Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Amy's Story: Stay at Home Weekend

Since we moved to a small apartment with a landed house culture all around us, it made us think that when weekend come means we need to go out of there. "poor kids, they oftenly trapped in a little square," so they said.

 Most of the time we went to grandparents house. We don't really eager to go to a mal because we have visited mal for more than three times a week =D. It's our another playard.

While I began to feel comfort just to stay at home on weekend, Hery needs a little bit longer to adapt. Well, it has been his ritual to go out somewhere every weekend long before we got married while I was kind of home stayed kid. I like to go out, but most of the time because I wanted to stay away from houseworks that my mom would give to me. But I was actually prefer staying in my room, figuring out what kind of ornament that I want to hang in there, or writing poetry, stuffs like that.

Hery is an outdoor person. He found his liberty when he got out, of course he would be able to smoke (bad habit, please help him to move on, God).

But these last few weeks, we were forced not to go anywhere due to the flood and the heavy rain that fell day and night. At first, Hery felt a little bit guilty for asking the kids to our mal again. But when Malika said, "No, just stay here. Play with me at home." he felt glad.

The kids themselves recently were prefer to play with their parents rather than go somewhere else. Maybe the weather made them like that. On workdays I become very tired of handling these two kids. Without any sun, it would hard for them to burn the callories, so it took a bigger effort to make them tired. that is why they force me more to be their escort.

there is nothing special with the weekend activities, we are just simply playing. With legos, playing drama, reading books, or just a two hours watching tv. But, you know, kids ... Oftenly, less is more

When we finally take them to the play area, the kids would enter home with wet faces and clothes. They were 'taking a bath' from the rain leftovers >_< Sometimes it was ok if they want to explore but many times it will inspired other kids to do the same while their parents might not approve it.

For me, just staying at home makes me able to have my 'me time'. At least to go to internet cafe an half hour to an hour. When it didn't accomplish on Saturday there is always Sunday to try again. It won't happen if we were still using the formula go outing every one day on weekend.

Well, the rain is still falling and Hery begin to feel anxious for not going anywhere. Hehehe ...

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