Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Amy’s Story: Explaining Frozen

I know I’ve been late for months for talking about the movie Frozen. I just wathced it for the last 3 weeks and it was overwhelmed. I wonder how was it for moms whose have been into this fever for the last 4 months? Crazy.

I myself don’t think that Disney’s movies are suit for Malika and Safir. But I still introduce it to them anyway just to let them get into the conversation between their peer. Not really my habbit. Though I’ve prepare myself for the upcomings questions and things that I need to explain accordingly our religion. Well, Malika talks no english, that’s why she asks me how the story goes.

Let me what I need to explain more or differently about Frozen, maybe you can share yours. J


  1. Why did Elsa get upset in the first place?
    “We would like to ask for your bless ... for our wedding!!” said Anna and Hans in the same time. I have doubt in explaining marriage in this scene, so I just said that Anna asked Elsa’s permission to let Hans spend a night over.
    “Why he may not?” Malika asked.
    “Well, it’s not proper for a male friend to spend a night at female’s house.”
    “So is it proper for female to spend night at male’s house?”
    HELL, NO!
  2. Magic/Curse Power
    How do you explain magic or curse? I have no idea. It was an absurd adjective for Malika. Then I just said to her that every man has their own special ability. Nothing bad about it if you use it to help other people.
  3. Selling Ice for Business
    At first, when I said that Kirstoff is selling ice, she tought that Kristoff was an ice cream man. “No, he was selling ice blocks. Like the one we see, with themotorbike, remember?” when I finished said that I felt that Kirstoff was not that cool. ;p
  4. Why Elsa Wore Less Dress?
    At the “Let It Go” scene, Elsa changed her dress with shoulder less gown. Malika asked, “why did she wear less dress?”  I have nothing to say to support Elsa other than, “yeah, why did she wear it anyway? Let’s ‘dum-dum her’.”
  5.  The Long Tail
    Remember Elsa’s long tail gown? Malika loves it. She even wore her harnes bag and let the rope fall down to the floor. I let her do that at home, but when she also wear it at the park and the mal, it was really bugging me (and other people). So I told her to wear it only at home. “Why? Elsa wears it everywhere.”
    “Yeah, she is a queen. No one walks behind her. She didn’t go to the park to play swing and slide like you.”
  6. True Love
    True love. What is true love anyway? This phrase was a nightmare for me. As I can see it in my old diaries. I was trap in the illusion of true love :D. When Malika asked, I said what Olaf said, “True love is put someone else’s more than yourself. To sacrifice.”
    “Like a lamb?” She refers to a sacrifice day, Idl Adha.
    “Nooo .... To help other people.” I am not sure this is the right answer ^ ^’
  7.  The Ending Kiss
    Errrrgh ... this is why I don’t like Disney’s movies, they always put a kissing scene, it made me harder to explain. I actually kiss the father of the kids in front of them. K pop mania will said it “bubu” kind of kiss. So when Kristoff kissed Anna, I just said that they have became bride and bridegroom, that is why they allowed to kiss one another.  Not really a lie, right? Just because there are no wedding scene, doesn’t mean it did not happen, right? ^^
  8. Playing Part
    Like always, after seeing a movie or having a moment, Malika and Safir would like to play part. At first, Malika wanted to be Sven. The reindeer. And Safir became the snow giant. A moment when there were lots of growls and slide scenes. But then they developed the part, Malika became Anna, and because Safir is a boy, he was chosen to become Kristoff. And they kissed!!!  *big knock in my head
    After that kiss scene, I told them that brother and sister don’t kiss on the lips. If you want to kiss, kiss the forehead or hugs.
    “But we were just pretend.” Said Malika.
    “Well, even if it just a pretend, you still may not do that.” I said with a sharp voice. This is what I do when I have no smart answer. ^^”
    Then Malika wanted to be Elsa. She asked Safir to become Anna. “Nooo .... Safir is a boy. Not a girl.” Their father was really concern about it. You know, most fathers don’t want their boys to act feminine.
    “But I am the big sister. And Safir is my little brother. That is why he needed to become Anna. Anna is Elsa’s little sister.” Ow keeeeh this genderless perception needs to be grown more. Mommy’s job then.
    “Why don’t you become the snow giant, Safir.” I was trying to distracted Malika’s idea. He shooked.
    “Or Hans! And I’ll be Anna. So we will play the scene where Anna become an ice stone.” I was in a good mood of being creative.
    And they agree. Horray ....
    OK, this is a hard work for me. That is why I avoid horror movies even if it was a comedy. I mean, kids in their ages could still see ‘things’, you know. I no longer watch k pop music video on korean channel, because they become even sexier. I rather watch Breakout to see the cut version of music video. So at least I could hear the music without bothering to explain those kind of thing. Hey, mom is allow to get tired of something, isn’t it? Just make it slowly but sure. J

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