah satu alasan saya malas harus melakukan transfer serta edit foto ke laptop adalah koneksi internet.

Awalnya saya menggunakan modem S, tetapi karena saya tinggal di Kalibata City yang dipenuhi menara-menara apartemen mungil, modem tersebut kalah taji sehingga tidak punya cukup sinyal untuk membuka situs www.koekieku.com. Lalu saya ganti dengan modem E. Berhasil. Saya bisa leluasa unggah foto. Rasanya sesuatu berjalan lebih cepat dari bulan-bulan sebelumnya.

Baru sebentar saya menikmati kemudahan ini, saya harus berhadapan dengan program susupan yang dengan dalih proteksi memblokir situs www.koekieku.com. Walau sudah di uninstall tapi rupanya program itu telah menularkan imunisasi yang tidak perlu bagi laptop saya.

Laptop saya baru saja melakukan general check up, belum dicoba lagi sih untuk koneksi internetnya karena modem E ini nyebelin pas isi ulangnya. Akhirnya main ke warnet saja, cuma susah dapat waktunya. Kudu sendiri soalnya.

Hadeeuh ... Sebenarnya kedua masalah itu bisa terselesaikan dengan membeli tablet entah merek S atau A, tetapi mengingat  saya baru serius meng-eksplor dunia kue dalam satu tahun ini, saya banyak melakukan belanja yang beberapa di antaranya masuk kategori salah beli. Oleh sebab itu saya menahan diri, semurah apa pun tablet yang ditawarkan di luar sana. Mungkin karena pernah bekerja di perusahaan yang low budget, jadi saya terbiasa dengan pola rempong asal tidak beli elektronik baru. =]

Cahaya menjadi pencarian penting bagi saya. Tinggal di apartemen kecil dan menghias kue saat dini hari ketika anak-anak tidur, saya tidak mau menyalakan lampu putih karena khawatir biasnya mencapai kamar tempat anak-anak tidur. Awalnya, saya memotret di lorong apartemen. Yup. Pada jam menjelang subuh tentu tidak ada orang yang lalu lalang. Jadi, di ambang pintu saya letakkan kain putih untuk menutupi pola lantai dan kemudian menaruh 'mahakarya' saya dan memotret cepat.

Ketika saya memutuskan membeli kotak studio kecil, saya juga membeli lampu darurat. Selain untuk fungsi darurat kala mati lampu, saya bisa gunakan untuk memotret tanpa harus mengganggu tidur anak saya. Hanya saja pekerjaan ini butuh dua orang, dan pada saat itulah suami dibangunkan.

Jika saya terlambat menyelesaikan hiasan dan suami sudah kadung ke kantor sebelum sempat memotret maka pilihan saya adalah menunggu matahari cukup tinggi hingga menerangi kamar tidur saya. Satu-satu jendela yang kami miliki memang terletak di kamar tidur utama dan di atas tempat tidur. Dan untuk bisa memotret dengan baik itu artinya saya harus membuat anak-anak saya menggedor-gedor pintu kamar. Dikunciin hehehe.

Gagal Foto
Yang paling mencemaskan adalah ketika gagal foto. Dengan berbagai peristiwa, ada beberapa situasi yang membuat saya benar-benar tidak sempat memotret hasil cupcake, cake, atau cake pops hingga sudah berpindah tangan.
Biasanya saya minta penerima atau pengorder memotret cupcake, cake, atau cake pops nya. Mau gaya selfie juga boleh. Dan setelah itu dibagi ke akun saya. Cara ini berhasil dengan baik.

Lalu datanglah hari itu. Saya tidak sempat memotret hiasan cupcake minions superhero. Sekali lagi, saya minta pengorder memotretnya. Tapi rupanya, karena itu hiasan 2d, dan orang-orang pada umumnya memotret dari samping, saya tidak mendapatkan foto yang sesuai.

Terbayang-bayang diri saya tengah duduk sendiri di gelapnya malam, berusaha membentuk figur superhero tersebut satu per satu. Permintaan ini termasuk spesifik, siapa yang bisa jamin saya akan segera mendapatkan orderan serupa?

Akhirnya karena galau, saya segera bangkit begitu melihat anak-anak pulas di tidur siangnya. Saya keluarkan kotak fondant dan mulai menggiling. Dengan kecepatan penuh, saya berhasil membuat lagi lima topping minions superhero. Lumayan, daripada ga ada.

Keesokan subuh saya segera memotret topping tersebut dan melakukan edit foto karena menggabungkan dengan foto yang berulangtahun demi memberi sentuhan humanis. Dan akhirnya setelah hampir seminggu berlalu, saya bisa mempublikasikannya di situs dan sosial media.

Fiuuuh ... (elap keringat).

Saya senang semangat saya tidak turun karena harus ribet di sana-sini demi foto. Mengingat saya adalah orang yang moody, setidaknya saya harus merasa bangga (tepuk bahu sendiri) karena tidak menyerah dan akan tetap berusaha memperbaiki hasil foto. Mungkin sudah saatnya belajar menggunakan kamera suami =).

Resep: Ayam Goreng Tepung Saus Tiram

Ide ini berawal dari salah satu episode Masterchef US musim ke-4. Saat itu tantangan elimimasi dan mengharuskan membuat tiga hidangan ayam; ayam goreng ala selatan, ayam goreng mentega, dan hmmm satu lagi lupa, pokoknya ala Italia lah.
Pada salah satu diskusi juri saat kontestan tengah memasak, Joe ditanya apa yang akan dia gunakan untuk membuat ayam goreng selatan yang enak. Dia bilang Italian seasoning, mungkin karena dia orang Italia kali ya. Namun yang menarik bagi saya adalah melihat  italian seasoning itu serupa saus. Saya jadi mikir-mikir oh ternyata bisa ya masukin bahan kental ke adonan ayam goreng.
Maklum tahunya pakai tepung instan, tapi lama-lama bosan dengan rasa penguat rasanya. Berasa lagi nunggu kanker, hehehe ...
Jadi di saat sedang krisis ide mau masak apa buat anak-anak dan memang belum pernah sreg dengan racikan tepung sendiri, saya teringat lagi adegan ini.
Saya pun buka lemari bumbu saya dan hanya bisa menemui saus tiram sebagai bahan terdekat dengan italian seasoning. Yah saya anggap ini penemuan paling orisinil karena tidak menggunakan bantuan google. Kalau sudah ada yang lebih dulu, maaf deeeh ^.^
Berikut rinciannya.

4 potong ayam
120 gram tepung
1 sdm garam
1 sdt ketumbar bubuk
4 siung bawang putih, parut
1 jeruk nipis
3 sdm saus tiram

1. Cuci ayam dengan jeruk nipis, lalu lumuri dengan bawang putih dan saus tiram. Ratakan sambil agak ditekan-tekan lalu biarkan selama lima belas menit. (ada yang bilang dimasukkan ke kulkas dalam wadah tertutup bisa membuat bumbu lebih terserap)
2. Campur semua bahan kering: tepung, garam, dan ketumbar.
3. Masukkan potongan ayam satu persatu ke tempat adonan tepung. Dibalik-balik sampai merata.
4. kembalikan ayam ke wadah ayam untuk kembali melumuri diri dengan bawang putih dan saus tiram yang tertinggal di wadah.
5. Masukkan lagi ayam ke adonan tepung utk lapis kedua.
6. Goreng dengan minyak banyak. (saya biasa menutup wajan untuk hasil lebih matang dan empuk).
7. Sajikan.

Oh iya, adonan ini juga bisa dipakai untuk tempe goreng loh. Tapi jumlah bawang putih dan garamnya dikurangi untuk satu papan tempe.

 Jika hendak menggunakan adonan ini sekaligus untuk ayam dan tempe, gunakan untuk tempe terlebih dahulu.

Jika ada sisa adonan tepung ayam, buang. Jangan disimpan.
Hope you like it too =)

Amy's Story: Malika and the Perfect Earrings

These last few months I've been busy with the same theme everytime I looked at Malika. To find the perfect earrings. Since she has reach three years old last March (and will be going to be four years old in a couple months ^.^), I decided to change her baby gold earrings. My sister said it would be harder to take them off if the kid has grown bigger. So, I took them off but couldn't find the perfect ones untill now.

A. Silver Drop Earrings
I decided not to give Malika any gold earrings, at least not untill she turns teenage. In this kind of age, kids tend to have less aware on earrings. They don't realise whether it still stuck in there or not. That is why I prefer any other earrings than gold earrings. Especially to protect Malika for any criminal attempts.

On Kalibata City there is a silver accesories booth and the drop earrings seemed attractive for kids and light. They are not expensive too and yet you are able sell them someday.

But I needed to buy it two times just to make sure that these are not suitable for Malika. The pendants kept off from the hooks and then they were gone somewhere else.

B. My Earrings
At first, I tought she could use my   earrings collections. I don't have much of them since I've wear my veil permanently since I was 13.

 They were cute gemstone design earrings. But not for long, it stucked somewhere and one of the pendant gone, again. But I wasn't worry because I have beadings collections and easily find the most suitable. But few days later, one of the earrings has gone. Too bad I don't have hooks collections. So I changed them with earrings that a little bit bigger and longer. The size of the hooks were also thicker, Malika didn't  feel comfortable using it.

But those plastic earrings seems too big and heavy for her. After losing one of them, I change them.

C. Expensive Immitation Earrings vs Cheap Immitation Earrings
Then I went to another booth, trying to find another immitation earring. After some fashion failure with earrings with hooks, I prefer to choose stud earrings. (Well, actually I chose hoop earrings first but it didn't fit in her ears.) Hoping that it would ran smoother, you know a stud earring could be very uncomfortable because you can feel the studs touch your neck behind your ears.

But, beyond my expectation, it broke the next day. Guess, Malika felt too comfortable using it.

Feeling annoyed when your IDR50000 gone just like that, I decided to find some cheap plastic stud earrings. I could buy a dozen just for backups. But those kind of earrings broke even when you try to wear it.

Then I went back to drop earrings. This time, I still chose the cheap one with cute pendants. It went well quite long, untill ...

D. Beware of Little Brother
Yup, this little brother should have been on my beware list. Apparently, you can't be a cute big sister wearing drop earrings. It will be the target for your little brother when the two of you get into a fight.
And on one fine day, I noticed her ear bleed. There were quite deep scratches in the front and back side of her ear. I was afraid she would losing her ear. She is too young for fashion disaster. What a mom am I.

For days I forced Malika to let her ear get cleaned by alcohol and for that reasons I took of her earrings.

Guess, hoop earrings will be the best choice. Still find a time to search for them outside Kalibata City, I suppose. Hope, the earrings hole won't be closed untill that time come. Any ideas, moms?

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

(My Story) Salon Phobia or (Review) Larasati Salon

Other than sales promotion girls or boys, beggars, and customer service officers, I feel scared of getting inside a salon. Me and salon are not bestfriends. I think as soon as I got married, go to salon will be my new routine. You know, trying to look good in front of my husband, of course. But what come next was, ever since Malika was just a few weeks old, that was the last time I cutted my long hair to a completely short hairstyle, I've never went to any kind of salon anymore.

For me, a salon is a creepy place. And I don't know why people like to do their hair (or any other body parts) at the mal with those naked glass window. When people could see you being repaired. I am not sure I could get the sexy point of view. It seems to me as if you are watching someone who is taking a bath.

Everytime I step my feet inside a salon, I would feel intimidated. Girls, do you know what kind of energy when you are in a salon? It is a very huge confidence that could make me feel unease to breath.

I think there is something inside the mirrors in a salon. Because everytime I sit in front of it, waiting for the kapster's preparation, I looks prettier than I used to see. Is it because the light? Or the mirror itself? I have no idea

Actually I don't really like the idea that there are some people trying to do something on you. Well, 'putri' (princess) is my official middle name, but I hate seeing people kneel down to do my foot. Or to brush my hair, that kind activity needs intimacy.

But if I get too kind and keep trying to talk with them I was afraid I would disturb their concentration. Couldn't found the best behaviour in front of them, yet.

I always think that the salon employees have opinions about their customers, physiccaly. I was afraid of what they are going to say about my dry face, my dandruff, my legs hair, stuff like that. Something that makes you want to be perfect before you go to a salon.

"That's why you go to a salon, to make you prettier," said my friend once. I guess she has the point. But still it takes lots of courage to finally go there. That is why, I still could count with my fingers how many time I let myself go in there. 

well, I still cuts my hair at least once a year. But, I was doing it by myself. Yup, just me and youtube. Thanks to my wavy hair, with my shaggy style I don't need to have a clean and straight cut. The messier my hair is, the sexier it will be. With my own hand I could get the korean girlband looks =D.

But after three years with long hair, I decided to make a big change. To cut it off. I need to repair my hair, since it has become some kind of rope for the kids. When they could hanging aroung while grabbing my hair. I could feel my hair screamed for this torturing acts.

Too bad, for this purpose I need someone else's hand. So after a long delaying with many reasons, yesterday I went to a salon and had my first hairspa. It lied next to my tower in Kalibata City, Larasati Salon in tower Cendana. You can ask from hair do to face do and feet&hands do. The place was pretty small. They don't have any waiting chair. So if there is any empy chair, you might use it. There were three employees for three different tasks. The kapster was quite like to chat, not much but enough and she will do it with smile. While the person who in charge on hair treatment wasn't talk much, but she could give a good massage. The other one, well I didn't take facial treatment because it would be too long. Moms, always worried about what will happen at home when kids were just left alone with their father, don't we

Thanks to my cellphone for being with me. It kept me looked cool, calm, and confident =P And of course a pic of Dianna Agron in it for my hairstyle example, to show that I was prepared. But when she asked me to hair spa, I had to be honest that it was my first time so it was up to her to choose the cream. Thanks God, there were no other customers. So I didn't have to hide my idiot face. =P

 I finally had my almost two hours me time. Thanks to Hery for that. I should do this more often, shouldn't I? So I don't get nervous and confuse wondering how much should I pay the tips for each of them.

Next? I am going to colour my hair. This time, I will do it alone. Hope, I can get the best shade for my hair.

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Sakit Gigi & PMS

Sudah setahun belakangan, setiap kali PMS datang, gigi saya pasti sakit sekali. Mungkin bukan giginya melainkan gusinya. Dan kemudian diikuti dengan sariawan di bibir kiri bawa, selalu di tempat yang sama. Saya curiga, apakah mungkin ada gigi di sekitar taring kiri bawah saya yang berlubang? Karena walau seluruh rahang saya sakit, tetapi pusatnya di taring kiri  bawah itu.

Saya tidak pernah sakit gigi, jadi sensasi ngilu iti hanya saya rasakan ketika saya masih menggunakan kawat gigi. Saya jadi bertanya-tanya, inilah yang dirasakan pemilik gigi berlubang setiap harinya?

Dahulu saya memang termasuk langganan sariawan. Setiap bulan pasti sariawan. Beragam alasan saya gunakan saat itu, mulai dari kawat gigi hingga tidak sikat gigi saat mau tidur (kebiasaan yang sulit diubah hingga sekarang =P). Namun begitu saya beralih dari pasta gigi putih kebanggaan keluarga dengan pasta gigi gel hijau gaya anak muda, saya tidak pernah mengalami sariawan lagi. Oleh karena riwayat ini, saya sempat mendadak rajin sikat gigi setiap kali sakit gigi ini tiba.

Jika terkait PMS, biasanya saya mengalami perubahan selera makan. Selain bertambah pesat, saya juga lebih suka makan sambal terasi yang kemudian langsung dilanjutkan dengan makanan yang ada unsur coklat. Jadi ingat coklat cabe di film "chocolat", coklat penambah gairah hehehe. Nah, setelah saya punya anak, gejala PMS saya bertambah (selain suka marah-marah ala monster), yaitu sakit kepala. Saya bahkan harus stok kaplet berbungkus biru di rumah. Nah, si kaplet ini ternyata sudah lama sekali tidak saya minum. Mungkin sejak terakhir kali, gejala sakit kepala saya berubah menjadi sakit gigi.

Saya masih menunda-nunda untuk pergi ke dokter gigi, hingga kemudian saya mengetahui teman saya (yang juga tetangga saya) juga mengalami hal yang sama. Dia sih sudah biasa menanggapinya. Namun, saya bingung mengapa saya baru mengalaminya setahun belakangan? Pengaruh usia kah?

Bulan lalu saya sempat tidak mengalami hal ini. Saya sedikit lega, berharap akan terjadi seterusnya, eh ternyata sakit itu datang lagi hari ini. Dan saya tanyalah pada mbah google.

1. PMS dan Stress Muncul Berbarengan
Saat PMS kadar stress wanita pun turut meningkat dan efek sampingnya bervariasi. Coba sebut saja apa yang Anda rasakan saat stres, sakit kepala? Nafsu makan meningkat atau malah menurun? Sakit perut? Susah tidur? Nah, jika Anda PMS, gejala yang disebutkan tadi juga muncul.

Ada ga ya yang PMS jadi suka belanja?

2. Pola Makan Tidak Sebanding dengan Kebersihan Gigi
Kalau yang saya alami bisa jadi perpaduan dari berbagai hal. Saat PMS, mulut saya terasa pahit dan saya mengatasinya dengan makan berat. Kebiasaan waktu hamil dulu. Padahal ini semacam gejala panas dalam kali ya, yang seharusnya diasupi buah dan banyak minum.
Ada juga yang disebabkan ada sedikit lubang di gigi. Rasa sakitnya akan semakin terasa karena pada saat PMS, saraf-saraf kita menjadi supersensitif.

Namun ternyata bagi beberapa wanita, masalah ini timbul tanpa gangguan makan sebelumnya. Dan karenanya, lanjut ke nomor selanjutnya.

3. PMS adalah Rahasia Tuhan
Seperti kehamilan, PMS disinyalir lebih dari peringatan dini untuk para lelaki agar tidak berbuat salah di depan wanita. Dengan kata lain, PMS itu masih misterius. Seperti halnya kehamilan.

 Banyak dokter yang menolak hubungannya sakit gigi dengan PMS dan nyatanya memang sulit dihubungkan secara langsung karena gejalanya berbeda-beda. Wah, semakin menanti buku terapi hipno untuk PMS supaya ga stress mikirin PMS. Biar tetap happy dan positif.

Jadi? Well, accept the miracle, ladies. God loves us so much.


Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

(readie's project): Paquita dan Pangeran Bianglala karya Citra Rizcha Maya

Mendadak saya memutuskan mampir ke rumah mama setelah awalnya hendak melihat salah satu TK Aisyiyah lain di Tebet. Dan saya senang melihat bungkus tiki sudah nangkring di nakas kamar saya. Novel Paquita & Pangeran Bianglala ini juga termasuk pemenang unggulan di lomba cerpen yang diadakan penerbit qanita romance. Dan sudah lama pula ingin saya angkat kisah di balik layarnya karena menyangkut teknis penulisan.

"Aku sudah bertemu dengan jodohku di masa depan."
Paquita, seorang gadis remaja, tak mau mengisi cinta remajanya dengan kisah cinta monyet. Bukan karena dia sudah begitu dewasa pemikirannya, melainkan karena dia menantikan pertemuan kembali dengan pangeran yang pernah dia temui saat usianya masih sembilan tahun.

Bukan, ini bukan mau menyamakan dengan kisah Candy Candy dan pangeran Candy-nya. Percaya deh. Baca dulu, nanti kaget. Kalau dikasih tahu sekarang spoiler banget soalnya.

Dan karena si spoiler itulah mungkin yang menjadikan salah satu alasan bagi juri untuk menunjuk novel ini sebagai kisah dengan ide twist yang menarik.

Saya banyak terlibat diskusi dengan penulisnya saat mengeditnya. Dalam garis besar diskusinya, saya mengutip perkataan salah seorang pemenang lomba cerpen ini kala peluncuran tiga buku pemenang, Shabrina WS, pemilik karya Always be in Your Heart, di salah satu kafe di dekat IKJ "Endapkan naskahmu, jangan langsung dikirim usai menuliskannya. Maka kamu akan menemukan banyak hal yang bisa ditambah, dikurangi, atau diperindah saat membacanya kembali." Dengan kata lain, diedit.

Memang sih setiap penerbit pasti punya editor, mereka dong yang bertugas memperbaiki. (seandainya ada yang berpikir seperti itu). Saya sebagai mantan editor in chief dan kini editor freelance pun lebih memilih naskah yang tidak memerlukan banyak perbaikan dengan ide sederhana ketimbang ide brilian dengan cacat tulisan di mana-mana.

Apakah naskah ini awalnya banyak kecacatan? Nope. Kalau iya, ga bakal kepilih sebagai salah satu unggulan dong. She just needed a little bit time out.

A. A Writing Competition is not a Blog Contest
Usai membaca naskahnya pertama kali sebelum mulai mengedit, saya melihat ada kesan buru-buru dalam pengerjaannya. Dialog yang silih berganti tanpa keterangan sebelum atau sesudahnya. Adegan yang melompat tak kalah cepat. Yang kemudian menghasilkan beberapa hal terlewat, tertukar, terlupakan dll.

Saat saya tanyakan hal ini pada Icha, dia mengakui bahwa dia memang tidak benar-benar membaca lagi naskahnya. Mungkin karena deadline. Namun dia menginformasikan bahwa dirinya sering menulis fiksi dan mempublikasikannya di blog.

Saya jadi teringat diri saya beberapa tahun lalu sewaktu masih menjadi editor kantoran. Saya masih menyempatkan diri menulis di blog. Dan kata 'menyempatkan' memang benar-benar singkat, alias di jam istirahat kerja. Hasilnya? Tulisan yang dibuka dan ditutup dengan tema yang berbeda.

Sebuah fiksi sejatinya dibuat dengan pemikiran mendalam, mulai dari ide, pengaturan alur, hingga twist yang dipilih. Ini berlaku bagi fiksi dalam bentuk cerpen atau novel ya. Sekarang ini, tulisan mendalam tidak berlaku untuk lomba cerpen mini atau fanfict atau lomba blog.

Menulis untuk lomba blog disesuaikan dengan daya tahan si pembacanya. Rasanya tidak manusiawi memberikan 10 halaman cerita dalam satu jendela. Belum-belum si pembaca akan merasa terintimidasi. Biasanya hal ini diatasi dengan membagi-bagi tulisan tersebut. Seolah memberikan pilihan, yang suka cerita ini silahkan lanjut, yang nggak ya boleh berhenti.

Karya Icha ini memang tidak ada yang melenceng dari tema hanya saja kurang hiasannya. Contoh sederhananya adalah penambahan keterangan sebagai pendamping dialog.

Mungkin bagi banyak orang merasa penambahan keterangan ini membosankan. Bayangkan saja harus memikirkan variasi dari, 'ujarnya', 'katanya', 'jawabnya', 'kilahnya', dll. Namun, saya katakan padanya untuk membaca karya Rhein Fathia.

 Harus saya akui, saya bukan penggemar karya lokal, tetapi begitu mengedit naskah Rhein Fathia saya tertarik dengan caranya mengubah frase membosankan tadi dengan banyak keterangan lain. Dia menulis seolah dirinya tengah membuat skenario plus notulensi sutradara. Detailnya tidak membosankan melainkan turut membangkitkan emosi. Saya diskusikan tentang dia nanti ya.

Nah, begitulah sebuah cerpen. Memainkan emosi pembaca dengan naik turun keterangan, yang membuat pembaca perlahan juga harap-harap cemas saat membalikkan halamannya helai demi helai.

Jadi, take your time. Endapkan naskahmu. Lalu kembali dengan pikiran yang segar usai proses kreatif yang jelas menguras jiwa dan raga, dan mulailah memoles.

B. Latar Belakang Bukan Hanya Soal Tempat
Nah yang ini agak spoiler ya. Sesuai dengan judul dan gambar sampulnya, si bianglala ini jadi bahasan serius di chat kami melalui whatsapp. Ada adegan ketika Paquita jatuh dari bianglala ketika dia berdiri.

Saya memutar otak, bagaimana teknisnya dia bisa berdiri lalu jatuh dari bianglala yang seperti kubus itu? Setelah beberapa kali tidak nyambung, saya tanyakan lagi, bentuk bianglala seperti apa yang tengah dia bicarakan?

Dan jawabannya adalah bianglala seperti di film 'Notebook'. Dia bahkan menyebutkan adegan menit ke berapa. Penggemar berat rupanya dan memudahkan saya saat langsung mengecek di youtube. Handphone zaman sekarang, oh kamu keren banget.

Rupanya itu naked bianglala. Bukan berupa kubus. Mungkin kaya becak dipasangin di situ, hanya tanpa roda-roda. Saya buka sejarahnya. Rupanya bianglala model itu populer di Amerika tahun '70 an, setara dengan latar si film 'Notebook'. Nah, saya tidak yakin, apakah model ini juga populer di Indonesia. Karena bagi saya model bianglala paling jadul adalah yang kita temukan di pasar malam.

Saya pun menawarkan beberapa alternatif, perubahan besar atau perubahan kecil tapi rumit. Icha menolak beberapa alternatif karena dia tidak mau mengikatkan diri dengan latar belakang yang menurutnya akan menghilangkan unsur romantisnya.

Oleh karena melihat Icha yang sejak awal sangat kooperatif, saya menampik dugaan bahwa saya tengah berhadapan dengan penulis pemula yang ga mau dikasih tahu demi alasan orisinalitas. Saya harus cari jalan keluar.

Ketika saya pelajari lagi opsi saya, rasanya
terlalu berlebihan jika harus mengubah alur cerita. Agak lama hal itu menggantung di pikiran saya. Hingga kemudian saya putuskan memberi sejarah bagi si bianglala. Dan ternyata hanya membutuhkan beberapa kalimat. =D

Menurut pengalaman saya saat menjadi mahasiswi Ismail Marahimin, latar belakang punya faktor penting. Tidak melulu tentang tempat tetapi juga tentang benda bahkan manusia.

Jadi ketika si penulis bersikukuh tidak menjelaskan latar belakang kisahnya, pilihan nama karakternya menjelaskan setidaknya itu terjadi di Indonesia. I mean, we are not talking about Alice in Wonderland dengan setting yang luar biasa ajaib dan tentu saja pilihan nama karakternya.

 Lalu kemudian pertanyaan selanjutnya, bagaimana bianglala tahun 70-an ala Amerika bisa nemplok di Indonesia dengan segala catatan sejarah yang terjadi saat itu? Nah, di situlah tugas saya. Mempertanyakan semuanya untuk kemudian mencari solusinya.  Bersyukur, Icha menerima penambahan itu. And I hope you will hard to find it. Hehehe ...

Saya harap Anda menikmati bacaan ini. Sebuah kisah yang bisa membuat dirimu iseng bertanya pada diri sendiri, 'diakah pangeran impianku di masa lalu?'

I know he does. =)

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Rain Keeps Falling on My Head

Flood has become the top hits of the week. And maybe because I live on the 10th level, I feel grateful. Well, actually I feel guilty of every feelings that I have everytime I saw the news. I don't want to complain about my clothes that never get dry when I know many people out there might let their clothes dry while they were put them on. Or to complain how we are not be able to take the kids out to play, when just nearby people were forced to leave their houses and stayed in the open space.

When you feel sorry for every flood victims, I actually feel less sorry for those who live around Jabodetabek (Jakarta Bogot Depok Tangerang Bekasi). Maybe because in my opinion nature might be the biggest cause but I am sure that we would have less people suffered if we change our attitudes.

a. Riverside Residences Mentality
At first, I want to say to all of us to stop throwing trash  everywhere. But, the internet viewers should not make this a problem, right. We live with a motto reduce, reuse, and recycle. Am I right? ^^

So instead of saying that cheesy thing, throwing garbage not in a trash can is cheesy, I rather say to all the Jakartans, you lives inside many rivers lines. So act like one. And reducing your green area at your home is not one of them. Making buildings with less than 20% original green area is a wrong address. Do that in US, not in Jakarta.  Maybe you are supposed to build some floating houses, just in case.

At this flooded moment like this, I usually whisper to myself, hoping that the wind would say it to every trees and every solid that get drowned, "suck it all the water, keep it down to your ground, so we won't get dried when the heat wave come."

People are busy to throw away the water like it was a problem. Hey, we live from water. That's why the first livings were build around the river line and when you make it smaller and shorter, you will blame the water for passing by? It is their territory, you are the one who is on its way. >_<

B. Rain is a Bless and Always Will Be
I feel sorry for those who pray may the dry season come soon. We've well I've been teached that rain is a bless. How come you refuse bless. Everything comes for a reason. I am not saying that this is a disaster to punish us all. It was just an automatic programme that God has setted to our earth. The water in the cloud is not just in there just like that. There are process. We all learned it at the elemetary school. So, why bother?

Again, maybe because I am not the survivor, I could talk cheaply. I just feel unfair to blame the rain.

Is it fair to you? I don't know. But I know if there are flood on my level, I would complain to the management as the one who is in charge. But for the rain? Do you want to complain to God?

All I know, everytime the rain falls, we are forced to hold on. To stand still.  Stuck with traffic, staying under the bridge, staying on the second level, not be able to go anywhere, to do anything, and what was it all about? Being still is not a sin, though, if you want to think about it a little deeper.

for the victims, maybe God doesn't take it personally, He was just doing His routines. But if you could be able to make it personally, and to become a better you, well that will be a great move.

C. To Help or to expect the help or to wait for the help?
I know the people in Rawajati, just 200 m from Kalibata City, would get flooded like every year. But did it stop the people to give help? No. Sometimes I wish I could stop, but we are humans. Somehow we have something called inner good. While I call it a perfect time to reduce my kids clothes.

 I prefer not to come to the flood survivors shelter, just to protect my feelings. Because many times, we get angry when we saw how people react.

I get annoyed when I read news how a beggar mentalism getting bigger. How the kids dissapointed when the governor came and gave them books instead of money. How they keeps throwing away garbage everywhere. And so on.

But I also have raised my veil (my hat), for people who continuesly helping the survivors. How they keep reminding people to get out of the house for they safety and for the efficiently of the rescue team energy. But How come they just sitting around and waiting for the food, just like a queen or king? Are you protecting your belongings? Well, my advice, never have something if you don't  want to lose it.

On the other side there are many people who seriously needs to get rescue. Don't you ever hear the story about a man who is asking God's help and refuse all the help just because he thought that wasn't God's help?

 well, We can't stop people who want t
o help, right? For the sincere people, I salute you.

This flood has become drama, bigger than I tought. Maybe I am one of them. Sigh.

Keep healthy peeps. There are more homeworks to do after the flood. Fighting!

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

When Mommy Needs More than a Gossip Talk #KEBdiMataku

Emak means mother

It has been known that women need to produce 15000 words each day while men only produce 5000 words. That fact answers lots of 'that's why'.

I've quit depending on my husband as my big bowl of talk for hmm maybe for a couple years now. Since I resigned three years ago, I've been struggling to find place to let my 15000 words out of my mouth. It wasn't easy. As my kids grow, and very talkactive, and also I've finally have friend to talk via whatsapp, my burden of words became lighter. I wish I knew about Kumpulan Emak2 Blogger earlier, maybe I could reduce all the negativity I have done because of not founding a friend or a community to share with.

If you think that women or mother would only talk about celebrities, you better think twice. Here we would found how women with their tradition, their modernity, their challenges, their conditions, their places could try to share the best of them from writings in their blogs. How the love of women of free gifts has push them to become smarter and dilligently joining blog competitions. I wish someday I could be a partnof these amazing Emaks.

This KEB is something that you can say from women to women. Their writings are variants and inspiring. It's a perfect place to find positivity. Many times I feel being reminded by their writings.

And the attitude ... Wow, it's amazing seeing the Emaks support one to another. I tought I would find myself being pointed as the worst mother, but apparently I gain lots of energy to be a better me.

They seemed to try to help in any ways. Maybe if someone asked how to fix a car tire, there would be another Emak in the group that will answer it.  I am wondering when will someone post about a secret midnight sale or the latest diapers price. But that is something that you don't see, surprisingly. These Emaks are different yet interesting.

But they are really a group of Emaks. You can say that when you saw your #UpdateEmak got retweeted early in the morning. Though not all of the members are married or have kids, but we are basically the same. People said, you don't have to be a mother to have a sense of motherhood.

As a junior, I have big and lots of hope for @Emak2Blogger. I hope KEB could be globally known and participate in empowering women. I hope someday there will be a KEB's meeting accross the city or maybe across the country. I hope I could be and give the best of me to KEB. I hope we all will stay strong and filled with love forever.

Happy 2nd birthday, KEB. XXX

Passions Needs Knowledge

For the last 6 hours, I've been watching three different singing competition. American Idol, kpop star hunt, and Indonesian Idol. And from there three, I found one similar thing.

It was one afro american contestant. He said he wanted to sing one song (I forgot the title) in jazz version. But when he sang it, it was rnb.

Harry Connick jr was the one who asked quite sinically, "Do you know what 'jazz' means?"
This contestant answered, "It is when you sing a song and you changed a little bit." (i'm not sure the exact line). And Harry Connick jr looked very upset hearing that. Even when that contestant leaved with no golden ticket, he was still want to discuss it with JLo. Maybe because she thought Harry was too hard on him. "He doesn't even know what 'jazz' is!" he said to her.

After this scene, I saw one scene from KPop starhunt. One of the group was on vocal training but they haven't prepare for it. The mentor was pretty upset.

One of contestant, Stephanie from Singapore,who was the rebel one said sharply, "I sang rnb, alternative, in english. I never sing any korean song other than Gangnam Style." She did became a youtube star because she sang Gangnam Style with guitar.

The mentor asked sharper than her, "You know what this competition is about. but why did you still join it? If you want to sing english songs, why don't you join American Idol?"

Stephanie argued him even more, "I came here just for experience. I don't expected to win."
This statement made the other contestant feel upset. Well of course, when you compete with a person with less passion but better skill, don't you feel want to pinch their cheeks?

Then I saw Ahmad Dhani during Indonesian
Idol audition. He asked the contestants to name ten female foreign singers. If they could do that, they will get the golden tickets.
maybe you think that this is how Ahmad Dhani tried to show his arrogant. But when he said, "Joining a singing competition is not only about skill, but also the effort to do it." And knowledge is one of them.

I was quite surprised watching that many of the contestants could not answer the question. What? Really?

It reminded me of one tweet from Alyssa Wahid." Back then, people got famous because their perfect ability to sing. Now, people want to sing to get famous."
What an ironic.
I think a confused generation has become bigger and bigger. Many years ago, I found this scene in college. When your friends showed their less passion to our faculty, our programme. "I chose it to pass the UMPTN." So, they said.

Sometimes I feel sad about them but also get annoyed because they could get a better point than me.

Nowaday, there are another phenomenon, how parents have become drawing or coloring competition maniacs for their kids. They even have their own community. And they would say proudly, "We come here for the money."
I always doubt their intention. I am not sure that they want their kids to become artists.

Believe me, I know that. We are living in the country where if you are not a doctor or engineer, or at least economic bachelor, you are nothing. And pushing kids to coloring competitions and even take a special course for it, felt so wrong. They get the knowledge but not the passion. Too bad. What a waste.

Back to singing competition. Again, U always
like to take this quote, that you need to make portofolio of your own. If you like movies then make ones. Show it. You don't always have to make some big movie with big budget. But the bottom line is make your own mark with something you really have passion about it. Breath with it. Then you will be amazing. Famous is just a bonus. Popularity without knowledge would make you some media social's joke.

Ah, ifAhmad Dhani asked me those question, I would answer: Christina Aguilera, Demi lovato, Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, IU, Hyorin, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Madonna,  eh kebanyakan ...


Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Malam Inisiasiku ala Sastra Belanda

Oleh karena tidak ada larangan menceritakan hal ini saat pelantikan dulu, jadi mau cerita aaah. Belakangan ada beberapa berita tentang MABA tewas ketika malam keakraban alias ospek alias inisiasi, nah tulisan ini untuk MABA sastra Belanda FIB UI entah kapan, yang cukup pintar untuk meng-google sebelum memutuskan mengikuti acara JJAB (entah apa singkatannya =P). Cerita ini mulai berlatar belakang tahun 1999 dan memakai sudut pandang sejak saya menjadi MABA, panitia masak, panitia acara, senior, hingga alumni.

Pada dasarnya inisiasi IKSEDA bertujuan memutuskan urat malu. Oleh karena itu kreativitas dan keberanian diperlukan di sini. Bukan berani berantem tetapi berani yang keren yang bisa bikin panitia senang tapi tidak memabukkan. Kepuasan kita adalah melihat anak-anak MABA keluar dari zona nyamannya menjadi sosok paling aneh sedunia.

Si Tukang Ngedumel
Mulanya biasa saja. Saya pikir menjalani ospek universitas dan ospek kampus sudah lebih dari cukup. Toh pada saat itu ada beberapa senior yang menjadi mentor sehingga kita mampu menjalaninya. Tetapi itu dusta, saudara-saudara. Senior berselimutkan mentor itu tengah menjadi mata-mata lalu di malam inisiasi mereka menjadi 'malaikat' pencatat dosa yang akan mengeluarkan segala catatan tentang semua salah omong kita. Damn!

Makanya sampai sekarang ga pernah benar-benar percaya sama si ibu yang sudah jadi juragan O******* ini. Yes, it was you, you know who. Perannya sebagai bad side rupanya terlalu meyakinkan ketimbang waktu jadi good side. LOL.

Ada senior yang punya julukan sama dengan barang yang dikemplang-kemplang semalaman itu, pas jadi MABA kayanya horor banget ngeliat dia. Tapi begitu saya jadi senior bahkan alumni dan pada suatu waktu dia datang bareng pacar (mungkin), saya rasa aneh saja melihat dia sebagai manusia biasa. Yang pipinya bisa bersemu-semu. Makanya, saat jadi panitia acara, saya menghindari peran seperti itu. Terlalu rentan.

Hari masih terasa hangat hingga malam. Walau kita sudah dikalungi nama julukan, saya merasa baik-baik saja. Toh, saya sudah pernah mengalami malam pelantikan di sanggar SMA. Paling sebentar lagi disuruh baris, begitu pikir saya. Oh iya nama julukan saya adalah Gemurmel. Artinya? Tukang Ngedumel. Semua orang di rumah ngakak mendengar ini, "Pas banget!" Sialan.

Pemilihan nama sebenarnya bukan tanpa sebab. Ketika saya menjadi panitia acara, pemilihan nama adalah latihan pengucapan lafal Belanda. Jadilah kami memilih berbagai kata ajaib dalam bahasa Belanda. Biar pada belibet ngomongnya, begitu harapan kami
Nah kembali ke malam pertama. Rupanya
keadaan masih baik-baik saja hingga kami disuruh tidur. Tidur di ruang tengah, bareng-bareng. Saya merasa beruntung salah satu teman saya mendengkur dan membuat saya senantiasa terjaga walau memejamkan mata. Dan karena itulah saya menyadari ketika suasana di sekitar tiba-tiba hening dan ...

Seluruh orang yang berwenang sudah berkeliling dengan segala atribut panci, kaleng, pokoknya semua yang berisik dan memekakkan telinga. Mereka yang tidak memegang panci akan berdiri berselang seling di antaranya dan mengeluarkan suara yang lebih nyaring dari si panci-panci. Yup, the yell of women. Lots of them.

Dalam keadaan dituntut menunduk dan terduduk, kami digiring untuk meriung satu sama lain. Kontak fisik tidak diperbolehkan di sini alias ga boleh dorong-dorong MABA pakai kaki. Jadi kalau si MABA agak bolot karena ga maju-maju, biasanya suka ada yang bisik-bisik, "Ayo maju, cepetan."

Usai meriung, pasukan penggeprak panci mundur dan digantikan panitia masak. Lha, ngapain ada panitia masak? Nah, mereka inilah yang bertugas ngolesin masker di muka, minyak di kepala plus penata rambut ala idiot. Syukur gue pakai jilbab =P

Masker n minyak ini untuk menghalau udara dingin di tengah malam puncak. Tidak dengan cara anggun tentunya. Namanya juga inisiasi.

Dan jurit malam pun dimulai. Ketika keluar dari vila, saat itulah tirai panggung terangkat. Saya justru tidak merasa tertekan di sana. Jalani saja. Sebentar lagi usai. Itu saja yang saya ucapkan di kepala saya.

Senam Pagi Itu ...
Adakah legenda baru untuk instruktur senam pagi? Karena itu alasan saya menghindari inisiasi. Pasti deh.

Kejadiannya bukan ketika saya jadi MABA, melainkan ketika jadi panitia acara. Sebagai anggota tim senam pagi, saya yang tadinya hanya ingin di bagian DJ, akhirnya jadi heboh sendiri kelojotan sambil diiringi lagu Livin La Vida Loca. Masa ketika Ricky Martin masih dikira cowo sekseh sebelum akhirnya lebih milih cowo seksi ketimbang semua cewe semlohai di video klipnya (OOT).

Dan pagi yang harusnya jadi rehat bagi para alumni justru jadi serasa ada pertunjukan ekstra. Bukan dari MABA tapi dari panitia. Dan gue selalu disuruh mengulanginya saban tahun. Alamakjaaan. Diinisiasi saban tahun ini namanya.

Tukang Jamu yang Genit
Edisi kemplang-kemplang itu berlanjut hingga akhir inisiasi. Jadi ketika untuk kedua ketiga dstnya, saya dan teman-teman sudah tidak terlalu pengang dengarnya. Dan rupanya permainan semakin meninggi ketika tiba saatnya keliling kampung. Kali ini para senior tidak lagi terlalu horor, tapi jahilnya tingkat tinggi. Jadilah kami semua didandani, lengkap dengan kostumnya. Dibagi dalam grup dan keliling kampung menuju pos-pos yang mungkin kami lalui semalam.

Di saat itu fisik jadi tantangan. Treknya cukup jauh. Tidak dikasih minum. Syukur saya jadi tukang jamu, ada bekal dua botol air jahe sisa semalam.

Air jahe. Yaiks. Ga suka jahe, tapi semalam terpaksa minum demi bertahan dari dingin. Nah kalau siang-siang begini? Tenggorokan terasa kian kering kerontang. Never want those thing anymore.
Fase itu kami sudah mulai bersenang-senang menjadi gila. Biarlah ditepokin dan disorakin orang gila sama anak-anak kampung bayaran. Toh, belum tentu gue balik lagi ke sini. Hitung-hitung hiburan lah.

Waktu Makan pun ...
Inilah saat di mana panitia masak yang adalah satu angkatan lebih muda dari panitia acara melakukan latihan inisiasi pada MABA. Yaitu dengan memasukkan  potongan cabe dan sayur ekstra besar dan nasi keras ala dimasak pakai wajan. Nasinya pun ekstra banyak, porsi supir truk. Yah, kegiatannya juga banyak sih.

Saya rasa angkatan 2000 menjadikan waktu makan sebagai surga. Habis makanannya enak sih. Ada lagi gak angkatan yang kaya begitu?

Beda banget waktu angkatan kami yang jadi panitia masak. Banyak hal yang terjadi di belakang sana. Mulai dari air jahe yang ditaruh di ember berdampingan dengan kegiatan cuci piring. Masker yang tertukar jadi adonan pisang goreng-and it tasted delicious for the seniors. Sampai fakta bahwa cuma saya yang bisa masak nasi dengan cara ditanak. Toh, akhirnya ga ditanak juga, tapi dimasak pakai wajan besar dan air yang banyak.

Konon panitia masak mengalami inisiasi keduanya saat itu. Tapi kami memutuskan tidak melakukannya ketika kami menjadi panitia acara. Memperlakukan layaknya partner saja. Sama-sama dikasih kamar. Beri informasi tambahan lebih awal agar tidak jadi berantakan di depan alumni. Lagian sudah ga ada energinya kali. Lebih baik fokus di MABA.
Tapi emang sih, serasa jadi babu di resto mana gitu. Urusan bikin capucino dan mie instan ga kelar-kelar dari pagi sampai pagi.

Drama di Malam Terakhir
Malam terakhir sudah mirip dengan malam pelantikan saya di SMU. Ada drama, yang akhirnya seolah mendesak kita untuk melawan. Toh sebenarnya apa pun yang kita lakukan akhirnya tetap sama. Nah, angkatan saya termasuk yang dieem saja. Jadilah kita digiring keluar dengan mata tertutup. Ada loh angkatan yang melawan, dan digiring juga semuanya dengan mata tertutup.

Malam itu adalah malam di mana lidah dan perut kita diuji dengan entah berapa meter persegi agar brotoali. Kalau panitia masaknya baik, agarnya bakal mudah ditelan. Yang sadis .. Hmm kunyah deh tuh.

Brotoali itu hanya rasa penyiksaannya saja. Tetapi di dalamnya juga ada jamu tolak angin. Buat apa? Buat berenang malam-malam.
Yup, akhirnya kita diceburin dengan mata masih tertutup ke kolam. Bodohnya, saya langsung ambil arah kanan sebelum membuka penutup. Masuklah saya ke bagian dalam dan ga bisa berenang. Teman saya yang fobia gelap juga panik. Kepala saya jadi sasaran entah siapa sebagai pelampung. Saya juga gak kalah megap-megap. Dan ketika saya hampir mencapai tepian, ada orang meloncat di hadapan saya. Rese nih orang, masih ngerjain juga di kolam. Saya berbalik dan berenang ke sisi yang lain. Yup, berenang bisa dilakukan saat panik.

Yang mengejutkan dan sebenarnya kind of sweet adalah ketika saya hendak mengganti baju, seorang senior menghampiri saya dengan muka kesal.
"Lo bisa berenang apa ga sih?"
"gue udah terjun mau nolongin, lo malah berenang. Walkman pada basah semua nih."
Ah cocuiiit ... Coba lo gantengan dikit lagi, mungkin ga bakal gelap mata gue malam-malam begitu. Lumayan kan dapat adegan heroik. LOL.

Yah gitu deh. Sebenarnya menyenangkan tapi ga mau deh kalau disuruh ulang lagi. Inisiasi adalah satu hal yang menyatukan kami sebagai satu angkatan. Walau dua teman terdekat saya tidak ikut inisiasi, tetapi kami punya kisah heboh sendiri dalam pertemanan kami. Sedangkan selama empat tahun bersama, tentu ada grup dalam angkatan, dan semua itu bisa dijembatani dengan peristiwa di inisiasi.
Catatan bagi para MABA adalah jangan percaya dengan sosok senior atau alumni sebelum malam keakraban. Percayailah mereka setelahnya, itu lebih berguna.

Saya agak sedih tidak bisa menjadi pemberi order terjemah atau edit lagi bagi para junior. Tetapi saya selalu terbuka jika ada yang minta cupcake super murah buat dijual saat wisuda atau bazar demi mengumpulkan dana inisiasi IKSEDA. Mending di twitter ada berita oknum IKSEDA jual cupcake koekieku ketimbang ngencleng minta sumbangan hehehe. Serius loh.

Buat para senior atau alumni, saya juga masih available untuk edit dan terjemah kok. Halah, ujung-ujungnya jual diri =P

Anyway, semoga jalinan kekeluargaan ini tetap manis. Entah kapan bisa lihat inisiasi lagi.

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

readie project: Her Beautiful Eyes karya Rien Dj

Sekarang mau rajin share hasil kerjaan atas nama Readie ah. Yang paling gres diterima di rumah mama adalah buku Her Beautiful Eyes karangan Rien Dj.

Buku ini masuk sepuluh besar dalam lomba penulisan yang diadakan oleh qanita romance.
Buku ini berkisah tentang cinta segitiga antara dua orang difabel dan seorang lelaki normal.
Adalah Tiara yang menjadi tokoh utamanya. Seorang gadis yang ahli komputer tetapi 'apes' didatangi virus polio sejak kecil sehingga harus berlawan dengan sebuah tongkat penyangga. Bersama sahabatnya yang hanya bisa duduk di kursi roda, dia aktif di Komunitas Difabel Solo. Namun, hatinya bolak balik teringat atasannya. Lelaki bermata laguna dengam senyum secerah matahari. Dialah Hakam Cahyaningrat.

Sekilas seperti sebuah cerita yang mudah ditebak akhir ceritanya. Namun, bukan itu yang mau saya bahas. Kisah yang mudah ditebak ini, pada kenyataannya memiliki banyak faktor dramatis. Kenyataannya, orang mungkin masih mau berteman dengan mereka yang difabel tetapi lain ceritanya jika dijadikan pasangan hidup.

Mungkin ada yang ingat kisah seorang gadis difabel yang tidak memiliki kedua tangan tetapi kemudian wajah cantiknya terpajang bersama seorang lelaki tampan yang 'sempurna' dalam sebuah foto prawedding. Dilalah, lelaki itu adalah putra pejabat BI. Bak kisah cinderella.

Mungkin saja ada yang berkomentar, "Walau tidak punya tangan tapi kan mukanya cantik. Ya, ga bakal kesulitan lah." Tapi coba deh dipikir-pikir, wajah boleh cantik, tetapi ketika kita lagi di sebuah restoran mewah lalu  si cantik ini mengangkat kakinya ke meja dan meraih sendok untuk kemudian menyuapi dirinya sendiri, ngaku deh, pasti rasanya janggal. Dan tatapan janggal itu melesat lebih cepat dari cahaya. Memberi sejuta arti bagi si objek yang ditatap.

Itu baru bicara soal pandangan dan anggapan orang 'normal'. Itu saja sudah mampu mengobrak-abrik kepercayaan diri seseorang. Belum lagi bicara soal fasilitas. Komunitas difabel sering kali menjadi kalangan 'reject' sehingga keberadaannya seakan ditunggu kadarluarsanya.

Seumur hidup saya, saya hanya mengenal tiga orang difabel yang kemudian tetap aktif menjalani kehidupannya. Namun itu bukan tanpa kerja keras. Lebih keras dari mereka yang 'lengkap'. Saya ingat teman saya bercerita tentang bapaknya yang juga terikat di kursi roda. Otot tangannya setelah sekian puluh tahun dipaksa bekerja ganda menggantikan fungsi kaki mengalami perkapuran lebih cepat. Dalam cerita ini saya mengetahui bahwa penderita polio sejatinya harus menjaga berat tubuhnya karena tidak banyak melakukan aktivitas dengan berdiri dan agar beban kerja tangannya tidak semakin berat.

Dari teman saya itu pula saya mengetahui soal modifikasi mobil yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan si bapak. Pastinya manual. Jangan harap mobil keren yang ada di drama Jepang Life is Beautiful, serba otomatis. Jangankan mobil, rumah pun disesuaikan, mulai dari lebar pintu, tata letak furnitur, hingga lebar lorong. Apa kabar dunia luar? Rasanya pasti gila banget.

Saya saja yang seorang pedestrian sejati, jarang bisa menikmati trotoar yang lapang, rata, dan bebas motor. Apalagi begitu punya dua anak dan berharap bisa sekadar jalan-jalan sambil dorong stroller tandem. Masih syukur tinggal di superblok, masih bisa lah hasrat itu terpenuhi. Tapi kalau mau ke mal sebelah, beuuh ... Begitu keluar sudah semrawut motor sana sini, lalu harus ketemu perlintasan kereta dan hadangan mobil wuih pokoke ribetlah. Jadi kalaupun mau ke mal sebelah di hari kerja ya artinya satu bocah digendong, yang satunya lagi digandeng.

Bicara soal fasilitas mal saja sepertinya baru mengalami perbaikan bukan karena kesadarannya akan komunitas difabel, melainkan karena arus modernitas yang menyebabkan banyak orangtua membawa stroller ke pusat perbelanjaan. Mal yang bagus akan menyediakan lift yang lapang di tempat mencolok. Bukan lift sempit seperti di Pasaraya Blok M. Bukan lift barang yang entah di belakang apa seperti di ITC Kuningan.

Saya jadi ingat saat kuliah juga ada salah satu mahasiswi yang menggunakan kursi roda. Gedung FIB hanya tiga lantai sehingga tidak menggunakan lift dan jadilah si mahasiswi menanti digendong teman-temannya saat harus mengikuti kuliah di lantai dua atau tiga. Dosennya pun mencari cara agar mata kuliah yang diikutinya tetap di lantai dasar. Namun mau sampai kapan dia harus menanti uluran tangan orang? Adakah yang tahu bahwa mungkin dirinya juga ingin naik sendiri. Menjadi orang yang harus selalu menunggu bantuan itu tidak menyenangkan. Dan sikap itu memang harus dipertahankan.

Suka kesel kalau menghadiri resepsi di gedung mewah tapi area lobinya tangga semua. Ga ada sisi landainya. Memang sih terlihat keren tapi kok mayoritas banget sih. Ini terasa banget saat ke Monas yang di mana-mana tangga. Waktu ke sana memang ga bawa stroller tapi pegel gendong bocah-bocahnya juga. Kalaupun bawa pasti kaya orang salah alamat gitu.

Bayangkan ada berapa banyak kesempatan komunitas difabel untuk beraksi di dunia luar yang kemudian terlindas oleh kepongahan mereka yang 'normal'?

Jadi singkatnya, mengedit naskah ini membuat saya teringat pada mereka-mereka itu. Mereka yang ternyata lebih mengoptimalkan yang ada dalam dirinya ketimbang saya. Mereka yang tidak menyerah pada keadaan. May God bless you always.

Jadi sebagai penutup, beli deh bukunya =) Ini bukan kisah cinta biasa.

Kids and the Mals

I don't really like to go to the mals during weekend, well it's because we live above it. Mal has become our yard, we even pass it before it open. But sometimes if we don't have any place to go and have to choose a mal somewhere else than Kalibata City Square then I usually have to google it first.

You don't want to go to the mal that has similar tenant as KCS. In my priority list of course something that is new for the kids.
And in my very less experience in 2013, allow me to share.

1. MOI (Mal of Indonesia)
I finally could step my foot inside MOI because one of my friend delivered a baby just behind it. That's why I was so excited. Not to mention, there is a baking supplies store (titan). Got somethings to buy there.

But when we get there, we are a little confused and finally get it when we got home. Basically MOI is like the headquarter of FunWorld games area. They have not only the largest machine games which located at the second floor but you can enjoy all kind of carrousells and mini trains at the back side of the ground floor. But that was it.

Malika and Safir were too small at that time and for me spending money just to take a train was a waste. So, I looked for some kind of free play area or a softplay area. But when we found it, they only allowed a companion that 150 cm tall at the highest. Surely can't do that. The kids even didn't want take the plane carousel without having us beside them.

So, I guess I will going to visit here once again in a few years. Maybe five years from now.

2. PHINISI (Pasaraya Blok M)
I had a chance to visit here because I was attending a Parenthink seminar. I tought it would be a great to join a seminar while knowing your kids would happily playing with their father. But unfortunately, it was not. I only attended it in 15 minutes and after that the father gave up. So here I was, playing with Malika.

I think Phinisi is one of big effort that Pasaraya tried to do to survive. But too bad, the access to go there was not upto date. Phinisi lied at the top of the building but the elevator were too small. Well, it was an old mal, when at its time people didn't bring strollers. Thank God, we decided not to bring any of it. Because those long waitings for the elevator could fall hard when you know your stroller won't fit in.

Just like its name, Phinisi is a legendary boat kind originally from Indonesia, there was a big boat lied at the center of a big hall with dark blue sky. Before we get into the center there were rooms for activities such as batik painting, drawing, vocals training, wayang, cupcakes decorating, etc. Around the big boat there was a track for a mini gokart. The boat itself was quite big to enjoy from the inside.
Other than a carrousel, there was a softplay area with a very high perosotan. But due to its professionalism, the parents were not allowed to accompany the kids while climbing up. It was a big one, so it would quite intimidating for toddler and they usually didn't feel comfort being accompanied by the nice guide there. So was Malika.

Then we decided to take a stair and we finally found the perfect place for the kids. It was a medium area where you could found toys such as brick and stuffs there. Yeah, kids this age didn't really want the most impressive play area. While the kids played, the parents could relax a little bit, sitting on the wooden floor. At the same level there were also a light game where an LED light spot the floor and we could step on whatever that showed and it would crash. What was that game anyway? I think that was so cool. I wish I have one. You could test your kids nerve by trying the wallclimb at the same level. It was safe. Or you could have some fun by taking the train.

But still, I felt uneasy when I got home.

3. SAND PLAYING @Pejaten Village
Most people don't believe in me when I said my favorite place at Pejaten Village was the sand area at the third level. Not because they don't think I like to play sand but because they don't believe that there IS a sand area. Well, no wonder that place had very less visitor, the opposite happened at the second floor where chaos was in the house.

By paying Rp25000,-, Malika and his dad could able to play there while I was in karaoke with Safir n my cousins.

The place was designed as if we were on a beach with big windows and the buildings landscape as its view.  She seemed to enjoy it but the sand it self was very dry so it was impossible to mould anything. Maybe someday we should bring water.
Yes, someday. malika still wants to go there once again.

4. Lolliop @LOVE & Chipmunks @kotakasablanka
There are two similar things from them that become my reasons not to go there. Too expensive and too big.

Yup, they are a giant softplay area that includes cafe and train track. And I know my kids behaviour. Malika likes to explore but she doesn't want to do it if one of us not be with her. While those big area are not suitable for grownups to go in there yet difficult to watch from the outside. While Safir is a ball freak. He would do anything with balls and nothing else matter. Can you imagine him and the ball pool? He would busy picking up the falling out balls and put them in back. Things that you can do at home.
I don't want to spend Rp150000,- - Rp170000,- for each kid and additional Rp50000,- for each companion. Nope. That is not going to happen.

But this palces are suitable if you want to held a party for your kids. It would be more fun.

5. D'amazon Carribean @kotakasablanka
At first we came in here after being disappointed by the entrance price to Chipmunks and Lollipop. Yup, we've travel to three mals within two hours just to seek for a play area. Malika decided to play games that used coins. I said, fine. Better than nothing.
but when me and Malika arrived there, we couldn't find Safir and his father. So we walked around it, it was a small yet crowded place and that was when I saw, in the other cashier corner, there was a small softplay. Voila!

And its price was not that shocking before.
Rp50000 or Rp55000,- if you don't bring any socks. And the kids were finally could have some fun.

As I predicted before, Safir would busy with balls. But in here there was a wind machine where you could place balls and after hitting a button the air would come from the bottom and made the balls flying. Well, at least Safir could do something else with the balls, not just picking it up. And he stayed there for an hour.

While Malika, again, as I predicted, would asked me to join with her crawling inside the tunnel. But because it was too small, I made to convince her that she won't lose me from her sight by standing outside the tunnel. And she really made me as her human directions.
We would love to come back there again.

Well, after some mals, many times we think that Kalibata City Square are OK for us. Quite cheap and small but fit in with the kids.
Ah, home sweet home.

Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

(Review Sekolah) Twinkers Kalibata City

Ah, awal tahun. ibu-ibu temannya Malika sudah sibuk blusukan TK. Ah, TK, Malika jadi dimasukin TK atau tidak ya? Amynya masih galau. Jadi dalam kegalauan ini, izinkan saya membuat review sekolah Malika sendiri.

Sejak Maret tahun lalu, Malika merasakan yang namanya playgroup di twinkers Kalibata City.
Perpanjangan tangan dari daycare Omah Cilik ini memang sudah jadi incaran saya, jadi ketika akhirnya dibuka di Kalibata City, saya antusias. Saya sih tertarik dengan betapa si twinkers ini tidak pakai janji-janji bahwa si anak akan bisa baca, tulis, hitung. Maklum, biasanya kalau saya baca brosur atau banner yang mengusung kepandaian calistung, saya langsung melengos dan mencoret dari daftar.

Di umur tiga tahunan, bagi saya, yang penting bagi Malika adalah punya teman yang agak permanen alias membentuk komunitas, dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan temannya itu entah itu dari saling berbagi, berkomunikasi, bergantian, dan koordinasi berkelompok. Namanya juga playgroup alias kelompok bermain. Calistungnya mah sisipan saja.

Nah, saya jadi ingat ucapan seorang nenek di area bermain saat bertanya ke Malika sekolah di mana. Saat saya jawab playgroup, dia bertukas, "Ah, ga ada gunanya di situ."

Lalu berceritalah dia setengah berpromosi bahwa cucunya masuk bambimbum (ah lupa namanya), dan kini sudah bisa calistung dan bahasa Inggris sampai dia sendiri bingung ngomong sama cucunya karena beliau tidak bisa bahasa Inggris.

Gatel sih mulut pengen judes nyeletuk, "Lha, ibu ga ngerti aja bangga ..."

Tapi yah mungkin ada banyak orang yang mendukung si ibu itu. Bisa jadi saya yang aneh. Seperti biasanya. Anti mainstream.

So, bagi orangtua yang ingin anaknya masuk playgroup lalu keluar langsung cas cis cus, kayanya jangan masuk ke twinkers. Kuciwa nanti ...

Ok, balik ke twinkers. Twinkers ini punya playschool (2-3thn), playgroup (3-4thn), preprimary (4-6thn) dan oh iya ada daycare juga. Untuk daycare, jika langsung bayar bulanan, sudah termasuk uang pangkal sekolah. 

Twinkers kalibata city juga menyediakan kelas tambahan seperti balet, melukis, calistung, iqra, dan bahasa Inggris. Tapi Malika tidak ada yang ikut karena bentrok jam tidur siang.
Bertempat di lantai 1 tower Raffles, twinkers ini hanya sebesar dua setengah unit dua kamar di Kalibata Coty. Mungkin sekitar 90 meter persegi. Yoi, kecil banget. Tapi buat korban pelecehan seksual kaya saya lebih aman karena itu artinya tidak ada pojok-pojok atau ruangan-ruangan mencurigakan.

Ruang kelasnya ada tiga. Salah satunya pada hari tertentu digunakan untuk kelas terapi bagi anak-anak berkebutuhan khusus, telat bicara, dll.

  Oleh karena ruang terbatas, muridnya juga tidak bisa banyak-banyak, maksimal 8 orang. Kalaupun lebih biasanya ditunggu hingga beberapa bulan sebelum dilakukan mutasi murid. Setiap kelas dipegang oleh dua pengajar yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan komposisi 50%.

Malika sih senang-senang saja sekolah di situ. Mengajarinya jadi lebih mudah, dengan kata lain gak pakai tegang urat. Mungkin karena dia lihat gurunya juga mengajarkan hal yang sama dan teman-temannya juga harus ikut. Saya bahkan harus mempersiapkan dirinya bahwa dia akan segera usai sekolah di situ. Dia pikir akan selamanya sekolah di situ.

Tadinya memang mau lanjut hingga preprimary biar Safir bisa bareng ikut di playgroup. Kebetulan jadwalnya sama. Namun karena berbagai perhitungan mulai dari keuangan hingga ingin nuansa TK dengan lebih banyak anak murid, saya menghapus rencana awal tadi. Cuma yah gitu deh, sekarang malah galau mau diterusin TK sekarang atau tahun depan saja.

Nah yang kurang pas di twinkers adalah iuran lain-lain untuk acara tambahan, seperti kartini, agustusan, idul fitri, jalan-jalan, dl. Seringkali nominal terlalu besar dan hasilnya ga seberapa. Rasanya gatal saja ingin jadi bendaharanya biar bisa kasih tahu vendor murah. Well, itu bukan sekolah saya, tentu ada hal yang tidak pas bagi saya. Tapi jika lihat brosur terbarunya sudah ada biaya kegiatan tahunan di awal pembayaran. Hmm ...

Berikut rincian biayanya:
Pendaftaran: Rp800000,-
SPP: Rp250000,-/bulan
Durasi: 1 mgg 1x @45 menit

Pendaftaran: Rp1250000,-
Kegiatan per tahun: Rp.500000,-
SPP: Rp375000,-/bulan
Durasi: 1 mgg 2x @1 jam

Pendaftaran: Rp2500000,- (termasuk seragam & tas sekolah)
Kegiatan per tahun: Rp500000,-
SPP: Rp425000,-/bulan
Durasi: 1 mgg 3x @1,5 jam

Pendaftaran: Rp2000000,- (termasuk seragam & tas sekolah)
Kegiatan per tahun: Rp500000,-
SPP: Rp425000,-/bulan
Durasi: 1 mgg 3 x @2 jam

Pendaftaran: Rp300000,-
SPP: Rp250000,-/bulan
Durasi: 1 mgg 2x @1 jam

Balet, Modelling, Acting
Pendaftaran 1 kelas: Rp300000,-
Pendaftaran 2 kelas: Rp500000,-
SPP: Rp350000,- (Durasi 1 mgg 1 x @1 jam)
Rp600000,- (Durasi 1 mgg 2 x @1 jam)

Pendaftaran: Rp300000,- (termasuk crayon Titi 55 pieces & buku gambar A3)
SPP: Rp200000,-/bulan
Durasi: 1 mgg 1 x @1 jam

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

My Story: My FAQ

Ok, this is my narcism edition. I don't have millions of follower that make me do this. But if you try to accomplish your #my500words mission, then you need to talk about almost everything. Well, I am sorry if this post would make you sick of me =D but this is just for fun.

These are my most frequently asked questions, enjoy:
1. Why #hpmelati
Most people would found something wrong in my name (and emails, facebook, twitter's ID). In Indonesia, people uses HandPhone to name their cellphones. And my name makes them  ask whose H(and)P(hone)? Or perhaps they would think this was some kind of joke. You know, cute name. But this is my real name, in acronym.

My fullname is Hasanah Putri Melati. My childhood's group would call me Ati (the shortcut of MELATI). I began to promote the name MELATI When I was an editor in chief for business books. Meeting some businessmen made the name 'Ati' was not so ellegant to introduce. Especially when you have a popular comedian named Mpok Ati. That's why I said Melati. But this name is actually kind of flirty if you meet a man. I can see their face a little bit changed.

Well anyway, why did I shorten my name? It has its own history. Many years before, when I was in highschool, preparing for the big test to enter a public university, my mentor told us to not waste time filling hole for your long name. Make it short. Then you will have more time to do the questions.

But why did I have shorten my first names. Well, it simply because I was called by my last three alphabets. And ... There was a love story behind it. That time I was crush on my junior and he used HP as his nickname. So, as teenage, I felt that this was going to be a sweet separation memory.

I tought I won't see that name anymore after I've finished doing my test. But a couple months later, I saw that name on the newspaper. I passed the test.

And I was still not using that memorable name, untill ... The millenium bugs came. Yes, I was class of 1999. ^^ And this 2k thing made the computer were not able to identify me as the UI's student. And since then, I was forced to use that name, FOREVER.

instead of seeing it as a curse, I tried to accept it as sign that this name will become my stage name. This name will make stories. And here I am.

2. What is #koekieku?
www.Koekieku.com is my baking's brand. Because I was born in DenHaag and was a student for Dutch Linguistic, I like to combine words. Like an art. "Koekie" means cookie and "ku" means "my".

I like how it sound rythm with these KKK thing.
I am still trying to become the first at the search engine. Fighting.

3. What is #readie
I don't talk much about Readie, unlike koekieku. While readie is actually my main income as a freelance editor, translator, and writer. Yup readie is my brand, but people who ordered me usually had known me in person.
So this readie is still under the spotlight of hpmelati. It's ok. This brand is quite down to earth.

4. What is #Amy?
Amy is the name that my kids use to call me. Not mama, nor ibu, nor bunda, nor mommy, nor mami, nor umi, but Amy (ah-mee). Where did I get that name?

Well actually I think I found it in a cartoon movie called The Lost Atlantis. But I can't prove it because I don't have it anymore. And I can't found it on youtube. Maybe you could help.
It was the very first scene, the prologue, about the people of Atlantis when there was a baby called his mother's spirit with 'AMI'. I don't know whether it was true or not. I just like it.

Some people tought it is an acronym of Ati becoming Umi, or Mommy. Something like that. But most people would say, 'yeah it was you and your weird thing.'

5. Anything else?
I stil want to have another stage name. On the music stage. There was one day, I was dreamed of becoming one of producers of YG entertainment. And BIGBANG's GD would ask me in the record room, 'What do you want to be named in record album?"

And in my imagination, I was thinking. I tought that I was going to use Jasmine as my international name (Melati means Jasmine) but after dealing with lots of disney's character I think that name was too sweet.

So I was thinking about being called "Jazzy". Oh, one day.

then my mind wandering, maybe it would be more cool to be called Mrs. TOP as me and BIGBANG's TOP make a n unit group (or perhaps the other kind of group =P).
Ok, it's getting late. My husband is out of town and I was dreaming about the hottest guy on earth (LOL). time to go to sleep now.



Apakah Muslim Indonesia Paham Hukum Ini

Bukan mau jadi ibu ustadz nih, tapi lama-lama gemes saja lihat berita selebriti kita. Apalagi kalau bukan soal Ibu A TT yang dikabarkan sudah melahirkan. Baru kabar loh ya, belum konfirm orangnya. Walau saya sudah lebih condong dia hamil duluan sebelum menikah tapi marilah kita anggap praduga tidak bersalah. Hanya saja saya ingin sekali berteriak, 'eh, lo ga boleh merittt!!! Apalagi skrg malah ngebet minta cerai!!! Maksud looo!!!'

Maksud saya, pan katanya habis menaikkan haji orangtuanya, mosok si ayah umi itu tidak punya guru spiritual untuk kasih tahu itu sih. Bukan dia doang yang begitu loh. Buanyak yang begini. Yang akhirnya bilang, yang penting kita bertanggungjawab. Bah.

Berikut beberapa hal yang membuat saya ingin cabut uban di ketek:
1. MBA (Married By Accident)
Banyak kejadian, begitu anaknya hamil, buru-buru deh orangtua cari pihak laki-laki. Minta (atau lebih tepatnya nuntut) pertanggunggjawaban untuk menikahi anaknya.

Halo? Ini gelar salah alamat banget.
Yang betul itu buru-buru nikahin anaknya kalau sudah pacar-pacaran. Biar ga zina. Biar ga fitnah. Kalau sudah hamil ya, si pihak laki boleh saja loh nolak nikahin. Lha wong kuncinya dah dikasih sebelum DP kok. 

Apalagi proses akad nikah yang konon kabarnya merupakan perjanjian dengan Tuhan. Lha, kalau sudah terobos begini, apa yang mau disepakati?

Naudzubillah min zalik. Punya anak perempuan niy ...

Mungkin di agama lain ini bukan masalah, tapi jelas masalah buat Islam.

sudah diam-diam di awal. Ceritanya biar ga diomongin orang. Toh ketahuan juga begitu anaknya lahir. Habis itu keluarin pernyataan, terserah orang mau ngemeng apa. Bukan kita yang harus didengar, Itu tuh, yang sudah menciptakan dirimuh.  (Gemesssh).

Suatu kali saya menghadiri sebuah pernikahan saudara. Dengan adat minang yang megah dengan sentuhan Eropa untuk dekorasi selain pelaminan. Limpahan makanan dari berbagai negara.

Tiba-tiba mata saya terpaku pada satu gubuk. Ada bebek-bebek gelantungan di samping papan gantung bertuliskan Bebek Peking.
What the ... ?

Saya mendekat, mencoba melihat dari berbagai sisi si bebek gantung dengan lebih jelas. Yup, it was the real peking duck. Yang artinya, ga disembelih bo!

Emang kita boleh makannya? Dan rasanya tidak ada tamu yang konon 90% muslim itu, yang (hampir) semua ibu-ibu pakai songket dan baju kurung plus jilbab yang ga ngantri di situ. Salah satu gubuk yang paling laku, lho.

Saya sebenarnya bukan orang yang terlalu pakem harus makan di resto bersertifikat halal. Ada kawan yang menggunakan kutipan hadits mahzab lain demi memakan kepiting. Dan buat saya, memakan hewan yang disembelih itu sudah ilmu paling mendasar dalam memilah makanan yang syariah, bukan? Kaya orang kekurangan makanan saja.
Atau ga ya? Saya bingung.

Okelah orang boleh berdebat soal konsumsi wine, bikini, pernikahan lintasagama, atau tato bahkan freesex yang kini kian menjamur bercampur dengan kebutuhan gaya hidup. Tapi mosok dua hal itu ga tahu sih? Masak ga aware sih? I mean, saya tahu banyak muslim yang suka alkohol tapi ogah disuruh makan babi. Lha, sama saja bukan? Apaan sih isi pelajaran agama dalam hidupnya? Ga jelas banget jadi orang. Atau ada yang freesex tapi kalau nikah harus yang seagama. Lha? Masih penting buat lo? (maaf, emosi).

Keluar dari rumah, saya merasa orangtua saya terlalu kolot dalam pandangan agamanya. Padahal mereka dua puluh lima tahun tinggal di Eropa. Tapi melihat yang beginian, rasanya gatal kepala pengen nyeletuk, 'Lo diajarin apa sih sama orangtua lo?'

Tapi yah itu ironi. Saya ingat ketika menjadi siswi SD Muhammadyah, dan bermain ke rumah teman. Saya terkejut melihat botol-botol bir * dijadikan tempat air es. Sambil melirik teman sekelas saya itu, saya ga jadi minta minum. Glek. Gue masih SD waktu itu saudara-saudara.

Ah sudahlah. Saya juga bukan orang suci. Tapi saya tahu persis kebanyakan dosa saya. Sengaja. (Bela Diri) Menyimpang demi kukuh di jalan yang benar (walau masih belum lurus). Tapi justru itu, saya yang merasa tahu dan sadar saat berbuat dosa saja, pusing lihat yang ditulis di atas.

Betapa mudahnya berbuat dosa di dunia ini. So help me God ....

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Amy's Story: Try to Let It Go

Kids's hobby has become more expensive nowadays. I am talking about how kids are allowed to operate a digital camera by themselves.

Actually I don't really agree of letting Malika hold a camera by herself, but Malika has shown her interest on taking pictures in a very early age and her father is also like photography, that's why I let her do that.
I believe that when you decided to give something to your kids, you also give your heart to let it go, in case it broke or gone.  Ikhlas. Don't give them your home keys if you don't want to lose it. Don't give them things and threat them with a punishment.

I know that. I keep repeating in my head not to do anything that will make my kids less interest. Let them grow. I said repeatedly.

But when Malika was busy making selfie
pictures and she became too excited, the camera fell a couple times and at the last time it caused damage on the screen. I've seen this before but today was the worst and I am not sure that it will recover by itself (by another accident) just like before.

And when I mourned while holding the camera, Malika just said a quick 'sorry' and continued to play other thing. I was quite upset and asked her why did she feel easy about it. Didn't she know that it was valuable? And I have many sentences that my mom used to say everytime I broke things, it was in my tounge already. But Malika said, "I've said sorry and there is nothing I can do."

I felt like I want to bite her but I know it won't change a thing. Like she said, there is nothing we can do. And feeling unsatisfied, I decided not to play nor talk with her (and her brother) for almost an hour.

Well, I do have some housekeepings things to do, but at least I could do this and ignoring them that keep asking me to play with. And in my silence, my mind remembered my mom's childhood story.
My mom was born prematured, people said she looked like a rat because she was very small. But she survived but was finally able to walk by the age of four. As the oldest daughter in minang's society, my mom was asked to do houseworks in early age. And because her premature, she was hard to find her balance and kept breaking plates whenever she cleaned it. And that time, you should walk very far to the river to wash it. And my mom always remembered how her mom would get angry about it and would say mean words. While my father has almost the same story. He told us how his mom would take the breaking glass and tried to wipe it on his armpit just to scared him so he won't break it again next time. Such a horror.

But then my father said, that their parents had never learn about the life of things. When it broke or gone, it means it was the end of its life. And everything would died eventually. That's why, no need to feel hard about it.

This is true, but to really accept it, is hard to do. Hery himself is a person who can't keep his belongings. I barely found his childhood stuff, even his pictures, because he doesn't really pay attention about it. He has almost everything when he was kid but in the end he doesn't own it anymore. I said to him, if his wife doesn't has a life maybe he will lose it too.

While I like keeping things. Not because I have alot, but because I don't always have everything. And because I like to make some handy arts.

When I have kids, I am still not sure how am I suppose  to do. I mean, I've seen how my nephew got obsessed on everything and kept her belongings tight. Somehow, I don't really like it. But seeing how Malika (and Safir) could easily break things and still feel happy after that, is also annoyed me.

So after almost an hour, I finally say something to her.  that I was sad about the camera and she could not able to use it now. And if one day she will use a camera again (her father promised her intax cam on her birthday-hey I want it too), she need to promise to take good care of it. And when she saw tears in my eyes, at that time she also felt sad. I guess what really matter for her is not the thing but the human =) and who knows, maybe years from now she will capture many human soul from her camera.

Truly Mother: Si Belang (the Stripes)

I was inspired by a blog contest held by KataKucing that produced catslendar 2014. A calendar that used cats as a model. Not some ordinary cats, but the famous cats on facebook. You could order it on her fb page. Too bad I don't have enough wall to hang it.

That's why I prefer to talk about cats and not
joining the contest because they want us to talk about the models, Let's Adopt, and KataKucing. And I can't think about anything less than my first pet, si Belang.

I think I was still at kindergarden age when my mother finally accepted her as a pet. First, I need to tell you that I have some blurry memories about it. That's why this writing would have been a little weak.

Ok, Belang was my first pet. My mother was actully hate any kind of pet. As the most responsible person in her family, having a pet was more like an add of life in her life, and that pissed her off. That is why she always tried to get rid of her. But one day, Belang came, and she was pregnant.

Maybe because of that, my mother was forced to accept it. You know, she was a nurse, and something inside her told not to refuse a pregnant cat.

I think that was her first pregnancy. And she finally made it. Two kittens. Look the same to each other. Was it possible that they were twins? I don't know.

I felt excited for the first born in my house (hell yeah, there would be more babies in this house. Like a lot!). I learned that kittens are very protective at first. They only allowed their mother to get near of them. I like to hear them miauw-in in whisper. Cute.

But then I learned about the wild world. The twins had been kidnapped. They were gone. Just like that. They were never getting out of their box in the back room. And suddenly nothing else left there.

Belang frustrated. Her typical miauw-in sounded everywhere at anytime. Day and night. I could feel the sorrow. She began thinner. Her face looked down. And after a while, she heard something. A voice. A kitten voice. Very small. Very far. But it got nearer. And then she quickly ran into the source. There it was. Her child. Only one who finally came back. Maybe their father had kidnapped them. And it was the only one who survived. We called him, Wiku.

And Wiku grew bigger yet coward. And he didn't feel embarassed joining his little brothers (after a couple times delivering) feed his mother breastmilk. Belang didn't care, she let him did that. Maybe he was her forever baby.

Belang's fight hadn't finished yet. She had a couple times miscarriage. I remember one dark night, by a flashlight I could see bodies of kittens without fur all over the balcony. Just like a PKI movie. And in one dark corner, I saw her there, 'crying'.

Then the last time she delivered, she kept asking us to go to her box to see her kid. While usually cats hate to see human when they were just having a baby.

However, I must say, Belang was the best mom ever. She kind of picky of choosing the man. And she did taking care of her children. She wasn't some whore cat like I had the last time which will standing early in the morning below a parking car, closing its eyes, let its only white neckfur blowing, and when a male cat slowingdown his steps, I could see her took a peak of him. B***h.

And we kept Belang for quite a long time. I don't remember how many cats that we have from her. All I remember that I had to pass lots of cats which were running trying to catch my walking feet while bringing one tiny chicken bone.

At the end, we finally have to bring her to a traditional market because we couldn't take care of her anymore. And I think my father chosed the furthest market because she managed to come back to our house.

Now  our house still become a perfect place for cats though the road has getting wilder. Not because the male cats but the motorcycle that constanly killed kittens with its attitude. And still I wish I could know Belang better.

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

My Story: Who am I

Since I resign as an editor in one of national publisher in Indonesia after seven years, I've felt what I called losing my identity. Though I am still a freelance editor but in my neighbourhood I was nobody. Especially when I moved into Kalibata City.

I was quite afraid of become Mrs. hery. Oh, no. Being called with my husband's name feels like a sin. I feel guilty for my parents because they named their children with a specific pray to each of them and now I am going to leave it behind and put my husband's name on it. No way, Jose.

So as a person and a child I have some kind of obligation to bring out my name to the word. In a positive way. And maybe in a great way. But unfortunately, it was not easy especially when you don't make new friends.

For months, I was hanging on my old identity, as a former editor and now become a housewive. Time goes by, and my relatives started to forget who was I. While it took years for me to acknowledge them what an editor is. It wasn't an auditor. I worked in a publisher not a printing office. And now, after my resignation, those knowledge gone too fast.

They saw me like the other housewives, stuck in her daster and get fat, or pimpled. Hehehe, or maybe not. And after a year not becoming an office worker, I took a step. I promised myself not to let time goes by just like that. I need to make mark in this world. I need more things to show in my fb's update. I need to become more.

Is becoming a mother a less thing to have? No. Absolutely not. But this home is the first school for my kids. And that's why I need to keep myself not drowning into the housewive's curse. I need to show them varieties of life.

And as my first step is to become more serious as a baker. I like my status as an editor, but I am not the most popular editor or writer in the world that keeps me busy day by day. There are times when I don't have jobs to do and for me those empty day is valuable. I keep my brain work, just like when I still sat behind my desk. I make plans and datelines. And I make it happen. My www.koekieku.com is one of my commitment. If I want to have a café where my kids could learn how to run a business but still able to male friends, then I need to start it now.

I've seen many reality show such as cupcake town and rachel zoe, it took 10 years to make a kingdom. I've been many steps behind.

And as Malika get into a playgroup, I am not only known as Malika's mom but also a baker. Well, i haven't introduce myself to all the Kalibata City residences, but in mailing list, they surely has identified me as a baker.
What so funny about is, those people would found a little bit weird in me when I said that I was an editor or a writer. Guess, these titles are only known well by my colleagues at Mizan.

And the last months of 2013, I've make another commitment by joining Kumpulan Emak2 Blogger. To become a writer. Though I've worked in a publisher for years, I never related myself as a writer. And  being a blogger is my way to be known globally as a writer.

And that is not all. I still have one field to explore. To become a singer or at least a songwriter. I wish there will be time for me to really finished my lyrics that I've wrote for years. I want to be a part in that industry. To make something that inspire people, encourage them, and make them happy. My youtube channel is waiting to get activated. But let's do it one by one. No need to be in a hurry. Just keep walking.


Make Your Weekend as You and Your Child's Time Only

Kalibata City is an affordable apartments' superblok that lied very close to the centre business of Jakarta. People who lived there usually uses this reason to make their arrival at home sooner.

At first many people doubt the convenience because the unit were very small. How can you build a family there, where it was hard for your kid to play around. Well, the kids might not have enough room to run around in the unit but they are able to do that at the play area in every tower.

So if you think that living in an apartment means a private living, think again.

It has been a common that in certain time, there will be lots of kids playing there. Before 9 am, the sun spots filled with babies. I think this is the time when we started to see the sun as a bless from God. Then by afternoon from 12-2 pm is the time for the kids to have lunch and play around before they take a nap. Last, from 4-5.30 pm is the time for the kids to have dinner after taking a bath.

The question is who will be the one that accompany them? Well, because we have a small unit, many parents choose not to have a nanny. We can see many hot mamas here. Young, casual, update with many parenting ideas, but there also the classic one. Though sometimes we would be able to see hot papas =P

Meanwhile for parents who both have carrier, they could choose daycare or asking their parents to take care their kid or hiring a nanny, either they are permanent or not. Sometimes I got confused when the kids started to look like their nanies. Or when the nanny herself was quite modest. Is she a nanny or a relative?
Unfortunately, I was the one who've been accused a nanny by a nanny supplier. Oh, God.

OK, what I am trying to say is because I see this kids everyday, I began to identified them from their accompanion. I am not trying to look down to mothers whose have carrier, I was one of you once. But I feel sad when weekend come, the escorts didn't change.

When it was only the mother, the grandmother, and the worst is only the nanny whose again standing beside the kids.
I know for you who has jobs, Friday in Jakarta is like hell. And it took lots of energy for you to get home and all you want to do in weekend is to relax a little bit.

But if you have toddlers, weekend has no difference than any other days. And that's why you should keep wake up early and change position with your nanny. Let them do the domestic things and you take the personal yet intimate part. Take your kids to the play area and play with them, so we,your neighbours, could know the kids' parents. Don't you think that your kids might also want their friends to know their parents?

Maybe you think that you will play with them at the mal later on. But giving the opportunity to feed your kids completely to their nanny even on weekend is a shame. Or when you keep busy with your gadget on your weekend while taking your kids playing, we can't feel you, your kids don't feel you.

You might think that the nanny is your other hand, but if you make it 24/7, you are going to lose your kids. And by the time you realise it, it will be too late. And loneliness is your only friend that you can afford.

 Do you think your nanny has giving the best parenting to your kids? Don't you want to complete it with your touch?
I've asked too many questions to myself. But who knows? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the kids don't feel insecure without you by their side. Maybe I don't know what is your real problems?

I just feel, looking at myself, being there 24/7 for my kids, literally, I still found lacks of me. How can you do it if you never spend time with your kids?
An article once said that parents should give minimum 10 minutes everyday for their kids only. If you can't do that on workdays, it means you owe your kids 50 minutes undisturbed time. Minimum. Would you do that?